Odds ‘n Sods:

Chester noted that Gold-Eagle posted some commentary from Chris Laird that nicely sums up the global economic crisis: Gold Says that Central Banks Fail to Stop World Deleveraging

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Bear Stearns exposed as a bank saddled with toxic sub-prime debt

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What went wrong? The story straight from the Plunge Protection Team

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Reader “RS” purchased the “Survive Martial Law” e-book, available for download for just under $20. The author, Harold Williams, claims to be prior service “Special Forces” in Vietnam, but both his writing style and some key details quickly show that his “combat experience” is an utter fabrication. Most of this slim 44 page “book” is just a re-hash of material that has been floating around since the early 1970s. RS recommends: “Don’t waste your time or money.”