Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader GJM wrote in about this video review of the Black Aces Firearm: “…this smaller-sized but strong and utilitarian little pup– small enough to be snuggled in one arm; big enough to growl convincingly…so joyously ready to go and so eager to protect and to please…” o o o Huge solar storm which could WIPE OUT modern technology expected by 2020 o o o I had an abortion at Planned Parenthood — and I’m not ashamed. This statement pretty much sums up the world view of the Progressive Left, “I didn’t have an abortion because I was raped, or because …

Odds ‘n Sods:

California the New Redoubt of Secessionism? o o o Dreams do come true… ENTIRE ROLL OF SILVER!!! | COIN ROLL HUNTING DREAM. (Skip forward to the 8-minute mark, if you don’t have time to watch the whole 18-minute video.) o o o WorldNetDaily reports: What do they know? Mega-rich preparing for disaster o o o How are teachers, school districts, and even the public at large supposed to deal with this? 85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as ‘New Americans’ enter classrooms – Pat Cascio o o o Home invasion and lessons learned. Grab a cup of coffee and read …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Activists Excited About Future of Silencer Legislation – DSV o o o Truth is Stranger Than Fiction When It Comes to Pornography and Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs – D.L. o o o Pemmican – The Healthy Power Bar. o o o Dems REAL Strategy In Recounts: Undermine Donald Trump o o o Was The Ohio State Attack Terrorism? Suspect Was Abdul Artan

Odds ‘n Sods:

30 Blocks of “Black” Friday o o o Washington Post Names Drudge, Zero Hedge, & Ron Paul As Anti-Clinton “Sophisticated Russian Propaganda Tools” – DSV o o o Homebrewed .50 Cal Rifle Captured From ISIS in Iraq – T.P. o o o Fidel Castro and the American Empire o o o Confessions of a Progressive Gun Nut – W.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Why You Should Always Place A Coin In The Freezer Before Leaving The House o o o Meet The Real “Fake News” – C.S. o o o Here’s what happened when ancient Romans tried to drain the swamp o o o Stealth Driving and Security Cameras – T.J. o o o The Bureaucracy Is Now More Powerful Than Congress

Odds ‘n Sods:

Charlie Stevens Hidden Bed Secret Passageway o o o Thoughts abused by words misused: Enemies of Language – D.S. o o o OPSEC Fail – Link sent in by reader J.M. from Ohio who assures us that all survivalists/preppers in Ohio are not like this. o o o Fitting right in with today’s feature article, reader H.L. send this link in: How to Blast Away the Left’s Attacks on Manliness o o o SurvivalBlog reader RBS sent in this excellent link about fine tuning your classic American radios to keep them from becoming lethal.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Holocaust jacket found at tag sale leads to a life story o o o John Jacob of Radio Free Redoubt tells us that Northwest Radio Supply is having a Black Friday sale (Friday only) on several items like Anderson Powerpole Connectors, Wise brand foods and more. If you live in the area of Moscow, Idaho, you may want to visit them. o o o Zuckerberg does an about face on “Fake News” and implements a 7 point plan on Facebook. Progressive censorship at its best (or worst). o o o SurvivalBlog reader H.K. writes in to warn people that even …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A bit of humor for you: SNL’s The Bubble – T.P. o o o Secede from the Centrally Planned School System o o o Let’s Expand the Electoral College. “The current confusion about the mechanics of the electoral college appear to be largely a function of the fact that it is now widely forgotten that the United States is intended to be collection of independent states, and not a unitary political unit.” o o o New Website Seeks To Register Professors Accused of Liberal Bias – PLC o o o Feds seek help spying on ‘news articles, blog posts’

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some sage advice from Commander Zero: The Deep Sleepers. o o o File under “useful to know” – 6 Military Video Games Used to Train Troops on the Battlefield – DMS o o o This could be very useful long term: THE L.E.A.F. , WOOD GASIFIER – P.D. o o o Britain Passes the Snooper Charter Ending ALL Privacy o o o SurvivalBlog reader J.N. sent in these links showing how to use the standard Combloc AK cleaning kit – a rather remarkably clever piece of design: A site with pictures and text showing the main functions of the kit. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Don’t forge a poker until you See This First. Note that he is using a Whitlox wood-fired forge (often mentioned in SurvivalBlog). o o o Video: How to make your own silica desiccant packs. JWR Adds: Fresh Step Crystals (unscented) is a comparable brand. And I was able to find #4 coffee filters available in bulk through Amazon.com for just $15.57 for a 800 pieces (with free shipping for Amazon Prime members)! o o o Grey Champion Assumes Command (Part Two) – An interesting look at the current economic struggle and the expected outcome. o o o If we can’t …

Odds ‘n Sods:

One of our regular content contributors (one of my consulting clients) sent this at least partial confirmation that Trump’s CIA Director designee is one of the Good Guys. I’m praying that DJT appoints a LOT of Good Guys– godly, freedom loving, Constitutionalists who all have their eyes on the big picture. Pray hard! – JWR o o o Internet censorship has arrived! A professor has made a list of websites she says publish ‘fake’ or ‘misleading’ news. (And this list is already being used to de-monetize sites and push their rankings down in search engines.) o o o There has …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sometimes graphics say more than words: The Two Americas of 2016 JWR’s Comment: Now overlay the map of The American Redoubt. Hmmmm… o o o And here is a different way of looking at the same demographics: The Divide Between Red and Blue America Grew Even Deeper in 2016 o o o Shooting enthusiasts might find this place in Kentucky of interest: Small lots in a “2nd Amendment” community alongside a complete shooting complex. This is just one of more than 250 current property listings at SurvivalRealty.com. (Which is owned and operated by my #1 Son.) – JWR o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

700 million smartphones sending data to China – DSV o o o American expatriations near 4th annual record – G.G. o o o City of Baltimore, Approves Plan to Ban TOY Guns – T.P. o o o Edward Snowden Warns Against Relying On Facebook For News. (Ironically, this article appears in Yahoo News—which is part of the problem.) o o o A JWR interview on how to survive a nuclear war is now available at the Self Made Man podcast.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Passerby shoots, kills motorist assaulting deputy after traffic stop – W.C. o o o Two convicted in federal gun case, despite Kansas gun law – This will be an interesting case to keep tabs on. – R.H. o o o Stay Alert, America: The Worst Is Yet to Come – B.B. o o o The Electoral College Can Be Stolen, But It Won’t – DSV o o o Supreme Court now in Trump’s hands