Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS mentioned that there are pictorials of some natural materials building projects available at the Solar Haven web site.    o o o When “Dry Practice” isn’t dry: Deputy in town for firearms training accidentally fires weapon in hotel room. This serves as a reminder: Always double check that your weapon is empty, that you have no ammo in the training area, and that you have a safe backstop! (Thanks to Richard S. for the link.)    o o o A new catalyst: Turning $25 of Natural Gas into a $75 Barrel of Oil?    o o o Dr. A.W. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mac Slavo (over at the SHTFPlan blog) asks: How Many Guns Are Too Many? FWIW, here in The Un-Named Western State (TUWS), owning 40 guns is considered just “a decent collection”, and “serious collectors” must have at least 100 guns. (Thanks to K.T. for the link.)    o o o K.T. sent us a link to an interesting video produced by the CATO Institute: Cops on Camera.    o o o I stumbled into this, while web wandering: Double The Anger: Two “Mad Max” Sequels Shooting Back To Back. Oh, and speaking of anticipated movies, the release date for the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

When the subject of widespread EMP comes up, some folks blithely say: “We can just go back to vacuum tube technology”. But consider all the underlying technologies and metallurgy represented in this video produced by an electronics hobbyist in France: Hand Making Vacuum Tubes. (Thanks to Gaston for the link.)    o o o Bob G. mentioned this book excerpt: Books of The Times: ‘The Coming Famine’ by Julian Cribb    o o o L.H. spotted this: What NASA says you should keep on hand, for disasters. It all fits in a trash can. L.H. had this comment: “Not a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Don’t miss this post over at Paratus Familia: Quarantine: A Preparedness Essential    o o o F.G. noted this article with map: Amish populations bugging out, gradually heading west.    o o o Thomas C. sent this: CDC Grand Rounds: Radiological and Nuclear Preparedness. Tom’s comments: “I found it interesting that one of the initial examples they give is from August 2004 in New York City. They conclude with the statement “The public’s maximal risk for exposure was less than that received from a single chest radiograph because of their distance from the radiation source.” Yet it took them 24 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Constitutionalist surge! SurvivalBlog readers in Montana should be aware that Steve Kendley’s election bid for county sheriff of Lake County now looks very promising. Despite his “campaign on a shoestring budget” Kendley is now favored to win. If you live in Lake County, then please show up and vote on election day. And all Montanans should consider making a campaign contribution (up to Montana’s $160 maximum). I hope that his election will encourage other Constitutionalists to run for sheriff! Oh, and speaking of Montana, don’t miss Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s latest piece on his family’s upcoming move up to the land …

Odds ‘n Sods:

C.J. Chivers, the New York Times newspaper’s Token-Guy-Who-Understands-Guns has posted an interesting piece about the weapons used by insurgents in the Middle East: What’s Inside a Taliban Gun Locker? Too bad that this article got relegated to a little-read blog page, rather than a prominent place in print. OBTW, a century ago American newspapers had both reporters with expertise, and editors with an interest in firearms. See, for example, an 1893 New York Times article about Krag rifle procurement. (Thanks to “Straycat” for sending the link to the C.J. Chivers article.)    o o o Michael H. sent us this …

Odds ‘n Sods:

H.H. sent a web link that illustrates what can be accomplished with simple hand tools, and plenty of sweat. Simondale: A Low Impact Woodland Home    o o o K.T. suggested this article from an Australian military journal: Che Guevara and Guerrilla Warfare: Training for Today’s Nonlinear Battlefields    o o o “Word” found this linked over at the Theo Sparks web site: Rebuild a Jeep in Under Four Minutes.    o o o A few Project Gladio secrets are revealed: NATO’s Secret Armies. What are not mentioned are the veritable mountains of cached weapons and ammunition in Europe. A …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Several readers sent this troubling article: ‘Cabbagegate’: Man Fined $5,000 for Home Garden    o o o Ham radio operators: The American Preparedness Radio Network has chats on Sunday and Thursday nights at 9 p.m. Eastern Time in the 80 meter band on (or about) 3.818 MHz. (All the usual OPSEC provisos for public venues apply.)    o o o Record U.S. Arms Deal With Saudis Advances. David in Israel notes: “This could be spun that the Arabians are purchasing arms for a confrontation with Israel or Iran. But If you use your nose for news and Follow The Money, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader M.P.S. notes that there are two coupons for home canning jars currently available at on RedPlum.com. You can print each coupon two times.    o o o A follow-up: Mayor Eddie Perez (recently mentioned in the blog) was sentenced to three years in prison, and three years probation, of a possible 60 year sentence. Perez was convicted on five of six felony charges. He is one of the rogues gallery of Mayor Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns members that have been indicted or convicted of felonies including Sheila Dixon, Kwame Kilpatrick, Gary Becker, Larry Langford, Samuel Rivera, Jerramiah Healy, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader R.P.B. recommended the 12-part instructional video series, available free on YouTube, prooduced by Analytical Survival.    o o o Reader James C. spotted this: Look what happens when you cross a skateboard with a tank    o o o Bill R. sent this NPR piece: Consumers Still Gear Up, Camp Out In Recession    o o o Yet another reason to avoid social networking web services: Burglars Picked Houses Based on Facebook Updates. (Our thanks to G.J. for the link.)    o o o J.B.G. liked this piece by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: The backlash begins against the world landgrab. Gee, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Heck sent us the link to a great article on utilitarian bicycles.    o o o Speaking of bikes, Reader W.H. notes: “There are several great videos and plans on the net for rail bikes, both with and without motors. I thought this version [with Spanish narration] was neat because it could be broken down.” (See the SurvivalBlog Archives for several articles and letter on rail bikes like this one, including some important safety provisos.)    o o o Condie Rice tells of Bush row after 9/11. Here is an amazing quote that sounds like something out of the movie …

Odds ‘n Sods:

M.O.B. sent us a link to an article about MREs: A Taste of Home in Foil Packets and Powder    o o o An easy-to-make and free project for survivalist time-telling: The Ring Sundial. (Thanks to Jeff S. for the link.)    o o o M.& K. sent this: Asteroid Near-Misses Actually Common, Scientists Say    o o o The Nanny State Run Amok: Toy guns will have to be licensed in Queensland under new firearms laws. My advice to Australians: Take The Gap.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Marie K. flagged this: Nine Years After 9/11, Public Safety Radio Not Ready    o o o Reader Matt R. wrote to mention that sites like ft.com (frequently cited in our Economics and Investing column) require user registration. For the sake of privacy, there are free sites like BugMeNot.com that provide login usernames/passwords to these newspaper sites that would otherwise require registration.    o o o “Kron” spotted this useful item at Low Tech magazine: How to tie the world together: online knotting reference books    o o os The military and firearms manuals formerly housed at the Survival Bound …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Today is the big day for Mayor Eddie Perez–his scheduled felony sentencing day. Perez is one of the many members of Mayor Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns that are criminals. This so-called “law and order” group has had an inordinately large number of member-mayors that have been felony indicted or convicted including Sheila Dixon, Kwame Kilpatrick, Gary Becker, Larry Langford, Samuel Rivera, Jerramiah Healy, the late Frank Melton, Will Wynn, and David Della Donna.) Perez faces up to 60 years in prison after conviction on five corruption charges.    o o o More than a dozen readers recommended this Stratfor …