Recipe of the Week:

Keri’s Whole Wheat Bread 1 ½  cups hot tap water 3 Tablespoons oil ¼ cup honey + molasses to equal 1/3 cup       (or about 1 ½ Tablespoons molasses) ½ Tablespoon salt 4 cups whole wheat flour ½ Tablespoon **active dry yeast Put ingredients in the order your bread maker requires. Dry ingredients first or liquid ingredients first.  I use the dough setting and then bake in the oven.   When dough is ready to shape,  pour out dough and stretch into a rectangle.  It will be a little sticky.  On floured board, roll up loaf like you do …

Recipe of the Week:

R.G.’s Cinnamon & Spice Cookies Here is an old family favorite.  This fits right in with SurvivalBlog as it stores well and travels well. 4 cups of flour 1 1/2 cups of sugar 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 5 egg yolks 1 egg white (set additional egg whites aside) 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon of ground allspice 1 cup of honey, warmed Sift dry ingredients on a board or in a bowl. Add eggs and enough honey to make a medium stiff dough. roll out to about 1/8 inch thick. Cut into 2-inch rounds …

Recipe of the Week:

Recipe of the Week D.T.C. in Maryland’s Favorites Hot Milk Cake: 2-eggs 1/2 c. milk 1 Tbsp. butter 3/4 c. Sugar 1c Flour 1 tsp – Baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 Tbsp. vanilla Pre-heat oven to 325 deg. 1) Put milk and butter in saucepan on low heat. Melt butter into milk. Do not let milk boil, but it should “steam”. 2) Mix eggs and vanilla together until “airy” then add, slowly, the sugar to the egg/vanilla mix until dissolved. 3) In a separate bowl, add the remaining dry ingredients and blend well. 4) Slowly add the dry ingredients …

Recipe of the Week

Ken E.’s Chicken and Stuffing   Ingredients:   1/2 lb of Chicken or 2 Chicken Breasts. 1 can of Cream of Mushroom soup. 1 box of instant stuffing. 3 sticks of celery. 1 cup of water.   In a crock pot, or Dutch oven place the raw chicken and chopped celery and can of cream of mushroom soup set on low heat. cook for 3 hours or until chicken is just past pink. In a separate container add the stuffing mix and 1 cup of water and mix well. Add the stuffing to the chicken and soup mixture. Serve. This …

Recipe Of The Week:

Pumpkin Soup, by Mrs. R.L.B. Pumpkins store very well, which makes this a great recipe to have on hand. I have made this with a variety of pumpkins and other winter squash, including butternut squash, but I have also used some pretty odd looking varieties of squash out of curiosity at the store. (If it kind of looks like a pumpkin, it will probably work. ) This soup has always come out great despite my experimentation.  When you plant your pumpkins, consider planting a variety so that you have a better chance of growing and storing successfully.   Two tricks to better storage of pumpkins are: 1) to let …

Recipe of the Week

Dale in Tennessee’s Bean Stretcher A favorite of mine as tested among our group and deemed worthy after being served at a church pot luck. I came up with this after pondering a few days on how to mix some of the random stored food we keep on hand in our pantry. We have enjoyed the various canned Bush’s Grillin Beans for the robust flavor and stock them by the case on our shelves but I wanted a way to make a meal out of them instead of having just a side dish. Solution: Black bean fiesta grillin beans as …

Recipe of the Week:

Wolf Brother’s Hardtack Based on the Civil War Recipe: Army Hardtack Recipe Ingredients: 4 cups flour (preferably whole wheat) 4 teaspoons salt Water (about 2 cups) Pre-heat oven to 375° F Makes about 10 pieces depending on how you size them. Instructions Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl. Add just enough water (less than two cups) so that the mixture will stick together, producing a dough that won’t stick to hands etc. Mix the dough by hand. Roll the dough out, shaping it roughly into a rectangle.   What I did was to roll it into a cookie …

Recipe of the Week:

Recipe of the Week Today we present the first installment of a new column, “Recipe of the Week”. (As suggested by Mrs. M.T. in Alaska.) These will primarily be recipes for storage food. Most weeks we will also feature at least one link to other web sites and blogs that have useful recipes and austere environment cooking resources. Do you have a favorite recipe that you have tested extensively? We are particularly looking for recipes with an emphasis on: storage foods, wild game, home-raised livestock and garden produce, and austere cooking methods (such as solar ovens, Dutch ovens, and so …