Odds ‘n Sods:

Over a Thousand Motorists Stranded by the Flood: Are You Prepped for Something Like This? How long could you survive? – H.L. o o o Ron Paul: Election 2016 – Liberty Loses No Matter Who Wins o o o Brotherhood-linked leader tells Muslims to change Sioux Falls, convert non-Muslims (VIDEO) – B.B. o o o U.N. Peacekeepers, U.S. Embassy Stand Down As American Aid Workers Beaten, Raped In Sudan – C.L. o o o Clinton Wants Politicians to Fight American Gun Owners, aka the Gun Lobby “The only gun lobby is the millions of voluntary citizen members of the National …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Facing Down the Panopticon – A frank discussion on minimizing your exposure – P.S. o o o AG Lynch Announces Global Police Force Partnership With UN – B.B. o o o Burn Down White Suburbs, Sister of Man Killed by Milwaukee Police Urges Rioters – DSV o o o Orwellian California Bill: Reporters Can’t Post Undercover Videos – H.L. o o o Hackers can see everything you type on your smartphone – DSV

Odds ‘n Sods:

(So-called) Justice Department Prevented FBI Probe Of Clinton Foundation; Reporters Slam State Department Stonewalling o o o After taking a break for a few weeks, Ryan, over at Total Survivalist, is back to making regular posts. Welcome back! o o o Above the law? What is Obama’s daughter smoking? Malia Obama snapped ‘smoking cannabis’ at music festival – KMC o o o ‘Black Lives Matter’ Rioters Target Whites For Beat Downs. “Video footage shows violent mobs of ‘Black Lives Matter’ rioters targeting white people for brutal beat downs during last night’s unrest in Milwaukee.” – J.C. (Warning: foul language) o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some good predictions on coming crunch times: over at the great Of Two Minds Blog: Ultimate Long Game: Autarky and Resilience. A key quote: “Those with surplus food will be the ultimate arbiters of value.” o o o Bill Weld Just Compared AR-15s to “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” & Said Pistols Were Even Worse! JWRs Comment: And he is the Libertarian Party’s Vice Presidential pick? It looks like there are NO good choices for the upcoming election. – JWR o o o This is how the US military would put down an armed rebellion – J.C. o o o College …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here we go again… Stockton, California Mayor Anthony Silva arrested for lewd conduct with minors. And, almost predictably, we learn that Silva is a member of former Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (now part of the “Everytown For Gun Safety” group.) o o o How to Invest in Guns for Maximum Profit and Diversification: Podcast Interview with JWR o o o Meet Chuño, a space worthy food that the Incas made eight centuries ago – P.B. o o o DEA regularly mines Americans’ travel records to seize millions in cash – H.L. (Warning: Autoplay video on the page.) …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some good info for HK rifle fans, over at Commander Zero’s Notes From The Bunker blog: The new PTR-91 rifles o o o Like many Mac users, I was fairly complacent about viruses and malware. Traditionally, the vast majority of these were directed at Microsoft OS platforms. But reading some recent headlines prompted me to install two pieces of Mac software: Avast Mac Security and Malwarebytes for Mac. After running some scans, I learned that when I installed a “freeware” song organizer for my iTunes audio files, it also came with a few “free” viruses. Yikes. Be vigilant for virus …

Odds ‘n Sods:

These Gun Owners Are Least Likely Criminals, Report Finds. Comparing crimes committed by CCW permit holders, cops, and the general public – R. o o o Here’s How A US-China War Could Play Out – H.L. o o o Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised – B.B. o o o While the EEOC is considering that the Gadsen Flag is racist, The Navy says it’s OK on their uniforms: “popular “Don’t Tread on Me” and reverse U.S. flag patches are now authorized, at the discretion of the commander, on NWU Type II and III uniforms” – Perhaps the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at Sipsey Street Irregulars: The venerable Woobie and GI Poncho JWR Adds: If you can afford a few extra bucks, the Wiggy’s Improved Poncho Liner is pretty close to perfection. And it is American made. (In Colorado.) o o o Harvard Study: 6 Million Americans’ Drinking Water Contaminated With Toxins – K.C. o o o Lobbying arm for refugee resettlement contractors wants US to take 200,000 refugees in FY2017 – B.B. o o o FBI Agent Goaded Garland Shooter To “Tear Up Texas,” Raising New Alarms About Bureau’s Methods – B.F. o o o Turkey: Headless Military, Confused Foreign …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hillary seemingly freezes up again causing her personal medic/bodyguard to alarm. – H.L. o o o Benghazi families sue Clinton for wrongful death, defamation – B.B. o o o Forward Observer has an interesting article on understanding doctrine. When it comes to intelligence and security, this is an important concept. o o o An hour long video on emerging infectious disease by S. Hatfill M.D., MSc, M. Med. These are diseases that are emerging which have never been seen before in human populations or in areas where they have never been seen before. – Sent in by S.C. o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Clinton email led to the execution of an Iranian scientist. “The senator said this lapse proves she is not capable of keeping the country safe.” o o o Stories of survival in SHTF: A Surreal Life on the Precipice in Puerto Rico – P.S. o o o Thousands of Roaming Dogs Are Cited as Problem in Poor Areas of Dallas. This may be a consideration after a SHTF for those in urban areas. Stray dogs may form aggressive packs. A weapon may be a necessity. – P.S. o o o 8 Reasons Why Your Child’s Doctor Pushes Vaccines – DSV …

Odds ‘n Sods:

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents – H.L. o o o Not Just Bees: All Insects Are Declining And Heading As We Head For ‘Mass Extinction’ – W.C. o o o Amazon Echo is the ultimate spy device that records everything you say. Excerpt: “The “Amazon Echo” device, a constantly-listening Bluetooth speaker that connects to music streaming services like Pandora and Spotify at the sound of a person’s voice, can be easily hacked and used by government agencies like the FBI to listen in on conversations.” – J.H. o o o The Revolt …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I found this over at Volokh: Wearing ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ insignia could be punishable racial harassment This is monumental historical ignorance! The Gadsen had NOTHING to do with our nation’s history of slavery. The flag was meant as a warning to the King of England and his Redcoat bully boys! – JRH o o o Libertarian icon Claire Wolfe has moved her blog to a new web page. Be sure to bookmark it. o o o This Company Has Built a Profile on Every American Adult. “Every move you make. Every click you take. Every game you play. Every …

Odds ‘n Sods:

How To Navigate Using the Sun and Stars – DSV o o o A rather long video (2½ hours), but if you’ve got the time, it’s well worth the watch: The Truth About The Fall of Rome: Modern Parallels with Stefan Molyneux – T.Z. o o o Princeton Study Exposes New Ways Sites Are Spying on You – G.G. o o o DHS To Run Elections, Wants Voting Classified As “Critical Infrastructure” DHS has turned America into a Police State and now they want to take control of our elections! According to a NY Times article, the Obama administration wants …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Robb Moffett, from Rob’s Homemade Life posted a new video that shows a DIY body camera from an eyeglass pouch and an old Kodak Playsport video camera. Remember, everyone is a reporter now. o o o Starving Venezuelans Break Into Zoo to Butcher Animal. This is what Communism does to a country! The zoo has lost 50 animals so far – starved to death. Being food secure in one’s home is critical! Governments can and do turn on its citizens – H.L. o o o Obama Shortens Sentences For 56 With Gun Convictions – B.S. o o o Germany sees …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Tim Kaine’s stance on firearms has shifted along with events. This article in the leftist Washington Post seems to praise him for lying to his constituents about his intention to disarm them. So this is Hitlery’s running mate? All that I see is typical political opportunism, statism, and prevarication. I hope that the American electorate sees through the shrewd lies of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Timothy Michael Kaine. – JWR o o o I was sent this video for Armageddon Gear (Made in America) by reader G.S. This has to be one of the most inspiring videos I’ve seen in …