Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader S.H. mentioned a web site that shows tandem rain catchment barrels. S.H. says: “A great idea to supplement your survival water supplies, and nice for general gardening use too. (The pictures make the setup very clear.)”    o o o “If I can get an elephant led by a mariachi band into this country, I think Osama bin Laden could get across with all the weapons of mass destruction he could get into this country,” Bhakta said.    o o o Readers Gredd, Rourke, and Alfie Omega all mentioned this article from Energy Bulletin: Enlightened Survivalism. Alfie asked: “Is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yesterday, I helped a consulting client unload his household goods from a 26 foot U-Haul moving van, in a driving rainstorm. He is a prepper that naturally has lots of heavy six gallon food storage buckets, copious field gear, a gun vault, and more than 100 ammo cans. Let’s just suffice it to say that yesterday was a good day for practicing Christian patience and “building character.”    o o o Michael Z. Williamson found this site for us: Wildwood Survival, noting that it has some useful information on outdoor survival and primitive skills    o o o The folks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

#1 Son Comments: The USDA seems to have given up on a mandatory NAIS. In their new Implementation Plan they say that they will rely on “market forces” to get full registration. I really doubt that they actually mean any of it, and their lawyers have just come up with some great weasel words. Or maybe the “market forces” will be states that want their subsidies back.    o o o Reader Jeremy I. sent us this link: Can the U.S. Economy Survive a Housing Bubble Bust?  

Odds ‘n Sods:

Are you planning to put a pair of walkie talkies under the Christmas tree this year? My #1 Son recently mentioned: “Why should people get their kids cheap 500 milliwatt ‘toy’ walkie talkies, or even 1 watt FRS radios when you can instead get them more practical 2 watt MURS radios? That will be a gift that they can keep and use in their adult lives.” (I think that he was broadly hinting that he wants a pair for himself.)    o o o A reader penned this thank you: “I just got another 100% Merino extra fine wool sweater …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A plan to monetize the one ounce “Libertad” silver coin.    o o o Reader J.H. mentioned this article: Israelis put nuclear bunkers in gardens    o o o There are some interesting ongoing threads of discussion over at the CometGold Forums, particularly in the Options/Derivatives Forum. Methinks that late 2006 and early 2007 may be very interesting times for the precious metals markets.

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader “The Rabid One” mentioned that chemical light sticks can be set up with a discarded computer CD as a reflector mount. This mounting arrangement can create very visible markers for trails. helicopter landing zones, et cetera. Employing infrared light sticks in this manner (for use with night vision goggles) opens up even more possibilities. You can even make them directional. “The Rabid One” quipped: “I knew I would someday find a use for all those free AOL CDs.” (Some uses for CDs are not just comical. They do make effective reflectors for scaring birds from gardens and orchards.) …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said that investors and central banks are both shifting away from the U.S. dollar and toward the Euro.    o o o In Clean Politics, Flesh Is Pressed, Then Sanitized    o o o I heard that Ready Made Resources now stocks the excellent video “Sheltering In Place – Surviving Acts of Terrorism from Biological, Chemical and Radioactive Fallout.” (North American format DVD and NTSC format VHS tapes. Sorry, no PAL format tapes or European format DVDs are available.) The video normally retails for $29 plus postage, but Ready Made Resources sells it for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Hawaiian K notes: “One of the most practical skills an outdoorsman/survivalist can practice is knot tying. There is a terrific site that shows you exactly how they’re done (they show examples of around 75 specific knots) via clearly photographed animations.    o o o From WorldNetDaily: Investors warned of post-election disaster. The Gold Anti-Trust Action organization’s Bill Murphy claims that the Plunge Protection Team may have plans for a weaker dollar, after the U.S. mid-term election in early November.    o o o Bob at Ready Made Resources mentioned that he is available for free consulting (with no purchase …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I recently drove down most of the length of Idaho on Highway 95. Many of the Idaho stretches of this highway would be classified as a “secondary road” in most other states. But it is Idaho’s only north-south corridor–the equivalent of California’s Highway 5. It connects two economically distinct regions. Southern Idaho is economically tied to the humble potato, and adjoining Utah. It is on Mountain Time. Northern Idaho is economically tied to logging and to the easternmost portions of adjoining Oregon and Washington. It is on Pacific Time. Highway 95 is so pitifully under-engineered that it earned the nickname …

Odds ‘n Sods:

President Bush signs the bill authorizing funding for the construction of a sensor-laden fence on the Mexican border.    o o o Iran plans to expand its nuclear fuel processing capabilities. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice Urges “Immediate” Sanctions    o o o Bumper sticker seen near Salmon, Idaho: “I Come From a Long Line of Helicopter Loggers”

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sales of Existing U.S. Homes Fall: “The median price of a single-family home fell to $219,800 last month, a drop of 2.5 percent from the price in September 2005. That was the biggest year-over-year price decline in records going back nearly four decades.” I’ve been warning SurvivalBlog readers about this since I first started the blog, back in August of 2005. Buckle your seatbelts, folks! We are about to witness the part of the roller coaster ride when everyone screams. (So far all that we’ve heard have been a few nervous whimpers.)    o o o Vic at Safecastle mentioned …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent content contributor (and top notch novelist) Michael Z. Williamson mentioned two interesting articles posted over at the Box O’ Truth web site: New tests on pistol shotshells, and will school books stop bullets? (To explain: A candidate for the office of Texas state superintendent of schools recently said that he wants to distribute thick used textbooks to students so they can shield themselves from school shooters.)    o o o London Underground contact surfaces to get anti-flu disinfectant silver spray.    o o o There is currently an interesting thread about walking sticks/staves over at The Claire Files. Yes, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A grim statistic from France: Thusfar for the year 2006, an average of 112 cars per day have been torched by rioters.     o o o NASA says: The Greenland ice sheet is shrinking fast.    o o o Alaska eskimo villagers living in bird flu’s flight path.