Odds ‘n Sods:

Scott G. mentioned this in The New York Times: The Preppers Next Door    o o o Here is a SHOT Show report: Gun Tote’n Mamas Concealed Carry Purses for Women    o o o Alan S. sent us the latest news from Oz: Floods cause Brisbane drinking water shortage. (Any family that does not own a high quality, high volume ceramic water filter is foolish!)    o o o H.L. forwarded this: Drought Seen Worsening in U.S. Plains and West Midwest

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here at the Rawles Ranch we’ve kept busy the last couple of days assembling Kushnapup bullpup stocks for two of our Saiga 12 shotguns. The manufacturer had a two year delay from the original pre-sales announcement, but they appear to have been worth the wait. For “host” guns, we had already slightly modified two Saigas with Galil-style charging handles. The Gun Control Act of 1968 dictates a minimum barrel length of 18 inches for shotguns and 16 inches for rifles .There is also a minimum overall length requirement of 26 inches, for either. We opted to leave our barrels at …

Odds ‘n Sods:

List of Sheriffs Standing Up Against Obama’s Gun Control (Updated)    o o o The Daily Sheeple : The Resistance Begins: New York Gun Owners Refuse to Register    o o o Former NSA Director: U.S. facing crippling cyber attack, long-term cyber espionage    o o o J. McC. sent some Farm to Plate news: Expanding Local Food Infrastructure in Vermont

Odds ‘n Sods:

What’s in Feinstein’s gun bill? Better question: What ISN’T in Feinstein’s gun bill? (Not much.) Needless to say, please contact all of your congresscritters again and tell them that ALL gun and magazine bans and assorted registration schemes are completely unacceptable and repugnant to the Constitution. OBTW, where do I find one of her mythical “rocket launcher” attachments? Those sound like they’d be a lot of fun.    o o o Australian Gun-grabbers Target Bolt-action Firearms    o o o NYS targets gun law confusion. JWR’s Comment: Many of the newly-enacted laws don’t take full effect until January 15, 2014. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.R. in Illinois was one of several readers to mention The Census Dotmap. It can be zoomed in to see individual families. If nothing else, it certainly confirms the light population density of The American Redoubt. There is lots of elbow room here!    o o o Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein To Introduce “Assault Weapons” Ban On Thursday. Needless to say, this is a good time to contact your senators and say NO WAY to civilian disarmament. Be sure to mention that magazines and ammunition have the same Constitutional protection. There is no room for “accommodation” or “compromise” on a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Blog reader H.L. suggested this essay by Dr. Thomas Sowell: Do Gun Control Laws Control Guns?    o o o NASA Warns Earth May Be Entering a Period of “Global Cooling” (Thanks to F.G. for the link.)    o o o When the police can’t cope, the people will: In Mexico, self-defense squads battle violence

Odds ‘n Sods:

Joe Ordinary Voortrekker sent some news from South Africa, where sadly a private citizen owning more than 200 rounds of loaded ammunition of any one caliber is illegal: Ammunition, food and medical supplies found in Sasolburg house    o o o And, lest we comfortably feel “Oh, but it can never happen here”, consider: When Citizen Vigilantes Busted Food Hoarders    o o o Steve H. pointed me to one of SouthernPrepper1’s videos, wherein he embraces MURS band radios and DakotaAlerts, for retreat security.    o o o Slate: Earth May Have Been Hit by a Gamma Ray Burst 1,200 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A reader in Oklahoma asked about Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) anti-depressant drugs. Here is the short answer: Big Pharma has replaced Big Tobacco as D.C.’s unassailable legislative pressure group. SSRI drugs are a $50 billion per year industry. So don’t expect any highly-publicized congressional hearings that detail the links between mood altering drugs and school massacres, even though the evidence is plain as day. OBTW, Forbes recently posted an excellent article on this subject, but it must have hit too close to the mark, because the editors spiked it, just a few days later. (The huge advertising budgets of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dr. Cynthia J. Koelker, SurvivalBlog’s Medical Editor, wrote to mention that registration is now open for her Survival Medicine classes to be held next week in Georgia, and another in March, in Ohio. Details can be found on her web site: ArmageddonMedicine.net.     o o o   Doc Cindy also recommended “Get doxycycline while you can.  There is a nationwide shortage with pharmacies already running out.  Price increases up to 2000% are expected.”       o o o For those who love white papers, futurism, and conjecture, reader A.D.K. suggested this heavily link-laden U.S. Air Force web site: Future Conflict Studies    …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Easier Flashlight Mod Increases Run Time 3.6X    o o o Fascinating! How a Canadian history buff (may have) solved a Second World War ‘pigeon-code mystery. (Thanks to Karl H. for the link.)    o o o How to Make Batteries From Spare Change    o o o Gregg P. sent: Search of DNA Sequences Reveals Full Identities. In First World nations, law enforcement agencies are busily building huge libraries of blood and tissue samples (cheek swabs.) If eugenics ever regains popularity, or if “genetic profiling” for a family criminal tendency or psychological abnormality ever emerges, then this is very …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Marine: .223 May Not Be Lethal Enough for Civilians. (Kudos to Jim W. for the link.)    o o o F.G. mentioned a new music video from South Africa: Tyd Om Te Trek? (The Time to Emigrate?)    o o o Australians restock the gun racks.    o o o Gun maker backlogs are building! The Stag Arms web site now mentions: “We would like to thank all of our customers for your support. Currently we have approximately two years of backorders for rifles, upper halves, and lower receivers.” (Thanks to F.G. for the tip.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

There are peaceful marches  to stand up for our rights on every state capitol planned for January 19th.    o o o 3D Printed magazines for ARs. Yes, they are experimenting with it. A thicker floorplate retainer is a the next logical step.    o o o The UK government is now “in consultation” on requiring licenses for air rifles in Scotland. (“Careful, you might put your eye out!’) Thanks to Jonathan B. for the link.    o o o Some sad news from the Land of The Dutiful Boot Lickers: Dinas Powys gun arsenal found in flat. Oh well, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bill called ‘toughest gun control package in the nation’ passed by New York Senate. The new package of laws would in effect turn psychiatrists into law enforcement officers. It will also ban any magazines over SEVEN round capacity!    o o o For any who missed this when it was produced by the late Aaron Zelman and released by JPFO, a few years back: Innocents Betrayed – The History of Gun Control    o o o Staff Sgt. Clinton Romesha awarded Medal of Honor    o o o Alan W. sent: Heat, Flood or Icy Cold, Extreme Weather Rages Worldwide …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here it comes… Biden: White House readies 19 executive actions on guns. Obviously the series of meetings that Biden recently held were nothing but a charade. These Executive Orders must have been written months ago and waiting on the shelf for an opportune moment. If the Executive Branch moves are indeed drastic, I predict that we can expect to see: 1.) some robust assertion of State sovereignty in many western and southern states (akin to the recent legislative news from Wyoming and Texas), 2.) calls for impeachment, and 3.) calls for immediate intervention by the Supreme Court. (The 2000 Presidential …