Odds ‘n Sods:

P.R. suggested an article in Home Power magazine on hydropower basics.    o o o A reminder that the Western Rifle Shooter’s Association (WRSA)’s first event scheduled for 2008 is a two day defensive handgun course, in Brookings, Oregon on March 15 & 16. The WRSA offers high quality training for very little money, so be sure to take advantage of it!    o o o Remember what I’ve been saying about lenders reverting to saying “No”? And do your remember my predictions on municipal bonds and their insurers” Here are a couple of recent snippets from Bill Bonner, over …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Bloomberg: Fed Boosts Lending to Banks as Credit Rout Continues. Bloomberg also reports: Bernanke Policy to `Destroy’ U.S. Dollar, Faber Says. It sounds like there are some perilous times ahead!    o o o Mark in Idaho mentioned: that he spoke recently with a good friend who lives in Southwestern Utah. Mark said that his friend went to his local LDS cannery over the weekend and was told to “hurry up and buy what he could since the cannery prices were going to increase, as of the 22nd of March.” That leaves just a short time before the price …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Patrick sent us a link to a promising new steam engine design. (I mentioned it once before in the blog, but their web site has recently been expanded, so it is worth another look.)    o o o Steve sent this: Citi Falls on Worries About Cash Levels. Steve’s comment: “The largest banks are in trouble and main stream media is reporting it.” Meanwhile, we read: Wall Street to Citigroup: Come clean    o o o Two more links from Eric, with more cheery news from abroad: International experts foresee collapse of U.S. economy and, Already we have riots, hoarding, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Don’t miss watching this brief video clip: John Williams of ShadowStats Warns: Economic Depression Ahead. (A hat tip to William D. for spotting that video link.)   o o o Jason B. sent us this: Gulf investors may not save Citigroup, Dubai executive says. Jason’s comment: “JWR’s prediction of bank runs may come sooner rather than later.” Meanwhile, we read: Banks’ Losses Could Put $900 Billion Squeeze on Consumers.    o o o In a recent issue of The Daily Reckoning, Bill Bonner commented: “Among the Fed’s efforts to relieve the bankers’ pain has been a new line of credit – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Fraud compounds woes of housing crisis. (Thanks to Heghduq for the link.)    o o o A reader in South Florida wrote to ask me why I had “an unrealistic view of the [investment] potential for farmland” and why I “such a strong emphasis on buying farm ground” when coastal and resort properties “have appreciated so well for more than 30 years.” I have a news flash for her: For the next 5 to 10 years, coastal and resort property will probably go substantially go down in price, but good productive farm ground is going to go up in price. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mainstream market commentator Robert Kioysaki recommends buying silver coins in this piece: The Profit of Doom A SurvivalBlog reader mentioned that Kiyosaki was one of the few mainstream market mavens to recognize silver as a bargain fairly early on. Meanwhile, a lot of his colleagues with stock and bond tunnel vision are still in denial.    o o o Lex found this from The Wall Street Journal: Will Thornburg Join Failed Lenders?    o o o Thanks to Sapa for flagging this: Zimbabwe bans ‘unlawful hoarding’. The illegal “hoarding” threshold is absurd–the equivalent of just $21 USD!    o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

My old friend Jeff moved to England to get his final sheep skin–a doctorate degree. He tells me that the price of gasoline (“petrol”) now averages £1.09 GBP per liter in the Thames Valley, and that he has seen it advertised for as much as £1.50 GBP/liter out on the highways. At current exchange rates, £1.50 GBP equals $2.97 USD. Now, multiplying liters to US gallons (x 3.785) that equates to a heart-stopping $11.24 USD per gallon. Ouch! (For comparison, I most recently paid $2.98 per gallon, locally, but I’ve seen it as high as $3.05) OBTW, Jeff mentioned that …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cleveland:ghost town created by America’s loan scandal. Here is a snippet from the article with some downright post-apocalyptic imagery: “…street after empty street of boarded-up houses, their roofs caving in, collapsed balconies hanging from the fronts of buildings. Some people seem to have just upped and left, leaving their belongings behind for the rats and vandals. Owners have put up signs offering their burnt-out homes for a $500 (£250) down payment. Bins and rubbish litter the street. Signs warn trespassers the structures are unsafe. People have spray-painted “No copper” or “No metal” on their doors to deter crooks who have …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friend Mike mentioned a web page that shows the contents of various vehicular kits for G.O.O.D., camping, first aid, and so forth.    o o o Reader Amy Q. pointed us to a post on another site that has some good ideas for building up a second income. As I’ve mentioned before, every family should have a second income that they can fall back on, in the event of a layoff. A home-based business might also grow into something that will be your ticket to living at your retreat year-round.    o o o Eric spotted this: Bernanke predicts …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Daniel K. recommended an essay about dependence on grid power, posted over at the Jeff Rense site: Worst Drug On Earth Stops In 8 Milliseconds    o o o Freddie Mac posts $2.5 Billion Loss in Fourth Quarter of 2007    o o o I just heard that “The Armchair Survivalist” weekly Internet radio show is expanding to shortwave, on WWCR, starting tonight. Kurt covers some interesting topics and he has some great guests. He also still operates Survival Enterprises (that you may remember as a former SurvivalBlog advertiser). They sell a variety of storage foods and gear at …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I recently heard from three different storage food vendors that they are getting deluged with orders. Apparently, the recent economic news and reports of grain shortages have worked together to cause people to suddenly want to lay in a supply of long term storage food. Both Mountain House and Alpen Aire now have orders backed up 45 to 60 days. Many storage food vendors have run out of stock, so expect to wait at least two months for shipment. I only expect the order backlogs to increase in coming months, so don’t dawdle. Prices are also likely to increase, since …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Billy S. found this piece: Is Zimbabwe-style Inflation Coming to America? $500,000 for a cigarette?    o o o Courtesy of our friend Eric comes this from The Seattle Times: Wheat Hits Record on US Inventory Report    o o o PMac found us a “Fun little list of Dream BOVs“    o o o John S. suggested the economic commentary in video clip of Glenn Beck’s interview of Jonah Goldberg, the author of the book “Liberal Fascism”

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric sent us this: Deep recession feared in U.S.– Falling business sentiment fuels gloomy outlooks    o o o John S. flagged this: U.N. Conference Promotes Insect-Eating for Everyone From Famine Victims to Astronauts    o o o Hawaiian K. sent this: Former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan Says Dollar Peg for Gulf State Currencies ‘Needs to Go’    o o o Yishai sent this link: Scanned 1962 Fallout Shelter Handbook

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike found a web site from a builder of modern-day castles. Sadly, their extant castle projects seem to be designed for “fantasy” looks rather than tactical practicality. They have far too many windows at ground level. At least the walls are two feet thick. If I could ever afford to spend that much on a castle, I would want a real portcullis –not a fake one that is nothing more than a flimsy door.    o o o D.K. sent us an article which updates first mention in SurvivalBlog more than a year ago: Biodiversity ‘doomsday vault’ comes to life …

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS flagged these two articles: Price of bread rising on wheat shortage and Wheat prices could defy a recession. Remember what I wrote about investing in productive farmland?    o o o Also from RBS: As Economy Slips, Yacht Sales Skyrocket. Of course, a portion of the buyers could be buying some of the smaller yachts as a G.O.O.D. contingency.    o o o Another sign of the times. Catalytic Converters Stolen. (Of course, with platinum at $2,169 per ounce, one can understand the temptation.) Thanks to Josh W. for finding that article.    o o o Seven readers sent …