Odds ‘n Sods:

Sounding incredibly familiar to the 1994 fiasco with Olympic Arms (and the OA-93), some manufacture has apparently created a commercially available pistol that fires the 7N6 5.45×39 cartridge, and true to form the ATF has reclassified the steel core ammo as armor piercing. There is no word yet as to who has produced the pistol (or, like in 1994, if any of them have even really been sold yet). o o o SurvivalBlog has previously reported on the Jemez Springs Sheriff’s trouble with the TSA (and by association, the DHS) for attending a Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association conference. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

7% of the California State Senate members have faced felony charges so far this year. This august body is starting to sound a lot like Mike Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) cabal. o o o An interesting tale of horse apples, chocolate, and politicians. o o o You might want to stock up now… quickly. 25 drug companies to phase out animal antibiotics. – R.L. Thats over 99% of the supply. o o o On Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden said he believes all of the country’s illegal immigrants are “already American citizens.” – P.M. o o o The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

JWR Notes: The recent arrest of Democrat California State Senator Leland Yee on corruption and gun-running charges is beyond ironic. He’s just the latest in a long string of leftist gun-grabbing politicians, who have double standards on guns. They want to disarm the masses, while at the same time they are protected by pistol-toting bodyguards, and carve out special privileges for their cronies. Perhaps the worst of this can be seen in New York City, where for decades a key political favor has been bestowing a pistol permit to “special people.” This, one can safely assume, must require some surreptitious …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Although JWR generally dislikes eBay because of their anti-gun policies, he does sell a few items there, on occasion. (The last time was several years ago.) Presently, he has a few scarce gun books and a Steve McQueen TV prop for sale there. o o o Continuing the story on the Albuquerque shooting of a homeless man: New Albuquerque Police Shooting Probe Sought – ABC News. It appears that the civilian police oversight panel had demanded an independent investigation as condemnation mounts from across the state. Five outside agencies are currently investigating the incident. It should be noted that there …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Researchers’ Google Glass Spyware Sees What You See. – T.Y. o o o Video: Bad education: School workbook redefines Second Amendment. – T.J. o o o Continuing the conversation of the militarization of the police, SurvivalBlog received two links: From B.B. – An article on the militarization of the police in America by John Silveira, and from S.M. the uncensored video of the the APD shooting of an Albuquerque homeless man. WARNING: This video is graphic. After viewing the video, I must describe what I felt as outrage. I can only conclude that if you are mentally ill and you …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wow! This may be the ticket for advanced medical care in TEOTWAWKI: Super-Cheap Paper Microscope Could Save Millions of Lives – O.C. o o o DGJ came across this article on why you might want at least one article of Hi-Vis clothing or equipment in your emergency car kit or BOB. If the ‘event’ you are getting away from is a natural disaster, or something similar, being noticed might be a good thing! Having options other than all-camo could be a wise decision. o o o This new item from KRQE in albuquerque follows on the heels of a long …

Odds ‘n Sods:

There is an epidemic of death and contagion sweeping across the farms of this country that is barely getting a mention in the mainstream media. Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus – K.F. o o o A Dozen Uses For Empty Soda Bottles – R.J. o o o Non-Christians Given ‘Special Consideration’ In Union Teacher Contract – TPY o o o The Law Society has issued guidance on how to use Sharia Law in Wills, Trusts and Estates disputes in England and Wales. The guidance effectively enshrines Sharia into common legal practice for the first time and will make it easier to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the Police State: Man receives felony after speaking too long at town hall meeting – H.L. o o o If you are planning on travelling to Russia, you may want to bring cash: Credit Cards Frozen at Sanctioned Russian Banks – B.R. o o o A disease flare up in Africa has an almost 50% fatality rate: 29 dead from viral hemorrhagic fever. – G.P. o o o It seems to me we have been here before… Could the U.S. Face a Cruise Missile Threat from the Gulf of Mexico? o o o More proof that reading government websites …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Students at the shooting range for gun safety – W.W. o o o Reports of the Death of a National License-Plate Tracking Database Have Been Greatly Exaggerated – P.S. o o o A SurvivalBlog reader sent in this link on testing the purity of the honey you buy. The best way, of course, is to have your own beehive, but for those that cannot have that… How to Verify the Purity of Honey

Odds ‘n Sods:

Keeping Your NYC License – P.M. o o o While certainly exciting to watch, this video of an example of russian hand gun training is insane. I can’t tell if some of those shots by the shooter are accidental discharges brought on by the stress or intentional warning shots. – R.G. o o o This animated gif shows the new headboard I want for my bed. – B.R. o o o Mike Williamson (SurvivalBlog Editor At Large) sent in this link showing a list of bulk food co-ops by state. o o o Mike also sent in information about a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

EMP Effects and Cyber Warfare – Part 1– B.H. o o o The massive solar blast that almost wreaked havoc on Earth – S.C. o o o Tactical Machining (TM) may have helped us understand what happened to EP Armory and Ares Armor. In the Facebook post, TM had a few factual errors, but did indicate some of the issues in dealing with 80% lowers. They are claiming the raids were a result of the manufactures not having a proper determination letter from the ATF stating that the lowers were not firearms. – R.C. o o o An excellent article …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I keep thinking, at some point, surely someone will stand up and refuse: Massive Car To Car Warrantless Search In DC Region – J.M. o o o Worthy of a face-palm: Republicans to Officially Present Alternative to Obamacare – B.R. o o o The Police Can Take Your Cash Without Charging You with a Crime. – D.S. Warning: This website has offensive material in the sidebar. o o o How Sanctions Against Russia Could Signal the Beginning of ‘World War III’ – JBG o o o 29-Year-Old Welfare Parasite Would Not Accept An $80,000 A Year Job Driving A Truck. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

. The rhetoric is ratcheting up as the U.S. considers sanctions against Russia: Russia can turn U.S. to radioactive ash: Kremlin-backed journalist. – T.J. o o o Oak Harbor, Washington Council member left a meeting after council refuses to kick out legally armed armed veteran. – N.G. o o o Upstate New Yorkers Burn 1,000 Gun Registration Forms– G.P. o o o A parent is appalled over essay, asking 8th Graders If They’d Rather Be Slaves Or Factory Workers. – Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large. While the parent spent time educating their child what slavery was and that was …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Speaking of the “Rule of Law”: Protecting The Constitution From Executive Order o o o For those who like to kill time via video games: This War of Mine plays the battlezone as civilians. – G.P. I normally don’t post links to video games, but this one is a little different. Rather than focusing on killing the opponent, the players are focused on survival and protection of “the group” o o o Revealed: Justice Dept. Prosecutors Average 33 Reckless or Intentional Legal and Ethical Violations a Year – B.R. o o o Here is a warning for you: Hold onto …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Want to instill concepts of freedom in your own children and have fun while doing it? The Constitution Quest board game – WND o o o Exit Tax. – J. “You have to fill out a form if you want to renounce your citizenship–which, by the way, you can only get from a foreign embassy or consulate. Those forms used to be free. Now they’re $500 apiece. So think about that. If they can charge you $500 for that form, they could charge $5,000, they could charge $5,000,000. They could basically make it impossible for you to leave.” o o …