Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“There are, in fact and practice, two divisions of BATFE: they are Arbitrary, and Capricious. Everything they do has to have approval from one, and ideally both, divisions, before it gets handed down from on high as verbum dei. For some decades, that hurdle has not been too cumbersome on their limited intellects to allow passage of all manner of nonsense, being a speed bump the height of which is measured in layers of paint on a flat surface. Give their explosives lab to FBI, shift alcohol and tobacco revenue collection (sans any law enforcement capability whatsoever) over to Commerce, …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Survival” means living through an involuntary situation of extended duration where death is a likely outcome. If it’s a voluntary situation it’s a misadventure. If it’s of short duration it’s a narrow escape. A lost hunter who overnights in the woods had a bad day. If he’s mauled by a bear but lives, he had a close call. It’s not survival. Stranded on an Arctic island is survival. It’s survival when you’re forced to make daily life-or-death choices, often between bad and worse, forced to discriminate ruthlessly between wants and needs, and to not obsess over the situation or its …