Odds ‘n Sods:

Your Facebook, Twitter and blog are about to be monitored for references to the Government. – H.L. o o o JWR joins Prepper Recon for a podcast: Time is Short, Wake Up! o o o More and more, the words once shouted with such emphatic fervor, “Never Again!” are being changed and mumbled as “Never mind.” – Brazil starts counting their Jews – B.B. o o o Public Locked Out of Miami Biscayne National Park – No Fishing. – T.P. o o o 5th person dies of MERS virus in South Korea. – G.P. (Warning: This page has a text …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Fat Lady Hums A Few Notes. – B.B. o o o Parents call on school’s chief to resign after Smitten Kitten field trip. – H.L. o o o Woman Feared Her Ex, So She Applied for a Gun Permit. She Was Murdered While Waiting for NJ to Allow Her to Have One.. – D.S. o o o Urban Warfare Exercise Starts Without a Warning. – J.R. o o o Entire police dept. disbanded after councilwoman and her son were arrested. – JBG

Odds ‘n Sods:

A great precedent has been set for our Fourth Amendment Rights: Cop Who Arrested Man for Legally Carrying Gun Gets Sued o o o There might be no saving the world’s top banana Another reason why it is critical that people continue to plant non-GMO heirloom seeds of all kinds to add variety to food sources. Having only one viable strain (in this case shippable) risks doing without someday. Corporations, such as Monsanto and others, have moved towards just a FEW GMO varieties and use heavy-handed tactics to “force” farmers, even in third-world countries to use ONLY their seeds and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This is a VERY interesting article for those who are watching the days and times we are living in: Rabbi Vilna Gaon prophecy. – Avalanche Lily o o o WikiLeaks releases secret TISA docs: The more evil sibling of TTIP and TPP. – H.L. o o o Remember Hope and Change? Here’s Bill Whittle with “Not Even Close!” – MtH o o o Some important privacy info over at the Radio Free Redoubt web site: ANONYMITY OF OFFICE DOCUMENTS – PATRIOT DARKNET o o o Land of the Unfree – Police and Prosecutors Fight Aggressively to Retain Barbaric Right of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

America’s Biggest Secret: Wikileaks Is Raising A $100,000 Reward For Leaks Of The TPP. – H.L. o o o Maine Constitutional Carry Bill Goes to Governor. – Governor LePage is expected to sign the bill. – G.T. o o o Swatting Across N.J. Continues As Authorities Get More Tight-Lipped About Investigations. – D.S. o o o Get Jailed For Toys In Yard, Missing Shingles In This American Town. – D.S. o o o Warning – Requires Facebook account to view: Islam, in their own words – R.G.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master. – H.L. o o o A useful skill to have: How to Reload an AK-47 With an Injured Arm o o o The 7 B’s of Prepping. – G.W. o o o Skies are Filled with FBI Aircraft. – B.B. o o o So You Want To Vote Republican? A constitutional libertarian perspective at the current political process as election season nears. – B.B. o o o Review: the Seven Core Areas of Preparedness. – Avalanche Lily

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Simple Off-Grid Guide To Making Paper. – D.S. o o o I wonder how long before this shows up in North America or Europe? China unveils world’s first facial recognition ATM. – B.B. o o o Is it time for civil disobedience of kludgeocratic bureaucracy?. – JBG o o o Global Warming Agenda driven “study” attempts to paint Christians as anti-science fools: New study reaffirms the link between conservative religious faith and climate change doubt. – T.P. o o o House Democrat Backed By Insurance Companies Pushes Mandatory Gun Insurance

Odds ‘n Sods:

The fine folks at the Paratus Familia blog have posted a very useful piece about U.S. military surplus GP Medium tents. o o o Administration preps new gun regulations. – G.G. o o o The working class Hunger Games – Reality TV show now pits working class against working class family for the chance to earn $101,000 for a mostly affluent audience. o o o Lest you think the Fox Network isn’t part of the problem: Lucifer Makes Prime Time – M.R. o o o And even more about the moral decline of of our society – When The “Sharing” …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Elderly face NHS discrimination under new UN death targets . – H.L. o o o The New Nationwide Crime Wave (May require subscription or login to read) o o o Emergence of a National Police Force. – B.B. o o o ‘Ferguson Effect’: America’s New Crime Wave Is All Part of the Plan. – JBG o o o The College Bureaucracy: How Education Forgot the Students and Became A Business. – H.L.

Odds ‘n Sods:

North Korean hackers ‘could kill’ o o o Bloody Baltimore Shows What Happens When You Trade Essential Liberty For Temporary Safety o o o Chief of elite Tajik police unit defects to Islamic State, vows jihad against enemies . – G.P. o o o Vatican Adviser Says America’s Founding Document Is Outmoded, Reveals Global Game. – D.S. o o o Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote. – JMC

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sephardic Jews Leave Turkey for Spain Fleeing ‘Unnerving’ Wave of Anti-Semitism. – H.L. o o o Over at Commander Zero’s blog: Thoughts on the PTR-91 o o o Thanks to SurvivalBlog reader T.P. I haven’t seen anything this ridiculous since I sold my .50AE Desert Eagle, but it sure does look fun! – Video: Dual, Double bbl. .45’s….. in slow motion ! o o o Bill Gates just described his biggest fear — and it could kill 33 million people in less than a year. – G.P. o o o New Media ( anti-Google, anti Collective, anti-Shills ) Web Browser. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Krayton Kerns: Lessons of the Dirt Pile. – Avalanche Lily o o o An interview with JWR on SGT Report was just posted dealing with the impending collapse of the U.S. economy and the treason within our own government which has led to the fast-tracking of the secretive TPP. o o o Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large, presented us with this fascinating look from a historians perspective at “natural” diets. o o o Remember, this is with plenty of food, and open gas stations. – T.P. 56 shot, 12 killed in violent Memorial Day weekend in Chicago 28 people …

Odds ‘n Sods:

US-China war ‘inevitable’ unless Washington drops demands over South China Sea. – G.P. o o o 10 Rules For Self-Sufficient Living: Survival Tips from the Great Depression. – D.S. o o o Man from Essex County was Lassa Fever victim, officials say. – D.S. o o o The Average American Attention Span Is Now 8 Seconds – Lower Than a Goldfish. – G.S. o o o Target to add RFID tag technology. – RBS

Odds ‘n Sods:

E-Bracelets for Pilgrims: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia o o o Google Patents Creepy New Toys That Spy on Your Kids, Control Smart Devices in Your Home Also, the SMART TV’s and certain NEW computers have spying capability, hence we will keep our eight year old TV and OLD computer. Children are better off with old fashioned or SCIENTIFIC toys in any event! Give them cardboard boxes and crayons and let them create! I had a grand time with the cardboard Quaker Oats box, cut in half like a cradle, lining it with cloth, covering the outside with old wallpaper and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Podcast: Sustainable Farming 2.0. – A.T. o o o U.S. military and civilians are increasingly divided. – G.P. o o o Bomb-proof WALLPAPER could save lives with Kevlar fibres that stops debris. – JBG o o o “You Woke up Stupid This Morning?” Armed Man Stops Would-Be Carjacker. – H.L. o o o While perusing one of my favorite video bloggers, I noticed that he posted a slow motion video of Bees in flight. Every once in a while, in our busy prepping lives, it’s good to stop and take notice of the beauty of God’s creation around us. I …