Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader T.Z. suggested this link profiling an excellent book review: From Sun Tzu to Fourth Generation War o o o Robert Griswold (of Ready Made Resources – A SurvivalBlog advertiser) was interviewed on The Common Sense Show by Dave Hodges. There is some excellent information in this interview about surviving a terrorist attack like those that have just happened in Paris. With the holiday season upon us, this is information you need. o o o Man cave? or Apocalypse bunker?In any case, I’m not sure why you would advertise this to the world-at-large, but perhaps you can garner a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large comes this link showing groundwater resources: New study maps Earth’s hidden groundwater for the first time o o o Four Dead, 1 Million Lose Power in Destructive Northwest Windstorm (Article and auto starting video) o o o Emphasizing the need for situational awareness, SurvivalBlog reader T.Z. sent in the link to this article on the Paris attacks: Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and shooters fired rifles from the hip o o o Only hours after “He who must not be named” taunted the GOP with being afraid …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Several readers recommended the excellent documentary: Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law o o o The count is now at 15 governors who have said they will reject the “refugees”. Obama faces insurrection – State governors are refusing to accept more refugees As a friend so aptly put it: “If you were given 10 grapes and told two of them were poison, and you couldn’t tell which two, would you eat any of them?” o o o The “Big Boys” have the tools, now “Jr Varsity” ISIS wants them too. Britain warns of ISIS plotting deadly cyberattacks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader D.E. writes in with the comment: “It’s a sad day in the land of the free and home of the brave when Microsoft must move it’s data centers to Germany to give their users a smidgen of data privacy from their own government.” o o o From D.S.: Texas warns Obama: No Syrian refugees here! – The lines are being drawn. Texas, Idaho, New Mexico and others are saying no; Washington says yes. Which state did you want to live in? o o o B.B. sent in this link to an excellent article on the average Americans response …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.C. sent in a link to an interesting article on gardening in Colonial America: How Americans Gardened 260 Years Ago o o o You are probably already aware of most of this content, but while the media wants to claim that ISIS came out of nowhere, the truth is far more concerning. U.S. policy has direct links to its creation. Video: Origin of ISIS. Sent in by J.C. o o o Still not convinced that all of Islam is bad? How about hearing from their own lips that there is no such thing as Islamic Extremists; there is only Islamic: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Avalanche Lily suggested this link to Frank and Fern’s Blog: One More Wake Up Call Paris is indeed a tragedy, but are you prepared for the eventuality of the same kind of issues here? o o o SurvivalBlog reader P.J. states that Patrice Lewis hits that nail on the head with this article about the recent Million Student March: To The Tantrum Generation: Forget College and further notes that it dovetails nicely with our third place winner in round 53 of the Writing Contest, Getting A Real Education– Why Becoming Self-Sufficient Is Better Than Going To College, by D.T. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

When will they get it through their heads that this is not a religion of peace. It never was, it is not, and it never will be. ‘Behead them in their own homes’: Ohio ISIS Muslim plotted to kill US soldiers, bomb churches, schools Wrap your head around the fact that this one worked in a hospital. o o o Reader T.Z. sent in this link to an excellent article on Perimeter Defense written by a Vietnam Vet. o o o U.S. universities have traditionally been bastions of liberal thinking, but the total absence of logic and common sense? It’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you! SurvivalBlog reader C.T. sent in the link to this video, and there isn’t much that isn’t disturbing and offensive about this video (taken directly from news reports regarding the “refugee” crises in Europe): The Anti-migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe. Consequences of the liberal non-existent immigration policies. o o o Reader G.P. sent in the link to this interesting breakthrough in water filtering: Scientists develop ‘nanopores’ that inexpensively filter the salt out of seawater o o o Space debris to collide with Earth today. – Sent in by G.P. o o o The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader L.N. notified us of the upcoming movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. It’s in post production now, scheduled for release in January. o o o Ryan (over at Total Survivalist) recommended a great 4-minute video primer by Kyle Lamb on practical concealed carry options. o o o Worried about access to doctors after TSHTF? It may not matter as much as you have been led to believe! Annual Physicals May Do More Harm Than Good Link sent in by D.S. o o o Reader T.Z. informed us of a new book about to be published. Sounds …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ready Made Resources is having a Veterans Day sale. They are adding two boxes of Infrared Chemical Lights (a $70 value) and a Surface Trip flare for those Chemical Lights (a $25 value) to either the PVS-14 3rd Gen+ or the PVS-14 2nd Gen+ Night Vision packages. All standard accessories come with the units along with a 10 year warranty. They also have a one week return policy if you are not 100% satisfied. Thank you, Veterans, for your service. o o o This is a very uncomfortable thought. Sniper Attack on California Electrical Grid an Inside Job? (CNN) – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

On Both Sides Of The Atlantic: Coming Soon To The Politically-Vulnerable Near You. Puppetmasters don’t move an underground irregular military into your community out of “compassion”, any more than they agitate low-achievement and frustrated isolates and enclaves already among you into becoming the pawns of irregular militaries (e.g.: The “New” Black Panthers) of the future, out of “compassion”. Acid or base is not added to a previously-stable compound out of empathy for the acid or base; it’s added to move pH and destabilize the compound, so that it can be altered–an old thing destroyed, a new thing made of its …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader R.F. sent in a link to this instructable on creating a Water Treatment Train. o o o One drawback to municipal water systems? You have to trust those who manage it to keep your health in mind, acting in your best interests. Officials Secretly Added Cancer-Causing Chemicals to City’s Water Supply Fail! – Sent in by T.A. o o o More details are beginning to emerge in the death of an Idaho rancher: Idaho rancher’s wife: ‘I saw them (cops) murder my husband’. Investigators are actively seeking eye witnesses. Sent in by RBS. o o o The Federal …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sent in by GJM: When Collapse Is Cheaper and More Effective Than Reform o o o As the White House continues with its headlong charge into stifling small business and generating tax revenue with the “climate change” narrative, yet another blow is dealt. Apparently, the decision is: Who needs facts when they don’t support your desires. o o o FOAB: The Armament In The Hands Of The World Leader Who, You Know, Actually Goes Out And Accomplishes Stuff… Just In Time For The Christmas Shopping Season—The Russians Have A New “Green-Friendly” Bomb and An Even Newer Incentive To Use It …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bill Would Force Gun Dealers to Sell Smart Guns JWR”s Comment: This has the same pungent barnyard odor of Obamacare FORCING people to buy health insurance. And in this case, since there are only a couple of brands of “smart guns” on the market, this is also in effect an unconstitutional Bill of Attainder. o o o So, you think you’re a manly man, do you? Try this on for size: The Sioux Guide to Mental and Physical Toughness Sent in by W.A. o o o SurvivalBlog reader G.G. sent in this link about The White House is prepping for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This news story from St. Louis somehow reminds me of the Tax Man character from the Popeye movie. o o o Could Mount St Helens be about to erupt? Massive magma chamber found below the volcano may reveal clues about future explosions “Geologists still consider Mount St. Helens to be of high risk of erupting” got preps? Sent in by G.P. o o o Russia flexing its muscles in the absence of the leader of the free world: Russia Test-fires Series Of Nuclear Missiles During Strategic Drills Those bomb shelters are starting to look appealing again. o o o Hmm, …