Odds ‘n Sods:

California Governor Jerry Brown Vetoes Seven Gun Control Bills, Signs Seven Others. (Californians have until July of 2014 to get every 11+ round magazine “rebuild kit” that they own out of California, or face charges. There is no grandfather clause. This confusing legislation–part of which was dependent on enactment of another law that was not signed by Brown–is discussed at length at a CalGuns forum.)    o o o Just two days remaining! Until October 15th, the SurvivalBlog 2005-2012 Archive DVD is sale priced at just $11.99.    o o o Emily Miller: Smoking gun exposed- D.C. police chief covers …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Jan S. forwarded novelist Matt Bracken’s mention of a upcoming fit of generosity: “‘I’m going to put each of my Enemies trilogy novels into the Amazon Kindle free download deal, starting with Enemies Foreign And Domestic next Monday, October 14. Then Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista on Monday the 21st, and Foreign Enemies And Traitors on October 28th.” For anyone who has not yet read Matt’s novels, I highly recommend them! Jan S. notes: “You can download the Kindle for PC or Kindle for Mac free to your computer, even if you don’t have a Kindle reader.” Mark your calendars, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Billy R. sent: Portable 12V power supply in an ammo can    o o o James W. liked this: Why use suppressors in combat, illustrated by a “ruined” video    o o o Reader P.W. wrote to ask if any blog readers know who makes the [woodstove chimney-mounted] Baker’s Salute Oven that is sold on the Lehman’s web site. (“They say made in the USA but Lehman’s will not tell me who the manufacturer is.”) A lot of the products sold by Lehman’s come from Amish cottage industries.  Many of these families don’t have telephones, so it might be hard …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Peter S. mentioned: Review – Conflicted : The Survival Card Game    o o o Just a few days left! Until October 15th the SurvivalBlog 2005-2012 Archive DVD is sale priced at just $11.99.    o o o Reader S.L.D. sent me a link to an amazing true account of modern-day slavery in North Africa: “Still, God Helps You.”    o o o Many moons after he was found guilty, Kwame Kilpatrick (one of Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s gun-grabbing mayors) is scheduled to be sentenced today, for a second time, after being found guilty of numerous corruption charges. This time his potential …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ol’ Remus reports: On the first of October the Oath Keepers leadership instructed its 30,000 members to, in their words, go “operational” by forming Civilization Preservation teams.    o o o They apparently have backbones of iron, in Iron County: Counties declare emergency over closed parks. (Thanks to Nate H. for the link.)    o o o NSA tracks Google ads to find Tor users    o o o Frank B. sent: Obama to Allow Amnesty Rally on National Mall After Kicking Veterans Out    o o o Elise Cooper mourns the passing of novelists Vince Flynn and Tom Clancy: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

How To Make A Super Secret Safe – For Less Than $3    o o o Yet another Kickstarter project… This one is for the Third Atlas Shrugged movie.    o o o Exactly as planned: Connecticut ammo law creates frustration and confusion    o o o I noticed that our SurvivalRealty spin-off site (operated by my #1 Son) has blossomed to more than 145 listings! (Do some zooming in on the map of current listings. It is amazing.)    o o o F.G. sent: New NFL rule forbids Off-Duty Cops from carrying sidearms into stadiums. [JWR’s Comment: A terrorist’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Fires prompt recall of 15 million surge protectors. (Thanks to H.L. for the link.)    o o o The NPR affiliate in Charlotte, North Carolina reports on The Rise Of ‘Prepper’ Culture, in a 51-minute roundtable discussion. They spend some time semantically hairsplitting between the terms “prepper” and “survivalist.” But based on their definition, many of the “Doomsday Preppers” featured on the National Geographic show of the same name would actually be survivalists.    o o o Seeing “art” like this tripe makes me feel ill. What would be more appropriate would be a sculpture made out of the tens …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) suggested this: The Truth About Barrel Length, Muzzle Velocity and Accuracy    o o o Reader B.B. sent this headline from one of those Miscellaneous Eastern Nanny States: Massachusetts Police Chief Confiscates Man’s Guns and FOID Due to “Immaturity”    o o o I was recently interviewed by Alan Colmes. He is obviously dubious about individual preparedness, but it was a pleasure to be on his show. Alan mentioned that even after Superstorm Sandy he would feel safer living in mid-town Manhattan that he would be in a place like The Rawles Ranch. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I heard about a great maker of Kydex holsters and other gear in Dallas, Oregon: Survival Sheath Systems.    o o o For AR owners who have a yen for gadgets: Deployable Compact Armorers Tool    o o o Pierre M. sent: Desperate MSM Moves to Kill Off Article Comments    o o o Buried deep in a Stars and Stripes article about new grooming and tattoo standards for soldiers, was mention that the U.S. Army intends to adopt a Multicam variant for their standard issue utility uniform.    o o o James C. suggested: 17 Great Ways to Utilize …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An early winter? Winter Storm Atlas Forecast: Snow to Impact Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Western Nebraska ?    o o o Reader “MM1” suggested this well-reasoned piece by Ross Gilmore: Living Off The Land: Delusions and Misconceptions About Hunting and Gathering    o o o H.L. was the first of several readers to send this: Fencing coach uses sword to foil robbery    o o o Dr. Koelker, SurvivalBlog’s Medical Editor is offering some more Survival Medicine classes with suturing, casting, minor surgery, office labs, radiation threats, and much more. The dates are: October 18-20 and November 15-17, 2013. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader RBS mentioned a site with some great data on vacuum tubes: TubeBooks.org    o o o Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) spotted this: Mind Blown: Remote Control Sturmgewehr 44 In Syria    o o o What’s so special about John Moses Browning?    o o o Lee M. spotted this: Fifty Free Farmstead eBooks    o o o My novel Expatriates is now available for Nook e-reader owners.    o o o H.L. sent: Meanwhile in Sudan: Fuel riots, a hiring spree of ex-Soviet air mercenaries and preparations for war

Odds ‘n Sods:

One of the Ryans over at TSLRF gave Expatriates a solid positive review. I’ve also recently had a lot of podcast and talk radio interviews, and I have dozens more scheduled, because of the Expatriates book release. One that was particularly interesting was archived by Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity. Another was with Rick Austin (Secrets of a Survivalist.) For the latter, click on the “September 29, 2013” show.    o o o There is a Self Reliance Expo scheduled in Denver, Colorado on October 4th and 5th. I won’t be there, but our Central Rockies Regional Editor (“L.K.O.”) plans …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent link contributor RBS sent this: 3D-Printed Semiautomatic Pistol Unveiled    o o o Hornet attacks kill dozens in China: Hundreds of people stung in Shaanxi province by swarms of giant insects believed to have multiplied over warm summer. (Thanks to F.J.R. for the link.)    o o o Christian Tragedy in the Muslim World. Let’s call it what it is: Genocide!    o o o Greg W. sent: A Gun Map That’s a Little Different    o o o A retired British Commando describes the use of the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife, in graphic detail. (Thanks to F.G. for the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dallas County Now Has Its Very Own Bulletproof, “Mine-Protected” Military SUV. JWR Adds: An anonymous reader in Oregon wrote: “Yesterday I was driving by the Clackamas (Oregon) County Shops and Motor-pool and saw one of these MRAPs, identical to the one pictured in the article. Same paint too. It was sitting in the “repair or modify” area next to the road department trucks and sheriff’s department boat, across the street from the sheriff car storage area. I doubt it’ll stay tan for long.”    o o o Jeff Ayers of Booklist posted this announcement and mini revew of Expatriates: “Rawles’ …

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS recommended this fascinating article: Six Months in the Middle Ages: Surviving the Moscow Winter    o o o F.J. suggested this: Vintage Machinery Website    o o o H.L. liked this one: What to do when your Dominant Eye Differs from your Dominant Hand    o o o The 1911 Pistol Is Its Own Toolbox! (Thanks to K.T. for the link.)