What is Old is New Again – Part 2, by 3AD Scout

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Keeping warm will be another area where we revert back to old ways. I see lots of prepper articles and YouTube videos about sawing wood for heat. Back in the bygone days, one of the daily chores of children was picking up “sticks”. Many of us may remember the old nursery rhythm with the line “five, six pick up sticks”. These sticks were used for cooking. Heat from the daily food preparation was just an added bonus in the colder months. We may want to lower our expectations of post-TEOTWAWKI comfort. Trying …

Ruger American Rifle Generation II in 6.5 Creedmoor, by Thomas Christianson

The Ruger American Rifle Generation II in 6.5 Creemoor is highly accurate and light, with an easily gripped and highly adjustable stock. The 20 inch spiral fluted barrel is visually striking, the bolt cycles smoothly, and the 3 position tang safety is easy to operate and intuitive. At 6.5 pounds, the rifle would be easier to carry than most on a long day in the field. With a manufacturer-suggested retail price of $729 at the time of this writing, and widely available for less, the rifle offers an excellent value for the money. If you are looking for a good …

Rossi Survival Rifle in .45 Colt/.410 Gauge, by Thomas Christianson

Packing considerably more punch than the typical .22LR survival rifle, the Rossi Survival Rifle in .45 Colt/.410 Gauge is light, compact, rugged, and easy to use. It would be an excellent tool for taking medium-sized game out to about 75 yards or so. Beyond that range, the trajectory of the bullet from a .45 Colt cartridge begins to exhibit its bow-shaped arc, making accurate shooting more difficult. With a manufacturer-suggested retail price of $356.99 at the time of this writing at www.rossiusa.com, the rifle would make an excellent addition to the survival kit of a plane, boat, truck or other …

The Bugout Trailer (BOT), by Tunnel Rabbit

This Bug Out Trailer (BOT) as it is presented here is intended to be a concept rather than a set of building plans.  This is a low-cost structure that only requires only common tools and materials. The photos provided can say more than I could describe in a multi-part article. The BOT can be a single-purpose utility or a multi-purpose platform that is lightweight and inexpensive to build. In essence, it is a modern version of the horse-drawn wagon trailers used beginning around the 1860’s that became the modern RV.  It is an example, of what the Marine Corps advocates: …

Warwood Tool Perfect Axe, by Thomas Christianson

Editor’s Introductory Note:  This article was written in February 2024. That was several months before I contacted Warwood Tool, to set up an affiliate advertising contract.  Full disclosure:  We earn a modest commission on the sales of any Wawood Tools that are derived from visits to the Warwood Tool site, from clicks on the affiliate ad at SurvivalBlog. — The Warwood Tool Perfect Axe is a contemporary version of a classic and highly effective American axe design. The Kelly Perfect Axe was first patented in 1885, and remained in production until about 2016. The most notable features of a Perfect …

Predator Armor Plate Carrier and Plates, by Thomas Christianson

I recently had the chance to test the Predator Armor Minuteman Plate Carrier as well as a couple of Predator Armor steel plates. I found the 500D Cordura material from which the plate carrier is made to be robust, stain and odor resistant, comfortable to wear. It included 6 rows of MOLLE style webbing. It cost $160 at the time of this writing from www.predatorarmor.com. One of the plates I tested was a Level III+ Shooter’s Cut plate made from ballistic grade AR650 steel. With the multicurve body contour, it cost $145 for a single plate and $195 for a …

Gerber E-Z Out Skeleton Plain Edge Folding Knife, by Thomas Christianson

The skeletonized spine of the Gerber E-Z Out Skeleton Plain Edge folding knife provides a strong but lightweight blade for this excellent folding knife. Like the Spyderco hole, the cut-outs in the blade provide the thumb with a consistent friction point for reliable ambidextrous one-handed deployment without snagging on clothing or impeding the cutting action of the blade. The 3.25 inch, 420HC, saber-grind, drop-point blade comes out of the box shaving sharp. Two Kraton SoftGrip inserts provide the slender but sturdy polycarbonate handle with an excellent grip surface. Priced at $47 at the time of this writing at www.gerbergear.com , …

Come Home, Now!, by M. Paul

This article is addressed to my adult children and their families. It should be useful to those readers who have family members who are spread out across a region of the country. It is intended to provide information and logistics for improving the odds of successful transport for those who may be planning to come “home” when there are natural disasters, or the Stuff Hits The Fan (SHTF). Disasters, in my judgment, can range from large storms, tornados, large fires, and floods, all the way up to EMPs, world war, or deep societal breakdown. Each of these, to varying degrees, …

Minuteman “K” Rocket Stove, by Thomas Christianson

The Minuteman “K” Rocket Stove is an outstanding biomass-fueled stove for grid-down situations or for recreational use. The stove is easy to light and easy to feed. It is easy to remove excess ash from the stove while it is in active use. And the stove provides highly effective heat output that is suitable for use with full-sized cookware. The stove cost $289.95 at the time of this writing at Minutemanstove.com, including 2 one-pound bags of Maya Stick fatwood fire starter tinder. If you live in an area that is rich in sticks, twigs, and similar biomass, the “K” stove …

Champion Handle-Rod, by Thomas Christianson

From time to time, days of hunger come. Sometimes they come for an individual, sometimes for a family, and sometimes for pretty much everyone at once. Money is short, food is expensive, and it is difficult to keep properly fed. During hungry days, fishing may offer a welcome way to add valuable protein to the daily diet. Even during days of prosperity, many people find fishing to be a fun and relaxing pursuit. So in good days and in bad, whether providing protein or lowering your blood pressure, fishing may be good for your health. Some excellent items of fishing …

Fiskars Pro Folding Utility Knife, by Thomas Christianson

With a hefty, ergonomically-shaped, rubber-coated handle approximately 0.88 inches thick and a well-engineered, all-metal blade holder, the Fiskars Pro Folding Utility Knife provides a rugged tool for serious cutting. It is roughly 4.5 inches in length folded and 6.5 inches open. The supplied Carbon Max blade provides superior edge retention in comparison with standard utility knife blades. The chunky handle is comfortable to grip, but also takes up quite a bit of room when clipped into a pants pocket. With a manufacturer suggested retail price of $26.99 at www.fiskars.com at the time of this writing, and widely available elsewhere online …

Sentry Tuf-Cloth Cleaner/Dry Lubricant/Protectant, by Thomas Christianson

Sentry Tuf-Cloth provides a conveniently-packaged, non-toxic, lint-free cloth for cleaning, lubricating, and protecting cutlery, firearms, tools, and other metal objects. It is made in the USA, and is available in vapor barrier foil pouches or in plastic jars in either a standard version or in a marine version that is designed for more corrosive environments. The Tuf-Glide CDLP (clean, dry-lube, protectant) solutions that impregnate the cloth are also available without the cloth in pen applicators or in spray bottles of various sizes. At the time of this writing, the standard and marine Tuf-Cloths in the foil pouch were priced at …

NightBuddy 230° LED Headlamp, by Thomas Christianson

The NightBuddy 230° LED headlamp uses an LED lightbar that bends around the forehead at the front of the lamp. This provides an even flood of illumination that is excellent for working outdoors in the dark. It is reliable, lightweight, compact, rechargeable, water-resistant, and easy to use. Battery life is somewhat less than advertised. I must also admit to being somewhat disgruntled by the fact that it is made in China. I feel that NightBuddy Customer Support was not 100% forthright when I inquired about its place of manufacture. The NightBuddy cost $34.95 from www.nightbuddy.com at the time of this …

L.T. Wright Large Northern Hunter, by Thomas Christianson

Inspired by the traditional Canadian Belt Knife, the L.T. Wright Large Northern Hunter is a versatile, effective, well-balanced, and attractive example of the knife-maker’s art. It is well suited to either chopping carrots in the kitchen or skinning a deer in the field. As such, it will effectively serve both a man of the field like Esau while hunting or a homebody like Jacob while making pottage (Genesis 25:27). The sturdy 3.87-inch high-saber-grind blade is made of 1/8 inch thick AEB-L stainless steel and comes razor sharp. The nicely rounded Micarta handle fits the hand extremely well. With a price …

Ergodyne Skullerz 8945f(x) Bump Cap Insert, by Thomas Christianson

This past summer, I was limbing a felled tree. As I leaned forward to cut a low limb, I smacked my forehead against the stub of a higher limb that was hidden by the brim of my cap. I saw stars for a moment, and could feel blood seeping from my forehead. To add insult to injury, my wife, Kari, said, “That was stupid. You should have been wearing a hard hat.” Neither the bump on my head nor Kari’s comment scored very highly on my happy meter. The Bottom Line, Up Front The Ergodyne Skullerz 8945f(x) bump cap insert …