Odds ‘n Sods:

With new hack, cellphone can get data out of computers o o o The NSA Claims It Is “Too Big to Comply” With A Court Order. – H.L. o o o Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog Editor At Large, sent in this list of links for AK builds: Get a spare set of firing pins, extractors, or fcg parts for your AK! You never know when those will wear out. You should always have a spare set on hand. They also have a fresh supply of AK parts kits. Lastly, they are now offering a complete set of AK build jigs for …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Introducing The Latest Tactic For Governments To Raise Cash – H.L. “‘Creativity’ isn’t usually a word associated with ‘government’. Words like stodgy, bureaucratic, and incompetent are typically more appropriate.” o o o Unmanned aerial vehicles are flying to the farm. – T.J. o o o What are my rights at various “checkpoints”? – B.B. o o o D-Day Anniversary: The Ghost Town of Oradour-sur-Glane, Scene of a Nazi Massacre. – T.P. o o o Dad: NJ threatens to take away son after pencil-twirling incident. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

US ‘mountain man’ Troy James Knapp jailed in Utah. – T.P. For those who are not familiar with the story, this news article is about a “survivalist” that preyed upon those with remote cabins in Utah. He has finally been sentenced, but his 1-15 years for each burglary will run concurrently. o o o Video: DHS in Kalispell, Montana – Weapons and Rapid Response teams on the ground with an unknown purpose. o o o Arms Windfall for Insurgents as Iraq City Falls. – G.P. o o o The Miller Dilemma . – B.B. o o o Another Heavily Publicized …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Metal Studs Treat The Homeless ‘Like Animals’ – T.P. o o o Treasury Department Employee Firing Rate Is 4th Lowest Among Federal Agencies – PLC o o o Turing Test breakthrough as super-computer becomes first to convince us it’s human . – T.P. There will be those who see this as an advancement towards a “skynet” type system, but the real fear is more down to earth. Can this program accelerate the duping of real humans in online fraud? What happens when the state of the art voice synthesis is combined with this? This may raise the bar on identity …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cops In Texas Seize Millions By ‘Policing for Profit’. – B.B. o o o Hendersonville hiker markets self-designed pack – G.G. o o o Glock Distributor and Two Glock Executives Indicted on Million+ Dollar Bribery and Fraud Charges – JBG o o o Mexico’s vigilante movement has a strong U.S. connection o o o Just because you’ve been making cheese that way for 5000 years doesn’t mean it’s safe. FDA Rules No Wooden Boards in Cheese Aging – Mike Williamson, SurvivaBlog Editor At Large.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Payday Lenders Sue Regulators Over Operation Choke Point – G.G. o o o Some great ideas to lighten the load… of a bug out bag? 13 Clever Camping Hacks to Make the Outdoors More Fun – R.J. o o o I’m using this as an excuse for all those times I ate dirt as a kid. Seriously, in the day and age where even the grocery store supplies disinfectant wipes at the door, is it any wonder that we have no immunity? Newborns Exposed to Dirt, Dander and Germs May Have Lower Allergy and Asthma Risk – H.L. o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

In the UK You Can Now Only Buy Heirloom Seeds if You Are Part of a Private Members Club. – H.L. Article quote: “The way we are being pushed and squeezed by regulations that govern every facet of our life, we will soon only be able to defecate when our allotted time slot comes around.” o o o What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades. – D.S o o o Holder to Create ‘Homegrown’ Terrorism Task Force – G.B. o o o Just Another Anonymous Victim of the Economic Recovery. – H.L. o o o Yet again, another reason why I like …

Odds ‘n Sods:

On this anniversary of D-Day, SurvivalBlog reader C.T. sent in this link to an interesting article comparing the Normandy beaches in 1944 to 70 years later. D-Day Landing Sites Then and Now o o o Dr. Ben Carson: Obamacare More Damaging Than 9/11 – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog reader R.B. in Washington state writes in: Now Washington state is seeing detainment of motorists for roadside “surveys”. The online news video was edited from what actually was broadcast. One broadcast version has the same reporter saying (paraphrased) that a reluctance to participate in the survey might be an indicator of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

One more reason to dump social media networking! Secret Service Requests Software To Track Social Media Trends, Detect Sarcasm – JBG o o o West ponders how to stop – or fight – a new Great War – T.J. o o o Krayton Kern’s latest ramblings about a political process. Sharp! Advisors o o o It looks to me like the President expected that people would celebrate the release of an American POW, no matter what the cost. How typical that they would ignore the lives lost in a search for a known deserter. My personal feeling is that the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some disjointed thoughts from the Emergency Management of the Oso Mud Slide. Some things worked, and some things didn’t. Those of you involved in Emergency Management may be able to pick up a few things from a non-fire related incident. – R.J. o o o ATF’s purchase reporting requirement gives lie to ‘military features’ test. – B.B. o o o Holder announces task force on ‘homegrown’ terrorists – B.B. HJL adds: I have concerns over this administration’s willingness to declare domestic violence perpetrators “terrorists”. Case in point, the Feds still won’t call Army Major Nidal Hasan’s assault on Fort Hood …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A great warning of what we’re going to face as true biblical believers as we near the return of our Lord Jesus Christ– the Son of God from Nazareth.The Coming Persecution o o o We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night. – P.M. o o o Woman shoots at would-be home intruders. The intruders claimed to be with the East point Police Department. – T.P. o o o Summertime Blues: Teen Unemployment in Major U.S. Cities Tops 50 Percent . – G.G. o o o Ex-banker falls 1000ft off …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Constitution is Just a Scrap of Paper. – J.W. o o o The SurvivalBlog reader, GG in the South, who wrote in about the recent spectacular claim that United States automobile gas consumption has declined by 75%, suggestive of a collapsing economy, is mistaken. The original author was confused by labeling on a government graph, which reported retail sales by United States refiners, rather than total sales. It turns out that much of refiner’s output is wholesale. The United States total automobile gas consumption is some four times what was listed on the spectacular graph purporting to show an economic …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Refrigerator or Counter? Where to Store Some Produce May Surprise You. There are some foods that absolutely need refrigeration and some that are better off stored outside of your fridge. – H.L. o o o Why Colt Can’t Shoot Straight. An interesting read, but remember that the source magazine is owned by Bloomberg. – T.P. o o o Gun Seller Dropped By Bank Rejects Their Attempt ‘To Kiss And Make Up’. – G.P. o o o If the severe drought in the Southwest wasn’t enough to strain food growers, now they are dealing with a plague of grasshoppers: Grasshoppers cloud …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Water Wars: Ankara suspends pumping Euphrates’ water, cutting off the water supply to Syria and Iraq It appears that Turkey has control of the Euphrates River and has shut off flow into Syria and Iraq. This happened well over a month ago, but it is now reaching crisis proportions for the people and the agriculture in the region. Will this bring warring factions to the table? Will those factions now join to move against Turkey? Or, will all sides just let millions suffer and die of thirst as the supply of drinking water vanishes? – C.M. o o o Report: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Inside the Ring: Memo outlines Obama’s plan to use the military against citizens – B.B. o o o When looking at retreat locations, a SurvivalBlog reader suggested using this tool: The Criminal States of America o o o After reading Patriots, Survivors, Founders, and Expatriates, I found it hard to imagine some of the improvised equipment. This is it in real life. I know this article is kinda dated, but a picture is worth a thousand words and there are a lot of pictures here. – DSB o o o A false report to get even with this innocent man …