Odds ‘n Sods:

MtH wrote in: “It is asking a lot to watch this whole documentary that I stumbled on regarding Waco…remember back in 1993 when we had our presidential pervert and his felonious ‘mate’ (I’m being extremely kind), who is now expected to be our next president. It presents a very thoughtful fact-based approach to the Fed’s (mis)handling of the Waco incident. If you fast forward to around minute 1:34 (94 minutes into the documentary), you will see even more damning information on our expected next president. If you have about two hours and don’t mind becoming even more upset with those …

Odds ‘n Sods:

McClatchy News reports; The Panama Papers Scandal Grows–Now is Sticking to the Formerly Teflon Clintons o o o Venezuela nears total collapse as government now unable to provide food, water, electricity and protection for citizens – Sent in by C.L. o o o Jane Fonda, stumping for Hillary Clinton – Predicts Violence due to “Toxic Masculinity” – Will somebody, please tell this Marxist shill that her 15 minutes of fame ended while she was seated on a Hanoi Anti-Aircraft gun in 1972? – T.P. o o o Nothing to see here… move along; there is no corruption here: Texas Judge …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Facebook to Use Image Recognition Software to Crackdown on Gun Sellers? – And we continue to use these social media giants, freely giving them that which is most valuable to them. o o o Scientists Fear ‘the Big One’ is COMING as FOUR Major Earthquakes Strike in 48 Hours – Sent in by DSV. o o o SurvivalBlog reader DMS writes in: “An odd piece of equipment for your preps. A tens unit. I use one almost daily and see many uses in TEOTWAWKI, especially instead of pain meds you don’t have. They can be bought at any pharmacy, but …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Twitter Kills Pro-Second Amendment Ad Campaign. It’s not the fact that Twitter censors free speech on their network that bothers me; it is, after all, a private network. No. What bothers me is the fact that we keep using it, knowing that they do this. – DSV o o o As we continually discover, it’s hard to “one-up” nature: A Massive Solar EMP Could Do More Damage Than A Nuclear EMP! – RBS o o o More nonsense from the institution of higher learning: Clinical Law Prof Questions Indoctrinating Students With Social Justice Morality And Requiring Pro Bono By Students, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

It was only a matter of time before this tool was used for the nefarious purpose of “casing”: Hillside residents report ‘Peeping Tom’ drone outside their windows – DSV o o o Publicly funded education is dead – The Re-Education Camps We Call Universities – B.B. o o o A governor who gets it: Maine Gov. Signs Bill Prohibiting Gun Bans in Public Housing – Sent in by H.L. o o o How to Build a Storm Shelter – If you are going to the trouble of building the shelter, it might not be a bad idea to add EMP …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Just 8 Miles Outside Texas Border, This Islamic Camp Exists – Guess Who Aids Them – Sent in by B.B. o o o Two court rulings that send a disturbing message: Florida Court Gives Police Right To Detain Innocent Passengers – Sent in by RBS Court Rules Police Can Legally Make Up Lies to Pull People Over to Fish for Criminal Behavior – Sent in by Mr. Natural o o o Skynet, here we come: Russia Building Nuclear-Armed Drone Submarine – DMS o o o Surveillance cameras sold on Amazon infected with malware. It pays to know your sources. The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

APPROPRIATE THIS! The Social Justice Warriors – the first warriors to faint at the sight of a penknife – have a new weapon to show off their unearned moral superiority: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, where mainstream culture steals from minorities without being “authentic.” Surprisingly Bill Whittle agrees with this and has a list of grievances all his own. Link sent in by B.B. o o o Learning what not to do at a gun range by example – video: Don’t do this! o o o Can’t afford a Berkey? DIY Ceramic Water Filter Kits, Revisited – Sent in by DMS o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Arrogance to the nth power: Obama Administration Doesn’t Care Anymore, Releases Fast And Furious Documents o o o Violence becoming the norm at Dearborn’s businesses – Sent in by B.B. o o o Shock: Man Who Called 911 To Report Walmart Threat To Be Charged After POLICE Shoot and Kill Suspect o o o How a Cashless Society Could Embolden Big Brother “But wherever information gathers and flows, two predators follow closely behind it: censorship and surveillance. The case of digital money is no exception. Where money becomes a series of signals, it can be censored; where money becomes information, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Venezuela Burning “Venezuela is immolating itself, right now– hyperinflation is rampant, shortages of food and every other necessity are now a normal and ongoing conditions, violent crime is everywhere, kidnapping for profit is skyrocketing, and there are more murders per-capita per-month in Caracas than anywhere else in the world.” – JFJ o o o DSV sent in this link to 10 Thrifty Garden Hacks to Save Cash and Make Life Easier o o o CIA’s Venture Capital Arm Is Funding Skin Care Products That Collect DNA – Beauty Secrets of the Spies – Sent in by P.M. o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The nanny state strikes again: Education Texas School Bans Parents From Walking Children Onto and From School Property — and Principal Is ‘Threatening to Arrest’ Those Who Try – D.S. o o o While we are on the subject of Marxist Indoctrination/Re-education Facilities public schools: 10 Ridiculous Instances Of Zero Tolerance In Schools – Sent in by DSV. o o o If you travel by air, you may want to think twice about using these airports. Did you know that 297 U.S. airports do NOT screen employees before work on a daily basis…not even Muslim employees. Of course, I’m finding …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Meet the survivalists hoarding bee pollen and preparing for apocalypse – DMS o o o It’s not enough to promote the belittling of human life, now this: Walking Dead TV Series – Programming the Public for Martial Law – Sent in by T.P. o o o Reader G.P. sent in the link to this nifty device for storing your tools. Pretty great if your GOOD vehicle is a Jeep. Rampage Trail Can Locking Toolbox w Compartments o o o Either he never learns or this is intentional. Either way, chances are good we will see these two again and they …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just heard that Ready Made Resources (one of our long-time advertisers) has added Tac-Con 3MR triggers for AR-10s and AR-15s to their product line. They are ATF-approved as a legal semi-automatic trigger group. This video shows one in action. Amazing! o o o For those looking for a “more traditional” way of obtaining gold, the Gold Rush Nugget Bucket might just be the key. – Sent in by DSV. o o o Retired U.S. Tax Court Judge Indicted For Tax Evasion While She Sat On The Court – CPL o o o Is it a camper or a boat? …

Odds ‘n Sods:

James Wesley, Rawles was a recent guest on “The Alex Jones Show”. You can listen to the interview on YouTube. Scroll forward to the 5-minute mark for the beginning of the interview. o o o Further evidence of the breakdown of the “Rule of Law” – Cop Goes Nuts When Told “God Bless You”. There is no question that as society breaks down, the job of cops gets harder, but they are held to a higher standard and they are not making it. – T.P. o o o Revealed: How Associated Press Cooperated with the Nazis Note: LevinTV also aired …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Serious Smoking Guns on Hitlery, written by a liberal: Do I Really Need to Worry About Hillary’s Emails? Yes. She Should Be Indicted. (Full Form) o o o Spooked Neighbor Shoots Drone Out of the Sky As It Performed Legal Surveillance for Construction Company – Sent in by W.G. o o o Since a drivers license is not required to ride a bicycle, I’m curious how these “speeding tickets” are issued. Papers please! Marin County Cops Using Radar Guns to Ticket speeding BICYCLISTS (Subscription required to read the full story.) – Sent in by T.P. o o o Other Than …

Odds ‘n Sods:

AR owners might find this video of a binary trigger test of interest: FosTech Echo Trigger First Look. o o o Police want to use residential, business surveillance cameras – Sounds like an innocent request, but it’s not. First, they politely asked, but you decline. Second, they threaten you with obstruction and start a harassment campaign. Third, they make it law. Fourth, they make it law that they have full remote access. Fifth, I remove my cams. – DMS o o o SurvivalBlog reader D.B. sent in this link and just made my day: Video: Obama FURIOUS After Judge Jeanine …