Odds ‘n Sods:

From S.M. – Good prepper-warning video, from the mouths of people struggling in Venezuela. HJL Adds: The first video in the article is the one referred to. A word of caution is in order on the second video. The video operator is attacked, and it is disturbing to watch. o o o At least 250 CT cops refuse to enforce law. – G.P. o o o U.S. Supreme Court rejects appeal in Second Amendment case, Refuses to Prohibit Police from Using Lawful Gun Ownership as a Trigger for ‘No-Knock’ Police Raids. – RBS o o o M.D. shared a link …

Odds ‘n Sods:

So what happens when you chamber and shoot a .300 BLK in a .223? Just because it fits, doesn’t mean if fits. – Mike Williamson (Survivablog’s Editor-At-Large) o o o Also from Mike Williamson- How to survive a nuclear bomb: An update on “Duck and Cover” o o o Time ran an article showing that the entire U.S. powergrid could be taken down with as few as nine substation attacks. – D.T. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this exposure. There are many claiming that Time was irresponsible in reporting this weakness, but I tend to fall in the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An excellent read on birthing and caring for goats: Copper’s Babies & Other Goat Lore o o o Making Cop-Worship Mandatory – RBS. While I don’t necessarily agree with the premise that being prostrated by a cop is tantamount to worshiping them, law enforcement is way out-of-control when it comes to overbearing force and intimidation, especially when the person to whom the force is applied has committed neither a crime, nor is the subject of the cop’s warrant/search. o o o Doctors asked to help spot terrorists in new ‘inappropriate’ NHS policy – G.G. o o o This video clip …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Big guns: Army soldiers to get powerful new Swedish-made tank-stopper o o o G.P. – Shatter a Car Window with a Sparkplug in an Emergency HJL Adds: Although this works, who wants to carry around small pieces of sharp ceramic in your pocket? As an EMT, this was one of the first extraction tricks we were taught. You really don’t want broken glass flying everywhere when you break the window, especially if your patient has open wounds that you need to deal with or has their face close to the window. You can simply take a folded pocket knife (or …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Not bad for a prototype: Watch a Fully Automatic Electromagnetic Pulse Rifle Demolish a Laptop – RBS o o o S.C. sent these two articles in with the statement: “I realize that there are many factors that affect both situations. However, I think that these two articles give a good idea as to the twisted views of our country. I feel ashamed to live in a country who will not allow a seven year old boy, who is fighting for his life, the medication that he needs. While, on the same day, the attorney general pushes for a drug to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: For those that love the Mosin rifle: The winter war 1939 – F.S. o o o Every where you turn, somebody wants to know what you’re doing. The NSA, Corporations and now:Warrantless Spying Is Becoming The Status Quo At Local Police Department o o o In a sad statement on the current morals of people: Redwood park closes road to deter burl poachers o o o Prepping is big business and CWalton on survivor.com has posted an article that shows an excellent example of how you should do your homework before participating or purchasing from any company dealing with …

Odds ‘n Sods:

In an update on the article related to asthma medication, A New Twist on a Live-Saving Medicine ,from SurvivalBlog’s Medical Editor, posted January, 2013, Dr. Koelker submitted the following: “As of February 26, 2014 the FDA advisory panel has recommended against the release of a replacement for Primatene Mist. Though the majority of panel members considered the medication effective, they expressed concern about safety issues, including inaccuracy of dosing, clogging of the device, side-effects, and the risks of self-diagnosis and self-medication. The FDA is not bound by the panel’s recommendations, but generally does follow the advice of the advisory committee. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Fortress Defense (a SurvivalBlog advertiser) has added several new classes to their calendar. These include: Tactical Medical, Church Safety, Defensive Handgun, and Urban Rifle (with John Farnam.) Most of these are in Chicagoland, but one upcoming class is in Indiana. o o o Military’s top general offers grim outlook on nation’s defense o o o Connecticut Carry defies lawmakers, to ‘either enforce or repeal’ gun ban o o o Ukraine: Three Views– John Mauldin o o o Couple Who Found $10 Million Treasure on Their Property Could Face Arrest for… – RBS o o o Why You Truly Never Leave …

Odds ‘n Sods:

S.G. – Academic study: SPLC Hatewatch list biased, but you already knew that. o o o G.P. – Infections Linked to Chinese Seafood Markets in New York o o o Here is an infographic from Lifehacker that shows you how to delete yourself from the Internet. o o o Video: This looks like it exceeds the legal limit for fun… Shooting radio controlled planes with shotguns. o o o M.W. found this neat little rocket stove. We would be interested in the opinion of anyone that has used it. It’s not exactly a backpacking stove, but it looks heavy enough …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Whole House Heating From A Single Wood Burner Or Open Fire The old Connecticut farm house I grew up in, had coal furnace in basement, and grills in first floor ceilings under the bedrooms. Dad put in oil furnace, BUT he kept the coal furnace and bin full of coal. Just in case!!!! Kept the DUG well, though he had drilled well put in. He was a prepper before the word was invented. – H.L. o o o Canadian Gun Confiscation Begins. Again – J.W. o o o L.G. sent this link in: Understanding The Stress response: It Can Buy …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An anonymous reader sent in a list of ammunition makers that are based out of Ukraine and will probably see shortages or shipping delays due to the current crisis: Wolf/WPA/UCW ,Tulammo,Red Army/RASU,Brown Bear, Herters, MFS Ammunition, Russian 223 Note: SurvivalBlog has not confirmed that there are any interruptions in the supply of any of these brands. We are not even sure that all of these brands have origination points within Ukraine. o o o Krayton Kerns on Ukraine/USA: Sit o o o A roughly 25-minute audio interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts worth listening to on Ukraine: Ukraine rightest are …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Those sneaky thieves! Apparently the coat hanger trick has moved from the car to the garage door. But you can stop it cold with a simple zip tie: $1 fix could secure your garage from thieves – G.S. o o o Once a country no longer values human life, how long till they descend into this? –Red Reign: China’s horrific nonconsensual organ harvesting and religious oppression unveiled o o o For Valley citrus growers, this season has 2 natural disasters. News of the severe drought continues to rock the system. o o o And the executive orders issued by Obama …

Odds ‘n Sods:

K.G. sent this link in on wood choping: Less effort, more wood and safer too. Something that could be built by just about any reader here. o o o H.L. sent in this link on 11 sure signs you’ve been hacked. In today’s threatscape, antivirus software provides little piece of mind. In fact, anti-malware scanners on the whole are horrifically inaccurate, especially with exploits less than 24 hours old. After all, malicious hackers and malware can change their tactics at will. Swap a few bytes around, and a previously recognized malware program becomes unrecognizable. o o o In light of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Connecticut officer says woman sounds ‘anti-American’ for questioning gun control law – RBS o o o WBB sent in this video concerning the CIA and their goals: GigaOM Structure:Data 2013. Of particular interest is their prioritizing social media (even though the vast majority of social media users are U.S. citizens.) Also of interest is the CIA’s determination that your smartphone’s ID is better than a fingerprint and they can get it even if your phone is “off”. o o o Noah’s ark project in Ky. to move forward – P.M. o o o Need to reload your 12 gauge and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Living with progressive values. New York City is at it again, proposing a bill that would allow city workers to enter any buildings that receive tax credits without permission or warrants. – M.W. o o o An interesting read sent in by B.B. – Warriors vs. Mercenaries. There is a huge difference between the two types in military and law enforcement. o o o Wondering why our university students are so confused about liberty? D.S. sent this in: 20 of the most obnoxious quotes from college professors o o o Progressivism as a Weapon of Mass Destruction – JFJ o …