Odds ‘n Sods:

Loyal content contributor J.B.G. sent this link: 28 solar flares in the last seven days, and more may be coming.

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Joe E. spotted this interesting product: FiberFix aims to make duct tape look pathetic.

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To counter the claims of some Chicken Little fanatics on the Internet who apparently have no clue about the Inverse Square Law, here is some hard data: Health risk assessment from the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, based on a preliminary dose estimation. The health risk in the U.S. because of continuing releases ar Fukushima is infinitesimal. However, radioactive isotope levels in migratory fish in the Pacific (such as tuna) should continue to be closely monitored, because of concentration via ingestion. At this point, that is my only personal concern about Fukushima.

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Reader J.D.F. wrote to note that several types of Czech military surplus 26.5mm flares are available inexpensively at Ammunition To Go.

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Are ‘kid cages’ protecting New Mexico children, or a case of ranchers crying wolf? (Thanks to Tim J. for the link.)