Odds ‘n Sods:

K.T. suggested this video about drunk driving from Australia. If you don’t use a Designated Driver, then don’t call yourself a survivalist. (That’s more suicidalist.)    o o o F.G. sent this: Was Medieval England More Merrie than Thought? F.G. asks: “Are they readying us for our near future by re-writing our historical past?” Are you dissatisfied working in your cubicle? The statists are saying, “Shut up, peasant!”    o o o S.H. pointed us to a great compilation of various how-to videos of low-tech traditional skills like fiber arts, and metalworking.    o o o The folks at Directive …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Texas Calls in the Law in Its Beef With Feral Porkers; You Can’t Shoot Them From Helicopters in Dallas Proper; Subtlety Is Required. (Thanks to F.G. for the link.)    o o o Also from F.G.: For Jacksonville couple, historical re-enactments are real business    o o o There are now more than a dozen family preparedness podcasts out there. Two of them that I find particularly useful are The Prepper Podcast and The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast.    o o o Tired from a hike? Rescuers fear Yuppie 911

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBloggers will consider this well-trodden ground, but since it is a concise summary, so it might be a good link to forward to Pollyanna relatives: How To Prepare For The Coming Financial Apocalypse.    o o o V.L. flagged this: Hoarding more than just a little clutter. Unfortunately everyday preppers may get ensnared in new regulations designed to stop compulsive hoarders.    o o o OMG That’s OTT Department: SureFire “Quad-Stack” AR Rifle Magazines. The word “impractical” doesn’t begin to describe this product. Prone shooting? Forget it!    o o o Ghost Towns: Ciudad Juarez Residents Flee New Homes to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Is there a SurvivalBlog reader who lives offshore that has some available server space? My goal is to set up both a public access mirror (or multiple mirrors) and a closed peer-to-peer set of torrent files of SurvivalBlog, to keep as a “worst case” situation back-up. These back-up files will be automatically be updated daily. Please e-mail me if you have some server space available in a country that is not reflexively obedient to the U.S. government. (Preferably somewhere like Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Andorra, Sealand, or Tonga.) Alternatively, is there a scripting guru out there that can create a script …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michael Ruppert‘s interview documentary “Collapse“ (2009) just became available via “Watch Instantly” online streaming on Netflix. Despite some coarse language, I highly recommend it.    o o o The producer of the excellent DVD Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm are offering a 10% discount for SurvivalBlog readers  This is the most comprehensive DVD tutorial on home food production available showing you how much water you need, how mach land, highest efficiency gardening systems, home butchering and small livestock, orchards, and other topics.     o o o AT&T goes after copper wire thieves. (A hat tip to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric J. sent us the link to this fascinating article: Iowa’s hardest years: Stories from the farms during the Great Depression    o o o For anyone that missed hearing it live, here is the link to the podcast of my recent two hour Q&A interview on the EMPact America show.    o o o Steve K. sent this video: Nigel Farage (United Kingdom Independence Party President), Representative Member of the European Union speaks about Turkey’s admission to the European Union. Steve’s comment: “Sounds like our immigration policy here in the United States. Listen to the results that are anticipated.” …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Tim. R. was the first of several SurvivalBlog readers to mention this: 10 Skills Needed to Thrive in a Post-Collapse World    o o o Jeremy C. sent this item: Madison County [Indiana] to evict man from camper.    o o o Simon J. mentioned: The R2B2 pedal-powered kitchen appliance concept.    o o o Reader Don W. forwarded this: Mystery Surrounds Cyber Missile That Crippled Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Ambitions. Oh and speaking of scary computer technology, Laura C. sent this: Race Is On to ‘Fingerprint’ Phones, PCs    o o o Captain Bart sent this news from England: Millions …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This news story from U.S.A. Today sounds like something out of a novel I once read wrote: More families, friends move in together. They even refer to it as “doubling up.” A hat tip to Jeff S. for sending us the link.    o o o I recently placed a small order with L.L. Bean Company. When it arrived, I was disgusted to see that they are now selling some clothes that are made in mainland China. My advice is that if you place an order with them only do so by phone, and insist that they omit any items …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The 25 Most Dangerous Cities In America. Note how population density creates an inverse relationship with my Recommended Retreat Areas. These are the proverbial “Opposite ends of the spectrum.”    o o o RFJ mentioned that Murphy’s Laws of TEOTWAWKI from the Survival Cache gear site got re-posted to Lew Rockwell’s site.    o o o The Rawles Gets Your Ready Family Preparedness Course is only rarely offered at a discounted price. Until Monday December 13th, the publisher is running a special sale. Don’t miss out on the chance to get a copy for yourself, or to give one as …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.D.D. sent this inaccurately titled article: U.S. Army Unveils ‘Revolutionary’ XM25 Rifle in Afghanistan. It is actually a 25mm grenade launcher, not a rifle. This seems to be sort of Niblick: The Next Generation.    o o o The odious S. 510 food bill looks like it may come up for a vote in the full Senate. Please contact your Senator and insist that this piece of bad legislation be stopped.    o o o Our friend Patrice over at the Rural Revolution blog suggested this article about EMP: Report warns Obama about ‘new’ Dark Ages. “Airplanes would fall from …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Long-time content contributor Chad S. sent this: People trampled at Target store as Black Friday mob rushes in. Chad’s comment: “I just saw this story, Jim. Can you imagine how bad this would be in a Schumer-hits-the-fan scenario, when people actually need stuff?”    o o o I’m already a fan of Glock re-set dry practice training triggers (like those produced by Southwest Shooting Authority. As I’ve previously mentioned in SurvivalBlog, I prefer using these for dry fire, both for safety and so that you don’t get into the bad training habits that are created when you constantly rack the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Community Outraged Over Man’s 3-6 Year Sentencing in Self-Defense Case. I share their sense of outrage! From what I’ve seen, there was no crime committed. The loonie plaintiff’s history of over 60 convictions in three states was apparently kept from the jury. At this point, the New Hampshire Governor should be petitioned for a full pardon.    o o o Another Random Act of Culture: Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus    o o o Chris G. mentioned this article in Outdoor Life: Shoot the Breeze. “The simplest way to handle a crosswind is to relocate. Reposition directly upwind …

Odds ‘n Sods:

What separates humans from lemmings? Not much, evidently: Fear of bridge collapse set off Cambodia stampede. The death toll was more than 350. This, by the way, isn’t an isolated incident. For example, see this article from 2006, and this one from 2004.    o o o John B. spotted this: Obama’s Jeffersonian Muslim Revisionist Lie.    o o o It is not preparedness related, but watching the Gray Eagles P-51 Mustang video put a lump in my throat. (Thanks to Steve S. for sending the link.) I would have loved to have seen some details on how the wrecked …

Odds ‘n Sods:

JRH Enterprises is extending their annual Black Friday sale through Saturday, with sale prices on many items including new Third Generation AN/PVS-14 night vision units as low as $2,895. I can attest from my own experience that you will not be disappointed with these scopes, when used either hand-held or mounted on a rifle.    o o o Cheryl N. (a.k.a. The Economatrix) sent this: Survival, Evasion…Vacation?      o o o Emergency Essentials has announced a big one-day “Black Friday” sale with bargain prices on storage foods, wheat grinders, and more.    o o o In The Daily Bell: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Kia Introduces Soul Flex at Brazilian Motor Show. It will burn 100% ethanol, 100% gasoline, or any mixture in between. I hope this model also gets marketed in the United States. It should sell strongly in the Corn Belt states. OBTW, an ethanol-burning variant of the Kia Sportage is also planned.    o o o States’ rights battles rage in Old Dominion. Here is a brief quote: “Del. John O’Bannon, R-Henrico, filed a bill at the request of his constituents that would create a “Don’t Tread on Me” license plate. And Del. Mark Cole, R-Spotsylvania, filed a bill that would …