Odds ‘n Sods:

The Fiscal health of all 50 states. o o o Oath Keepers Urge Preparation For Economic Collapse: America Running Out Of Time. Support Teams Urged.. – C.W. o o o Firearms Of Frogmen. There are some very interesting photographs here. – T.P. o o o Russia’s ‘superweapon’ can switch off satellites and enemy weapons. – G.P. o o o Jade Helm, Terrorist Attacks, Surveillance and Other Fairy Tales for a Gullible Nation. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

This is an interesting series of short videos about Jack Hinson’s one man war. In Part 4, he talks about how the farm families suffered under occupation. – T.J. o o o Oregon Is First State to Charge Drivers for Each Mile They Drive. – B.B. o o o 6 DIY Projects to Protect Your Digital Privacy. – T.J. o o o Once it’s on the Internet, it’s permanent. How Bankruptcy Can Affect Social Media. – K.F.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pound Sand, Your Honor! More Americans Want States to Ignore Federal Courts o o o SurvivalBlog reader T.P. sends in a warning about newswatch33.com. Apparently they are reporting fake racial violence stories attempting to agitate the issue. Beware anything that traces its source back to them! o o o Training, training, training!! In this video (from last year) a pawnshop in Springdale, Arkansas is robbed at gunpoint by two men. Watch the bad guy in the red hoodie after the store owner shoots his partner. He has already drawn his weapon and pointed it at the other store employee (presumably …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An interesting multi-part look at the history of the ancient world: Production Versus Plunder o o o Government Trolls Are Using “Psychology-Based Influence Techniques” On YouTube, Facebook And Twitter – H.L. o o o Hackers Installed Sophisticated Malware on U.S. Computers. Why Doesn’t Anyone Care? – G.P. o o o Tragic tale of the German who wouldn’t salute Hitler Lives, families, fortunes, and honor. – G.P. o o o Americans Don’t Deserve to Celebrate July 4th This Year. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Top sheriff: America now ruled by ‘oligarchy’. – H.L. o o o Schools Implant IUDs in Girls as Young as 6th Grade Without Their Parents Knowing. – D.S. o o o Surplus military Humvees heading to the highway?. – T.J. o o o 128 Unaccompanied Alien Children Caught At Mexican Border Per Day In May. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Survey of 382 U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies Shows Far Greater Concern about Anti-Government Extremists than about Islamic Terrorists. – H.L. o o o Video: Standing For Biblical Marriage- Righteous Resistance (5 Minutes) – JFJ o o o This Picture and Video Explain Exactly Why Doomsday Preppers Are Getting Ready For An Imminent Collapse. – B.B. o o o With This Device You Can Connect Anonymously To Wi-Fi 2.5 Miles Away. – J.M. o o o A Picture Every Time You Buy Something? Mastercard Beta Testing ‘Selfie’ Facial Recognition This Fall – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Texas Clinics Turning Away Unvaccinated Children. – H.L. o o o The Supreme Court and Judicial Review. – B.B. o o o Ohio: Governor signs budget bill – media access loophole is closed Good news for Ohio Concealed Handgun License Holders. – R.H. o o o ISIS Publishes Map of July 4th FBI Command Centers. – B.B. o o o 7 Survival Skills You Can Barter With. – D.S.

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Radio Free Redoubt: The Coming Persecution… What’s a patriot to do? (Ten Steps) o o o Nearly one in three Americans owns a gun – ASB HJL Adds: I read this article three times, and I’m still not exactly sure what it is I read. It’s almost like I was reading Michelle Obama’s thesis, but I think it was about more gun control. o o o FBI investigating 11 attacks on San Francisco-area Internet lines. – G.P. o o o TSA Official Tweets Photo of Passenger’s Luggage Contents. – G.P. o o o The Emergence Of Orwellian Newspeak And …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Federal Judge Orders Brady Center to Pay Ammo Dealer’s Legal Fees After Dismissing Lawsuit – D.S. o o o New Jacksonville, FL Bill would make it Illegal to Back into Your Own Driveway – T.P. HJL adds: The author of this bill is obviously not a fireman and has never spent time around a firehouse. For those who don’t know, pulling in front-wise to parking spots and then having to back out in a hurry or in an emergency is a sure-fire way of getting people hurt or killed. Emergency personnel know to take the extra time and back into …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A consulting client asked about sources for military surplus vehicles. One auction firm that is reputable is GovPlanet.com. But as with buying any used vehicle, caveat emptor! – JWR o o o Slave or Rebel? Ten Principles for Escaping the Matrix and Standing Up to Tyranny Some Americans are beginning to realize that they are slaves, and that if they don’t act soon they will find themselves imprisoned in the electronic. – H.L. o o o Tom Hammond’s Soldering Tips. – T.P. o o o ‘Sneak & peek’ warrants allow police to secretly enter homes without notice. – H.L. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The End Of Constitutional Government. – B.B. o o o The Real Reason for the Anti-Confederate Flag Hysteria. – D.S. o o o IRS Employees Can Use ‘Password’ As A Password? No Wonder We Get Hacked. – PLC o o o Congress can halt same-sex ‘marriage’ in tracks. – D.S. o o o With knife murders spiking after gun ban, UK urges “Save a life-surrender your knife”. – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Roberts Court and Dissolution of Co-Equal Branches of Government. – B.B. o o o Democracy Is Dying; Persecution Is Coming. – B.B. o o o The law of unintended consequences: SCOTUS Ruling On Same-Sex Marriage Mandates Nationwide Concealed Carry Reciprocity . – G.P. o o o Scalia: Supreme Court now a ‘threat to American democracy’. – G.P. o o o Video: Franklin Graham: Christians should prepare for persecution

Odds ‘n Sods:

U.S. Power Grid Being Hit With ‘Increasing’ Hacking Attacks, Government Warns . – G.G. o o o Uber’s Anti-Gun Policy Is Working Out Really Well For Armed Robbers. – D.S. o o o SurvivalBlog reader B.L. suggests that this might be a good time to set up an Australian redoubt: Australia is selling a ranch the size of New Jersey o o o Cliven Bundy will be held accountable, Interior secretary says. – B.B. o o o The OPM Infobomb Explodes. – JFJ

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cockroach bot that can squeeze through the tiniest of gaps. – H.L. o o o You’re being secretly tracked with facial recognition, even in church . – B.B. o o o Most California farmers ignoring water restrictions. – S.B. o o o ‘Finish the mission, kill slave masters’. We are in dark times it seems. All this over a nut that cracked and did a horrible thing. No mentions for the most part on the news of the murdered family in Washington D.C. by a really crazy evil person as well. Seems that’s okay. This flag issue is really a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Supreme Court says government seizure of raisins is unconstitutional. Wait… was that actual logic that came out of the SCOTUS? – MtH o o o Spy Agency’s Secret Plans to Foster Online “Conformity” and “Obedience” Exposed. – H.L. o o o Seven Deadly Sins Map – Where Does Your State Fall?. – G.P. HJL adds: Once again, the American Redoubt region ranks favorably. The methodology used to calculate the results is as interesting as it is humorous. o o o They Won the Vote, But Lost the ‘Trust of the American People’. – P.M. o o o Don’t forget that …