Odds ‘n Sods:

I just noticed that the price of the Rawles XL Voyager knife has been reduced by Cold Steel. it is now priced at $69.99 with free shipping for Amazon Prime members. The reviews that have been posted are overwhelmingly positive. Note that ALL of the profits from the sale of these knives are going to charity. Order yours before they sell out. (It is a limited edition knife.) – JWR o o o Wells Fargo to Hogue Inc: We won’t do business with weapons manufacturers. – G.G. o o o The trend continues: Biggest July to date for NICS background …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Interested in a ghillie suit? Keep Shooting has a closeout sale on Red Rock 5-Piece Ghillie Suits. They are woodland camouflage and it comes with everything you need for concealment, including a rifle wrap for only $49.95. o o o This is one tough guy! Modern-day ‘caveman’ has lived in cavern for 40 years – H.L. o o o “We’re Here To Help?” Feds Go Door-To-Door In Florida Demanding Urine Samples Amid Zika Outbreak – H.L. o o o What nobody is telling the public about a large sugar recall – RBS o o o Kalifornia strikes again: California to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Turkey cancels 50,000 passports as President Erdogan tightens noose around suspected dissidents after failed coup o o o This unusual new listing in Texas posted over at SurvivalRealty.com caught my eye: Former Military Base – Nike Missile Site. Note: It is just one of more than 275 retreat properties available, through the site. Take a look. You will be amazed by many of these properties! o o o Hillary Is a Menshevik. The Bolshevik/Menshevik crisis we saw in the first stages of the Russian Revolution is bubbling to the surface in our country through the Democratic Party. – H.L. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A bit technical in reading, but ShepherdFarmerGeek sent in this link to a study analyzing fatal wounding patterns of civilian active shooter events vs military fatal wounding patterns. The conclusion: “We found that the overall wounding pattern and the fatal wounding pattern following civilian active shooter events differ from combat injuries. There were no deaths from exsanguinating extremity wounds. As such, we discourage the current myopic focus on hemorrhage control for civilians. Instead, we urge that the tenets of civilian-based TECC be implemented across the entire prehospital trauma spectrum, and we further recommend studying this strategy to affirm its benefit.” …

Odds ‘n Sods:

It will take awhile, but this could be areas of America within a few years! Another reason to treasure our 2nd Amendment. Germany Admits “Islamist Terror Has Arrived” As It Prepares To Deploy Army In “Crisis” Situations – H.L. o o o Paris at war in 2016, yet the there is a media silence – K.T. o o o Marion Le Pen: ‘Either We Kill Islamism or It Will Kill Us’ o o o Some good news from Scottland – The state wide child snooping law has been shown for what is is. Five unanimous judges struck it down. – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Police Groups Push Back Against Curbs on Acquiring Military Gear. Following attacks in Dallas and Baton Rouge, law enforcement intensifies efforts to reverse Obama restrictions – T.P. o o o U.S. City Rolls Over For Radical Mosque. Excerpt: “A radical mosque known for breeding terrorists has been granted special privileges by the city of Bloomington, Minnesota, which allows its members to take over a public park and treat it as their own, to the exclusion of other residents, according to complaints filed by a citizens group.” – RBS o o o Chainsaw Vs. Fire Hose Pants – Not that you …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Worlds Made By Hand – The Burning Platform compares Jim Kinstler’s World made by Hand dystopian series with the current warped egocentric pre-economic collapsed America. o o o In Politically Polarized U.S., State Secession Talk Gains Steam o o o Reader BogG suggested this guide to home canning o o o Got food? Ol’ Remus reminds us why we do what we do. Thanks to reader P.W. for the link. o o o Our advertiser Gun Mag Warehouse had a security breach recently. Unlike most companies that try to hide and cover it up, they were upfront and brought in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The OTC Med. That Can Kill You: New warning admits popular painkiller causes liver damage, death… – K.T. HJL Comments: This is, of course, nothing new. The dangers of acetaminophen are well known. However, the drug continues to be used because it is one of the most effective at what it does and in the recommended doses, does not cause organ damage. What does need to change is the axiom “if a little is good, then alot must be better.” That is what causes the damage. Do not exceed the recommended doses! An overdose of acetaminophen will surely kill you; …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The fallout from the Wikileaks DNC emails continues. While the media is mostly focusing on the DNC’s preference for Hillary over Sanders, the real damage is in other news. CBS reports that the DNC demanded media executives remove personnel off the air for what they just said, and revealed fake craigslist job postings designed to humiliate Republicans. The Daily Caller is reporting that the documents show plans to reward big donors with federal appointments. The corruption runs deep in the DNC. – Thanks to readers D.S and S.C. for the links. o o o BBC Scrubs ‘Ali’ From Munich Killer’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Coup Attempt in Turkey: A Feast of Pretexts o o o Black Lives Matter near Union Station in Washington DC on July 20. Note the presence of police. “Protesters let black people through blocked locations but not white people,” (WTTG) – T.P. o o o France: After the Third Jihadist Attack – D.S. o o o Michigan Goes Total Police State With Roadside Saliva Check Points – H.L. o o o Video (1 minute): Bizarre behavior from Clinton– M.T.

Odds ‘n Sods:

More information on the therapist shooting in Miami: North Miami SWAT Cop Shot Therapist In Order To “Save” Him From Unarmed Autistic Man – DSV o o o An excellent treatise on dealing with the anti-police sentiment brewing in America: Fixing The Problem – K.T. o o o A recall on AR500 Armor Level III Body Armor. If your armor is manufactured between February 2016 and March 2016 you need to get in touch with the manufacturer (844-887-8824 or www.ar500armor.com) o o o It’s like the rabbit hole in Alice and Wonderland: German Officials Respond to Migrant’s Axe Attack by …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A mother’s diary of collapse in Venezuela – Link sent in by T.K. o o o Massachusetts Attorney General “Reinterprets” Law, Banning Thousands of Semi-Auto Rifles o o o Here is a small sampling of some of the new listings at SurvivalRealty.com: Off grid homes in Arizona (Bug Out in Style, Well, Solar, Back Up Generator), Idaho (Luxury in the Wild! Offgrid Lodge, Springs, Pond), Montana (Off the Grid in Montana), Texas (Complete Nacogdoches County Retreat) A 4,600 acre cattle ranch in Wyoming – space and water for a whole community! Secluded acreage available in Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A Mormon Tycoon Wants to Build Joseph Smith’s Mega-Utopia in Vermont o o o Say what?! The L.A. Times has Quite Obviously Lost It’s Mind! – Suggests military will revolt if Trump is Elected If there was any doubt that the main stream media has lost all credibility, this should cinch the deal. – T.P. o o o Video: Making Charcoal. I love watching this guy. It reminds me of the important skills we have lost and of all the modern conveniences that I love. – K.C. o o o Crossing the line: No more knock-off AR-15s in Massachusetts, says …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Life Imitates Art Department: In my most recent novel Land Of Promise, I fictionally warned about “The Sharia Renditions” –mass extraditions of political dissidents by Muslim countries, from western countries. I posited that the interlocking web of extradition treaties might someday be used to ensnare more than just common criminals. Well, now we read that Erdogan’s radicalized Muslim government is summarily issuing job dismissals and issuing arrest warrants and extradition requests for thousands of Turks, some living abroad, on their Enemies Of The State list. The individuals include military officers, school teachers, legislators, judges, journalists, and many more. This is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Middle-class Venezuelans liquidate savings to stockpile food o o o Video: Mike Adams suggests a method to keep TSA agents from stealing valuables from your suitcase, using an inexpensive Kryptonite retractable cable lock. o o o Sheriff David Clarke Throw Down Against CNN’s Don Lemon Over Black Lives Matter – Link sent in by C.T. o o o German police kill Afghan teen after train axe attack – A.S. o o o Deranged California Politician Is Blaming The NRA For Baton Rouge Cop Murders