Odds ‘n Sods:

What Countries Are Currently At War? The Complete List. – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog reader B.S. sent in this link to the chemical resistance of various plastics, an invaluable tool to understand what you need to store your survival chemicals in. One size does not fit all! o o o Total Breakdown In Less Than 24 Hours: Images and Videos of Missouri Riots and Looting – B.B. Reminiscent of the Rodney King riots… And to top it off, the hacker group “Anonymous” is weighing in on the issue even before due process can be started. o o o Authorities …

Odds ‘n Sods:

On the border: Going it alone. – H.L. o o o Census Bureau: One New Migrant Enters U.S. Every 40 Seconds. – P.M. o o o An excellent read on the ideals that founded our nation. The Right to Resist Evil Leaders—The Christian History. – J.W. o o o Get used to toilet-to-tap water, Californians told. – T.P. o o o Repel ticks with rose geranium. – J.W.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Medical examiner rules James Brady’s death a homicide. – T.P. This one leaves you scratching your head. Do they really expect to try a man who was already found not guilty 33 years ago? o o o Thousands Of Gallons Of Water Stolen From Small Town’s Fire Department – JBG o o o How to Build the Ultimate Survival Shelter – RBS o o o (Warning: Graphic) ISIS Sweeps The Middle East In A Method Reminiscent of Genghis Khan – B.B. After seeing ISIS in action, I am beginning to understand God’s command to Moses and Joshua in ancient times to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Tying into the storyline of of JWR’s novel “Expatriates”: Former Australian army chief: “Australia is involved in the early stages of a war which is likely to last for the rest of the century” o o o Many Americans Renounce Citizenship, Hitting New Record – G.G. o o o Yet another reason why I advocate homeschooling: Fremont Sex-Ed Textbook With Topics On Bondage, Vibrators Along With Explicit Diagrams Has Parents Riled Up. – P.M. o o o Homeland Security inspector is arrested after Craigslist sting operation caught him ‘trying to have sex with mother and her underage daughter’. – T.P. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The latest news from nanny state California: Rep. Honda announces bill to ban civilians from military-grade body armor. – T.P. o o o Smart-gun designer can’t understand objections: German gun designer’s quest for a smarter weapon infuriates U.S. gun rights advocates. – SDC o o o DOJ: Regions Near Mexico Border Most Crime Ridden in US. – P.M. o o o City Evicts Elderly Man from His Tent in the Woods – by Ruthlessly Demolishing it in Front of His Eyes. – H.L. o o o Americans worry that illegal migrants threaten way of life, economy. – M.D.

Odds ‘n Sods:

We’re All Criminals and Outlaws in the Eyes of the American Police State. – H.L. o o o Open Carry Activist Takes a Bold Stand Against County Ordinance… and Wins. – JBG While The Blaze declares the activist a winner, I’m not so sure. The officer still escalated immediately with no consequences for his actions. At a minimum, the officer deserves a reprimand for such severe escalation right up front. That’s part of the police state mentality problem and how innocent people get killed. o o o Armed Liberians ‘Poison’ Wells Killing Villagers under Pretext of Epidemic. – T.P. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video & Text: Obama’s FBI to hire firm to rate ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ stories about the agency – T.P. o o o Camping Survival is offering free shipping on Wise Food through August 6. Don’t miss it! o o o The Drought Apocalypse Approaches as the Colorado River Basin Dries Up. – P.M. o o o Connecticut Supreme Court Says State Cops Can Detain You Simply For Being In The Vicinity Of Someone They’re Arresting. – B.B. o o o This shot reminded me of the boat chase scene in JWR’s novel “Survivors”. It described how one of the characters …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Change you can believe in: More Companies Closing Than Opening in USA… Why It’s Worrying That U.S. Companies Are Getting Older. – G.P. o o o Video and text: Former Border Patrol agent warns what’s coming– UPDATED – D.A. An interesting premise that the Ebola outbreak in Africa is being used to distract the U.S. populace from what is going on at the U.S. border and something far more dangerous entering our country, including other infectious diseases and criminals and why our government is helping and hiding these dangers. o o o Man admits he stuck needles in fresh meat …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The passing of Jon Cavaiani probably didn’t make the local evening news but JayZ and Bouncie did… very sad. Jon was well known and for many years, a frequent guest and mentor around the 3rd / 12th Special Forces circle. He was an active member in both the Special Forces Association and The Medal of Honor Association, and numerous other Veteran groups. Even if you did not know him or know of him, please take a moment to say a private thank you for his service. – R.L. o o o A breath of fresh air; a police officer who …

Odds ‘n Sods:

IRS Strikes Deal With Atheists To Monitor Churches. – G.G This would be the same entity once headed by Lois Lerner. o o o Toxic tap water causes state of emergency in Toledo – K.H. o o o Related to the above entry – An often derisively asked question: Why do you prep? What could go wrong in this day and age? Answer: Bottled water is flying off the shelves after 400,000 Toledo residents are warned not to drink the water for fear it is TOXIC with chemicals o o o The Drought Goes From Bad To Catastrophic – B.B. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Emory Hospital to receive 2 Ebola patients – keeper HJL Adds: Remember, Ebola is successful at creating fear because it has such a high fatality rate and there is no cure. We fear what we do not understand. We fear what can kill us. Put those two together, and it can be intense fear. However, like radiation poisoning, the fear is often unfounded. Ebola, while a wicked virus, cannot be the pandemic that wipes out most of the population because it kills too fast. The onset of symptoms is far too quick for it to be an efficient mass killer. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friend Tam over at the View From The Porch blog mentioned this amazing wingsuit video. o o o This Is What Is Going To Happen If Ebola Comes To America. – B.B. o o o Ebola outbreak may already be uncontrollable. – A.D. o o o Homeland Security Report Confirms Diseases Spreading at Border Facilities. – JBG o o o California drought: ‘May have to migrate people’. – G.P. o o o An excellent treatise on people willingly allowing themselves to be oppressed. Video: The End of Oppression – Part 2: The Game – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

America’s Militia Movement is Back From the Dead – H.L. o o o UK police to start seizing drivers’ mobile phones after all crashes. – T.P. o o o Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda Terror. – P.M. o o o Mom Arrested for Letting 7-Year-Old Son Walk to Park Alone. – D.S. o o o In boiling hot suits with silent death lurking everywhere and the fear that a mistake could be fatal: Doctors give a gripping insight into their battle in the crucible of the biggest Ebola outbreak in history. – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Photos Emerge Of 10 “Active Militia Teams” Securing The US-Mexico Border. – H.L. o o o Worth 1,000 words: Pictures of Hamas tunnels in Gaza. – JMC o o o Video: Illegal aliens get more money than most Americans: Collect More Than $7,000 Per Month for ‘Fostering’ Adult Illegal Aliens. – P.M. o o o SurvivalBlog Reader K.S. wrote in to tell us that those who are interested in “Slow Sand Filter Plans” can save lots of time and effort by using a swimming pool sand filter. They are built the same way but are smaller because they use a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mad Max: Fury Road – Comic-Con First Look [HD] – G.G. o o o Two Americans Stricken With Deadly Ebola Virus in Liberia o o o The borders are closed, but the airport remains open? Liberia Closes Borders to Curb Ebola Outbreak – T.P. o o o Two Persistent Energy Myths With Attendant Conspiracy Theories. – J.S. o o o While illegals get bus trips, Americans are being tazed and arrested by border patrol 100 miles away from the border. – B.B. o o o 8 Insane Things Put in Place by John McCain’s $100 Million Pro-Invasion Spending Bill . …