Odds ‘n Sods:

An interesting near-future novella is free on Kindle for a short time: Coastal Event Memories    o o o Gary North: The Day General Grant Expelled the Jews    o o o Kevin S. sent: How to Rig an FCC Spectrum Auction in Five Easy Steps    o o o I just heard from my editor at Penguin Books that because of strong demand they are printing another 20,000 copies of “How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It”. That will bring the total in print to 240,000 copies.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Meth’s devastating effects: Before and after    o o o Nightmare in Mexico: Friends, family call for the release of ex-Marine jailed in Mexico after trying to declare an antique shotgun. And if this sounds absurd (24″ versus 25″ barrel length), just consider that here in the nominally “free” United States, 17.9″ versus 18″ of barrel length for a shotgun will similarly earn you a long trip to prison on a felony conviction. All gun laws are repressive and repugnant to the Constitution!    o o o Russell S. mentioned: National Prepper Radio Calling Frequencies    o o o Steve …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Packin’ for the ‘pocalypse: Several readers have sent me letters with this theme: “Due to the erroneous Mayan prophecy date of December 21st, 2012, there is a strong possibility of some self-fulfilling prophecies on an individual level, such as suicides, murder-suicides, mass-suicides, or people ‘going postal’ in public places.” They recommend that everyone that has a CCW permit or that lives in a Constitutional Carry state to fully exercise their right to carry (and pack a few extra magazines) between now and December 31, 2012. That sounds wise to me!    o o o G.G. sent this: Congressman calls for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Adam B. mentioned that the dramatic difference in population density between the eastern and western United States is apparent in this new NASA satellite photo montage. The American Redoubt is largely a dark patch in this photo, which is a good thing. On a similar note, reader Will G. mentioned this zoomable map: NightlightMap.com.    o o o Ken B. suggested this article: Thinking about backyard poultry?    o o o Reader G.K.C. set a link to a video clip of Senator Durbin (Democrat of Illinois and Senate Majority Whip) recorded last summer wherein he confuses the Right to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

There Are Now Approximately 3 Million Preppers In The United States, Why Are They Hated So Much?    o o o Reader Jordan B. sent: US intelligence study sees possible fight ahead over water, food    o o o Where building codes collide with common sense: Watauga County ‘mountain man’ fighting to keep his nature camp open. (Thanks to James S. for the link.)    o o o Reader Rodger E. mentioned a new aluminum Side Saddle shell holder is available for Mossberg 500 and 590 owners. They cleverly use a Picatinny-style rail, for mounting.    o o o 12 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Half of America: I’d Kill to Protect My Own–Survey reveals stunning attitudes about surviving in catastrophe    o o o For the SurvivalBlog readers who have supported Anchor of Hope Charities (the folks who run an orphanage and mission school in Zambia), this is your annual reminder. Many thanks for supporting such a worthy and financially responsible charity. They operate with almost no overhead.    o o o Blogger Sarah A. Hoyt talks societal collapse: Preparing For The Long Rains    o o o A reminder that the Freeze Dry Guy two-week 25% off sale of Mountain House freeze dried …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Freeze Dry Guy two-week 25% off sale of Mountain House freeze dried foods in #10 cans ends on December 13th, so order soon. This sale offer includes free shipping to CONUS!    o o o A Heapin’ Helpin’ of Chicago Hypocrisy: Anti-gun Legislator Faces Weapons Charge    o o o The folks at Tattler Reusable Canning Lids have announced a One Day Sale.   On Monday, December 10th, 2012 their specials will be as follows: Regular Lids/Rings – 1/2 case (12 dozen) – $69.95 – 30% discount Wide Mouth Lids/Rings -1/2 case (12 dozen) – $78.95 – 30% discount 1/2 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) suggested an informative piece about EOD robots.    o o o Reader E.A.B. mentioned this tremendous online resource: The LSU Agriculture Center Library    o o o Should We Ice Injuries? (Thanks to Larry R. for the link.)    o o o Yishai sent: Agriculture Secretary: Rural America Is ‘Becoming Less and Less Relevant’

Odds ‘n Sods:

Marilyn R. sent this: Fed-up Homeowner Catches Thief in the Act with Homemade Security System.    o o o I just heard that until December 31st, the complete set of the excellent Homesteading for Beginners DVDs is currently being offered for $30 off retail. FWIW, we use a couple of their large clothes drying racks here at the Rawles Ranch, and we love their videos.    o o o Chuck keeps flinging around more legislative Schumer: Charles Schumer Makes A Move In The Senate To Deny Veterans The Right To Own Firearms . (Thanks to Jon E. for the link.) …

Odds ‘n Sods:

You gotta love Texas: Burglar calls 911 to save himself from gun-wielding homeowner (Thanks to T.J. G. for the link.)    o o o James C. sent this sign of the times: Missouri Farmers Fight Rise In Hay Thefts    o o o File under: Jackboot Mega Overkill: FBI and State Police Conduct Massive Manhunt and Raid Against Prepper Who Was Angry Over Obama Reelection    o o o Sasol to Build the First Ever Gas-to-Liquid Plant in the US    o o o I just heard that Ready Made Resources now has the PS-24 FLIR Scout thermal imaging scope …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Great news for California residents! Some Berkey water filter products can once again be shipped to California.    o o o I heard from one of the Bulgarian consultants to the translators of my books that the Bulgarian edition of Patriots and the Bulgarian edition of How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It are now available online. For the latter book, there have been 12 foreign publishing contracts to produce editions in 11 languages. The German, French and Spanish editions are also already in print, and I expect the Russian, Portuguese, and Korean editions to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dogs That Are Not Trendy    o o o New York’s supernanny mayor Bloomberg spends millions to create a nationwide influence. (Thanks to Sean B. for the link.)    o o o So much for due process: Actually, the Newest Version of NDAA Makes it Easier to Detain Citizens Indefinitely    o o o A handy chart shows which foods to grow or store for vitamin nutrition value. (Thanks to H.A. for the link.)    o o o Oakland Crime Rate Soaring As City Loses Officers

Odds ‘n Sods:

Jamie W. was the first of several readers to mention this, from Nanny State Massachusetts: City: Give Us Your Guns, Get A Free Flu Shot – And A Wegman’s Gift Card. You have to love this logic: Sara Schastok, president and CEO of the Evanston Community Foundation says, “Of course, no one is under the illusion that people who intend harm as a way of life are necessarily going to turn in their guns.” JWR’s Comment: Perhaps the gun grabbers’ real intent would be more obvious if they also included the phrase: “Also get a free bowl of pottage!”.    …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is an article that quotes your editor: Secession Theology Runs Deep in American Religious, Political History    o o o Fast and Furious fallout: Jeff Knox provides an update on the Reese family’s travail.    o o o Reader F.J. liked this Life Hacker piece: Use 2-Liter Soda Bottles Instead of Sandbags for Winter Driving. JWR Adds a Proviso: Make sure that you stow those bottles low and behind a seat. Otherwise they will become head-smashing projectiles if you ever get in a wreck.    o o o Gregory R. suggested this Weather Channel video of the post-Hurricane Sandy …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Bill W. pointed me to some surprising poll numbers, over at Zero Hedge: Ready For The Apocalypse? I amazed to read that 8% of respondents said that that they’ve built a fallout shelter of safe room. (Perhaps some of that was just “I have a basement, so that counts”- wishful thinking    o o o Dave Canterbury shows how to make your Wrist Rocket shoot arrows. (Thanks to Curtis R. for the link.)    o o o B.B. sent us word of some hard times down in San Berdoo: City Attorney Tells San Bernardino Residents To ‘Lock Their Doors,’ …