Odds ‘n Sods:

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Shepherds, Sheep, Goats, Wolves, And Guard Dogs o o o Federal judge upholds Colorado gun laws, dismisses lawsuit – H.L. This was the expected outcome of the court hearing. The law is stupid, but no one can show that they have been hurt by the law. It’s a shame that someone will have to be seriously injured or possibly die, needing more than 15 rounds, before the court will strike the law down. o o o Survival Entertainment, Friend or Foe? An exclusive interview with Cody Lundin. – C.N. As you will read in the (long) interview, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Quite frankly, I find this a bizarre but fitting description of just how out of touch some people are with reality from all sides. Chaos as New York beggars’ banquet turns ugly. – RBS o o o Air Force tries to take God out of the equation.. – MPR o o o The Age of Mafia Government. – B.B. o o o 10 Facts About The SWATification Of America That Everyone Should Know o o o The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State. – B.R.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Swine Flu Confirmed at Shelter for Unaccompanied Minors. – G.P. o o o In a Daze, Where is My Country?. – B.B. o o o With the collapsing of the southern boarder and/or the Feds unwillingness to uphold their constitutional duty, we will be seeing more of this: Texas Ranchers Under Attack . – R.M. o o o Top Homeland Security adviser says America is an Islamic country. – B.D. o o o Here’s our best look yet at Hardy and Theron in Mad Max 4 (+ plot details)

Odds ‘n Sods:

A bit of “prepper” humor for your enjoyment: 30 Signs That You’re One of Those “Crazy Preppers” – G.W. It’s scary how many of those actually fit. o o o United Nations Seeks US-based Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Specialists – B.B. And lest you think this is a hoax, here is the link to the actual job posting (requires login). – H.L. o o o From B.C. – This is the DHS equivalent to the probably better-known DoD QDR review of missions. It is certainly long (may need a large file warning for bandwidth-constrained users) but may be of interest …

Odds ‘n Sods:

CFAPA.orgon the web: Survivalist starts issuing his own press passes o o o Chicago Children’s Hospital Takes Custody of 16-Year-Old Away from Parent Who Sought Second Opinion. – D.S. Incidents like these do not seem to be an increasing problem with the state, rather private hospitals are causing the issues. Child Protective Services (CPS); Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD); or whatever else the government services are called have a long history of letting real abuse slip through the cracks of the system and unfairly attacking healthy homes, but this phenomena by private hospitals is something new. Egos the size …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Gun Shop Alleges July 1st Shutdown Due to Political Stance. – B.B. HJL notes: While it is certainly sad to see a business fall on hard times, I’m not entirely convinced that the situation “Tactical Firearms” is in is as politically connected as they would have us believe. Upon reading the article, it seems that there is an internal squabble from one of the owners. The banks refusal to renew the loan may be more related to this squabble than the political targeting of the business. o o o This link takes you direct to Federal site. Note that the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Outlawed: The ‘spy’ cars that automatically issue parking fines totalling £300million after protest by privacy campaigners – JBG I also suspect that “revenue generation” is a significant contributor as to why there is such a rift forming between LEOs and the rest of the population. o o o In these Kansas towns, driving a car makes you a potential criminal. – T.P. o o o Emails Show Feds Asking Florida Cops to Deceive Judges. – B.G. o o o Will You Survive Being Sent To A FEMA Camp? – J.W. HJL Notes: While I disagree with some of the basic …

Odds ‘n Sods:

S. 150: The Biggest Proposed Gun and Magazine Ban in American History. – J.W. o o o Doctors Without Borders: Ebola ‘out of control’. – A.W. o o o Doomsday prepper father accused of plotting to kill federal agents and stockpiling guns and explosives for the ‘end of days’… only for FBI to raid his home and find only food and five legal firearms in safe. – JBG o o o DC Court Confirms That Government Agents Can Abuse US Citizens’ Rights With Impunity If They Leave The Country. – H.L. o o o An excellent DIY project on instructables …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mother dies in jail while being punished for kids missing school – H.L. Can somebody please explain to me why a mother was in jail for her children’s truancy? o o o Postal Service Explores Sensors, Data Collection Via ‘Vehicles, Mailboxes, Machines, Letter Carriers’ – G.P. o o o Is this what our republic has succumbed to– vulgar 6th graders being encouraged by their parents? This is sickening and the fruit of a depraved and fallen culture–a society that has abandoned God. Josh Orlian: 12-Year-Old Standup Comedian Gets Naughty on AGT Stage – America’s Got Talent 2014 – R.G. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video Surfaces of Texas Police Executing Handcuffed Prisoner – T.P. Texas police execute a handcuffed man and the grand jury refused to indict the officer. The D.A. didn’t want the video released “to protect the rights of the victim”, but I suspect the real reason was to protect the police officer. Once again, mental illness mixed with police brutality is essentially a death sentence with no consequences for the offending officer. Warning: the video is extremely graphic! Surveillance Video of the incident. o o o Another example of expressing a first amendment right violated: Parma resident ticketed for sign warning …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Why ISIS Won’t Stop With Iraq – J.S. o o o A stark warning for today’s Christians in light of ISIS: Trapped in Hitler’s Hell – RBS o o o Is Obama Allowing Illegals to Cross Our Southern Border an Encouragement of Domestic Attacks to Facilitate a Government Takeover? – B.B. o o o South Dakota has Raked in $100 Million in Homeland Security Grants Despite No Known Terrorist Threats…Ever – T.R. o o o The Freeze Dry Guy(along with all of our advertisers who sell Mountain House foods) are still having some fantastic sales. This is a slow season …

Odds ‘n Sods:

So much for buying your son a birthday or graduation present. Once again, a law designed to punish law abiding citizens is validated, or you can look at this as a law to make criminals out of law abiding citizens for simply following the time-honored tradition of buying your relative a gift. Supreme Court Rules on ‘Straw Purchaser’ Law. – RBS. o o o From Pat Cascio: This is what the past three presidents have unilaterally declared as “A religion of peace”. Warning: This video is extremely graphic! Muslims Force Christian To Convert To Islam, Then Brutally Behead Him Also, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

We posted the original article on the “sneaky” changing of SCOTUS opinions without notification. It now appears that someone has programmed an alarm for it. Clever piece of code exposes hidden changes to Supreme Court opinions. – G.P. o o o 5 Native American Survival Medicines Secretly Made At Home. – H.L. o o o Confiscation and Rebellion. – B.B. Obama praises the Australian gun laws without mentioning that a linchpin of the whole concept is the mandatory confiscation. o o o Obama Facilitates The Rise Of The Caliphate. – B.B. o o o Text and Video: Video from ISIS …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Securing Your Six: Teacher’s Edition. – Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog Editor At Large. o o o Iraq’s Vulnerable Christians Further Imperiled by Jihadist Advance – P.M. o o o NASA and NOAA agree: Solar Max has arrived, but this “mini Max” is not like any other solar maximum of the Space Age. Solar Mini-Max . – A.D. o o o Liar, liar! 12 major problems with Hillary’s Benghazi chapter. – H.L. o o o Video: Husband and wife shoot gunmen who try to enter their St. Louis home, killing 1, police say . Text with two-minute video. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Criminal Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Indefinite Detention Case. – H.L. Even the perception of “Liberty and Justice for all” has now been shredded. o o o A study on mob mentality and subsequent loss of personal morals: Your friends really DO make you behave badly: Researchers warn being in a group leads to ‘mob rule’ and causes people lose touch with their moral beliefs. – R.D. Also, the first season of this TV program has 13 British men left on a deserted island for four weeks with just the clothes on their back, three knives, and three machetes. o …