Odds ‘n Sods:

Another article on Nagin: Gun-Confiscating Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison – D.C. o o o Man Who Shot at Cops During No-Knock Raid Acquitted on All Charges . – T.P. o o o Another victim/target rich environment for criminal activity: Store Ignores Obvious Signs, Goes Overboard With Its Anti-Gun Policy – JBG o o o I am not one for these kind of shows. However, this one is worth watching. It shows just how screwed up the justice system is. Despite the fact that a strong body of evidence and human evidence …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Three months, and counting, to release of Atlas Shrugged, Part 3! o o o More Concealed Carriers = Less Violent Crime, Study Shows. – H.L. o o o Another reason why homeschooling is so important. Without even realizing it, the author has made a strong case for homeschooling. Our public schools are not designed to help your child get the most from their education; they are designed from the ground up to ensure conformity. Why so many kids can’t sit still in school today. – P.M. o o o Border Patrol Warns MS-13 Using Nogales Processing Center as Recruitment Hub. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For any readers considering relocation inside the U.S., this web page has two maps that show state restrictions on full auto guns and suppressors (commonly but erroneously called “silencers”). Washington is the only state in the American Redoubt region with a restriction. One simple way around that is to get a Class 3 Dealer’s license, and then you can purchase and shoot any machine gun that you want, as “inventory”. o o o It’s Never Taken Longer To Fill A Job Opening In America. – H.L. o o o Well, you knew it was coming: Two Robberies at Target Since …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Gun Thief – Nawlins’ former Mayor Ray Nagin – Gets 10 Years in Prison Nagin was also a member of Mike Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns pressure group. (Yet another mayor from that group is headed for a long stretch behind bars.) o o o Good information about a snake bite experience on the M14 forum. – L.L. o o o Identifying and Treating Spider Bites. – J.W. o o o If Tuberculosis Spreads … o o o Several readers commented on the unavailability of JWR’s recommendation “Where There is No Vet”. SurvivalBlog reader P.M. was kind enough to send …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Germany to spy on US for first time since 1945 after ‘double agent’ scandal – G.P. o o o More Illegal Immigrants from China Crossing Border . – P.M. o o o A Call to Vigilance – B.B. o o o You knew the “Global Warming Crises” was junk science to begin with. Now there is proof: Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling o o o America’s Most Likely – and Most at Risk – Gun Owners? People Over 65 – RBS With the concept of a “Doctor’s Note” being kicked around to be able to exercise your 2nd …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This has been covered before, but its importance bears repeating. Extent of US dependency on prescription drugs revealed: UN report shows 6% of American adults hooked on pills. – T.P. o o o MS-13 gang members and jihadists let in over the border as children. – B.B. o o o Why are police shooting so many family dogs?. – G.B. o o o IRS Spending: Administration v. Refundable Credits. – PLC o o o Four librarians gagged and threatened with prison time under the Patriot Act. – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

MS-13 Gang Members Allowed into U.S., but Wife of Marine Veteran Thrown in Prison – J.W. o o o The Wonders of Modern Education It’s hard to determine whether this is a prank or a real vlogger interview. Having been in teaching, though, I will attest to having seen many students of this caliber in our public high schools. If you have been wondering how our country ended up in the mess it is currently in, just remember that when she reaches voting age, her vote counts just as much as yours. o o o States look to gun seizure …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Google’s War on Guns – T.P. o o o Independence in 1776; Dependence in 2014 – B.B. o o o Map Of Locations To Which Feds Are Shipping Illegal Alien Minors – T.P. Created from media reports o o o From the Annals of Police Militarization: EPA Shuts Down MRAP Transfers – G.P. o o o ISIS Terrorist Supporters Hold Rally Today in Holland. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Expropriation Is Back – Is Christine Lagarde The Most Dangerous Woman In The World?. – J.W. o o o Fear and Rumors Hinder Containment of Ebola Outbreak. – G.P. o o o Are We Reading One of the Declaration of Independence’s Most Iconic Lines Wrong? – P.H. o o o Around Half the States in the Country are Now Experiencing Drought. – H.L. o o o The Military Is Already Using Facebook to Track Your Mood – JBG Considering that this is how the middle east revolutions started, it has huge implications here. Not just in the government tracking what …

Odds ‘n Sods:

South St. Paul Beef Plant Temporarily Closing, 300 Jobs Affected – E.B. It’s not just the 300 workers who will be affected either. It doesn’t take much to make the leap from “shortage of cattle” to “higher prices” at the market. o o o Uncomfortable Independence Day Questions – T.P. o o o How Fast Food Providers Beat Inflation – Add Wood Pulp To Burgers – RBS o o o The Facebook Manipulation Study’s Mysterious Connection to the Military – G.P. o o o IRS policy that targeted political groups also aimed at open source projects – At the same …

Odds ‘n Sods:

America’s version of the “Brown Shirts” and, yes, they even call themselves that. – Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest. – H.L. o o o Security Theater, Defense Contracting Edition. Paper magazines apparently can now have real computers in them. – T.P. Hugh Notes: I would love to get my hands on one of these to see just what it is and what its capabilities are. o o o FBI, CIA Use Backdoor Searches To Warrentlessly Spy On Americans’ Communications. – G.G. o o o Even the local government is organizing protests. Protesters …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This Family-Run Restaurant Is the Opposite of a Gun-Free Zone. – JBG o o o All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants. – K.P. o o o The Rise of the ‘Super Weed’ Around the World. – H.L. I have to confess, the the comments made on this post never even entered my mind until I read them. About 4 years ago, I quite using glyphosate (Round Up) because I noticed that the weeds had begun to gain a resistance to it. Even the ubiquitous “goat head” (Tribulus terrestris or sometimes called “puncture vine”) had begun to adapt. I …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mental health police units are looking to harvest everything from medical records to gun purchases to online posts to watch for those who are “near the breaking point.” Pre-Crime Police Target Mental Health – H.L. o o o Police Confiscate Healthy Baby Because it Was Born at Home – H.L. o o o Profiteering on Banker Deaths: Regulator Says Public Has No Right to Details. – P.K. o o o Negative Nominal Interest Rates: Highway to a Cashless, Statist Hell. – RBS o o o Peru now has a ‘license to kill’ environmental protesters. – J.M.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Martin Armstrong Warns Civil Unrest Is Rising Everywhere: “This Won’t End Pretty” – C.J. o o o MRAP seen as protection by some, extreme measure by others. – G.P. o o o Legislature Repeals Durham’s Jim Crow-Era Gun Registration Law. – G.G. While the requirement for registration has now been repealed, the fight now moves to the existing records. It is unclear as to whether the records will be destroyed or not. o o o Fears government agencies can listen in to private mobile phone calls at the ‘flick of a switch’ after Vodafone reveals authorities use secret wires across …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Confronting Cops After They Shoot His Dog. – RBS An undefensible action on the part of the police. A dog, that is properly contained, is shot and killed because the officer trespassed on the property in the course of an action unrelated to the property or dog owner. o o o Barney Fife Meets Delta Force. – B.B. We’ve posted on this particular action before, but I found the title of this piece and the corresponding reporting to be an accurate description of the problem. o o o Recruits’ Ineligibility Tests the Military – T.P. More Than Two-Thirds of American …