Rossi RS22 Semiauto .22 Rifle, by Pat Cascio

I’ve neglected covering .22 Long Rifle (LR) firearms over the years. My apologies. It wasn’t intentional, believe me. I just get so many centerfire firearms to test, that I’ve been concentrating on them. For many years, I recommended that folks who were starting out as Preppers – or Survivalist – make their first purchase as a pump-action 12 Gauge shotgun – as their main firearm, until such time, as finances permitted, to move on to other firearms, if possible. I was wrong! Today, when new preppers ask me what to get as a first firearm, I recommend a .22 LR …

SIG P239 9 TAC, by Pat Cascio

Anyone who is the least bit familiar with the SIG-Sauer line of handguns, knows that they are outstanding firearms, and in demand. The only downside to this is that all SIG firearms are expensive. They are now made in the USA – thankfully – before that, they were made in Germany, and there was a big price to pay for those guns – with import fees, currency exchange rates, and taxes. Now made in the USA, the price came down quite a bit, but they are still expensive. Keep in-mind that you usually get what you pay for, and SIG firearms …

Kershaw Knives Natrix CF, by Pat Cascio

Kershaw Knives has been in business since around 1974, if memory serves me correctly. The company is here, in my home state of Oregon – my chosen home state. Kershaw isn’t too far from my digs, and I’ve toured their factory several times – but I’m overdue for another visit, as they have grown a lot since my last visit. Kershaw is a division of KAI USA, and they also own Zero Tolerance knives – also made in the same factory, where many of the Kershaw products are made. But note that some Kershaw knives are made overseas, and that …

Springfield XDs 9mm Mod 2 Red Dot, by Pat Cascio

In 2016, I reviewed the then-new Springfield Armory Mod 2 version of their outstanding XDs 9mm pistol – and it was, indeed, an improvement over the original version. Springfield is not a company to sit back and enjoy what they just did, they are always improving on various guns, and in many other cases, they are coming out with completely new versions and model. I like that about a company, if you sit back, you will get left in the dust by competing companies. I’m sure many readers will remember the first Terminator movie, and the “Long slide .45 with …

Kimber America Stainless LW 1911, by Pat Cascio

Long-time SurvivalBlog readers will know that I’m a sucker for a well-made 1911 – in any configuration. However, my thinking has changed over the years. And, with the current climate all around the world, meaning political, and of course, the many wars taking place. I wouldn’t pick any 1911 as my one and only handgun for an End Of The World situation. As I’ve mentioned before, I’d go with a handgun with a larger magazine. Still, I love the 1911, and have carried one on and off duty in law enforcement, and as a civilian. Even to this day, I’ll …

Zero Tolerance 0393GLCF, by Pat Cascio

Some knife designs only last about a year on the market, or so I was told, by the owner of a large knife company.  So, whenever I see a “new” design, that really isn’t new at all, but an updated version, it catches my attention. It takes a lot – a big gamble – for a knife company to come out with the basic same design, it did years ago, but with some updates and improvements. So, it is with the Zero Tolerance 0393GLCF folder that I’ve been testing. Zero Tolerance is a division of KAI Corporation, and they also …

Nutrient Survival Foods, by Pat Cascio

I’m not sure how each of us, lists our priorities for survival. However, I believe we all can agree that, we need water, food, medical gear, and weapons/ammo – and how you prioritize your list, is a personal thing. When (not if) things go “bad” and they are going bad with each passing day – if you get your news off the ‘net, instead of the lamestream “news” media, you will readily recognize that things are going south, a little bit more with each passing day. Riots are a main focus – and much of the “news” media still continues …

Rock Island Armory GI Standard 1911, by Pat Cascio

Most folks don’t realize that more 1911 style of handguns are manufactured in the Philippines than are now being made in the USA. There are actually three main companies making most of the 1911s that come out of the Philippines, but there are a few other smaller manufacturers. Owning 1911s made in Philippines isn’t new to me. I’ve owned more than a dozen, and they came marked with various names on them. Today, we are looking at the Rock Island Armory 1911 GI standard model 1911. It is imported by Armscorp in Nevada. For many years, I carried stock (full-size, 5-inch-barreled) …

Mossberg MC2c, by Pat Cascio

Believe it or not, Mossberg hasn’t made a handgun in about a hundred years. Of course, they are known for their shotguns and rifles, but not for their handguns. Some time ago, I did a review on their MC1sc 9mm handgun, and it is one sweet little shooter in 9mm. It comes with a flat bottom magazine that holds 6-rounds as well as an extended mag that holds 7-rounds, and I much preferred the extended mag for a better grip on the gun. Mossberg promised another 9mm was coming, and it was about a year before I saw the first …

Only One Gun?, by Pat Cascio

I get a lot of questions asked of me, all the time, but many of them are really one in the same question, just phrased a little differently. Over my lifetime, I’ve been asked, literally hundreds of times: “What is your favorite gun…?” or, “If you could only own one gun, what would it be…?” and other similar questions from those seeking a truth or “the” truth about firearms. And, I can’t give a pat answer to these questions and no one else can, either. I can only reply based on my own experiences, the facts and my finding over …

Glock Model 44 Pistol in .22 LR, by Pat Cascio

Look, I don’t care how many firearms you own, if you don’t own at least one firearm chambered in .22 Long Rifle (LR), then you don’t have a survival battery! When I worked for the late Colonel Rex Applegate, he had more than 850 firearms in his collection. Quite a few of them were chambered in .22 LR. If the good Colonel needed firearms in .22 LR, then so do you. For many years, I used to recommend that the first firearm people purchased, should have been a 12 gauge shotgun of some type. I was wrong! I honestly believe …

Ruger AR vs. Springfield Armory AR, by Pat Cascio

I’ve had a few requests for doing another AR versus AR article, since I did one several years back. I personally don’t like doing any sort of “Versus” firearms articles, because it is difficult, if not impossible, to remain totally unbiased. In the end, a person will usually like one firearm over another, and probably for no solid reason – just a personal bias. However, I will lay out my findings for our readers and you be the judge when you finish this article. Right now, AR-15 styles of rifles are difficult to come by, because of all the violence …

Gear Review: Morisk Waterproof Flashlight/Plasma Lighter, by The Novice

According to the ancient Greeks, Prometheus lay the foundation of civilization by stealing fire from the gods and giving it to mankind. The mythology of the ancient Greeks does not accurately represent the one true God, His holy character, or His plan of redemption. But the Greeks were remarkably perceptive regarding the role of fire as the foundation of civilization. Heat, light, protection from wild animals, food preparation, the forging of metal tools, and a host of other possibilities all lay hidden within the glow of a tiny flame. Effective fire starting is so foundational to survival, that I try …

Bushnell Powerview 2 Binoculars, by Pat Cascio

I don’t pretend to be an “expert” in anything – just a serious student, or many things. Having spent 35 years in the martial arts, and I have Black Belt rank in five different styles of martial arts disciplines, I don’t consider myself an expert – just a serious student. I’m just like most folks, just a hard-working stiff, who demands the most for my hard-earned dollars, so that means I shop around – most of the time – for things I need or want. At times, it is difficult to walk away from a particular firearm, but if the …

Springfield Armory Ronin Compact M1911, by Pat Cascio

Having spent 35-years in the martial arts, I knew what the word “Ronin” meant, but many people don’t. The short story is that a Ronin is an out of work Samurai – one who has no master to serve. I can understand Springfield Armory selecting this term for their newest 1911, and I’m only going to cover their newest model, and it is a lightweight model, with a 4.25-inch barrel.  (Commonly called “Commander” size.) To put it bluntly, the Springfield Ronin, is in search of a brave person, a man (or woman) of honor, and this Ronin wants to serve …