Into the Maelstrom, and a Refuge on the Far Side

For the past few weeks I’ve let the news headlines speak for themselves, but I now feel convicted to comment on the deteriorating economic conditions. The global economy in general, and the economies of the English-speaking nations in particular are in deep, deep trouble. A massive credit bubble has popped, and all efforts to re-inflate it have failed. National congresses and parliaments, are throwing trillions at the problem, but they have done no good. The policy wonks in government, and their cronies at the central banks are essentially clueless. Their uniform reaction to each failed “stimulus” policy seems to be: …

Mexican Flu Update:

New flu virtually everywhere in U.S. now, CDC says WHO chief kept flu alert level at phase 5+ New York school vice-principal dies from swine Flu (Thanks to KAF for alerting us to this news story) A New, New H1N1 In Mexico? Nations Urge WHO to Change Swine Flu Assessment They want pandemic called only if lots of people are dying (not because it is widespread) because of money: “A pandemic announcement would likely have severe economic consequences: it could trigger expensive trade and travel restrictions like border closures, airport screenings and quarantines, as countries not yet affected struggle to …

Mexican Flu Update:

CDC: Up to 100,000 Are Probably Infected in US US Deaths at five, all reportedly with underlying health problems. Globally, 7,000 (which means many more cases than have been confirmed) Swine Flu Cases Continue to Rise But No Pandemic Called Yet “Fukuda notes a pandemic has nothing to do with the severity of the disease, but rather with its geographic spread.” Avian Flu Beaten By Cold Noses WHO eyes swine flu transmission rates, new vaccine

Mexican Flu Update:

Vasilly wrote to mention a computer model that Los Alamos National Lab did in of a “Simulation of a pandemic flu outbreak in the continental United States, initially introduced by the arrival of 10 infected individuals in Los Angeles.” He heard about this when listening to Episode 19 of the Preparedness Podcast. Confirmed Swine Flu Cases in Washington Jump to 236 Fewer than 33% of Americans Would Take Flu Jab Swine Flu Spreads Worldwide–Over 5,700 Infected

An Update to the Classic: The Hyperinflation Survival Guide, by OSOM

Published in 1989 to educate US businessmen on how to cope with hyperinflation, Gerald Swanson’s book “The Hyperinflation Survival Guide: Strategies for American Businesses” contains a wealth of lessons for non-business folks as well. If you run a business or have investments, do yourself a favor and read the book. For the rest of us, here is a concise adaptation (and updating) of Swanson’s business lessons for the individual / family. Hyperinflation is defined as “rapid, debilitating inflation that leads to a major devaluation of a country’s currency”. Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil in the 1980s were used as case studies …

Mexican Flu Update:

Top Flu Expert Warns of a Swine-Bird Flu Mix 12 More Swine Flu Cases Confirmed in Massachusetts First Flu Death in Canada; US Cases Rise Mexico Deaths; Cases Higher than Reported Swine Flu May Be More Infectious than Thought Swine Flu Moments and Decisions Lie Ahead WHO Reports Big Jump in Worldwide Swine Flu Cases 3,440 Cases, 29 Countries, 48 Deaths Japan, Oz Confirm First Cases of Swine Flu Swine Flu Lacks 1918 Killer Traits (So Far) US, Costa Rica Flu Deaths Mexico has suspected upswing in cases, delaying school reopening in six states Number of American Flu Cases Overtake …

Mexican Flu Update:

Heather sent a link to an article was featured in Seven Days (an ultra-liberal newspaper in Burlington, Vermont: The Pandemic Pantry; Stocking up on staples, just in case. Heather’s comment: “I think this article illustrates the fact that the preparedness mindset is starting to reach the mainstream. Maybe the sheeple are beginning to catch on? The article on the side talks about the LDS Church. While I have theological disagreements with the LDS I think their food storage program is outstanding.” KAF sent us this: Another Swine Bug Raises Scientists’ Concerns. KAF’s comment: “This is particularly disturbing. When Egypt began …

More About Depression Proof Jobs–Consider the Three Ks

In these perilous economic times, marked by increasingly frequent corporate layoffs, I’m getting a correspondingly large number of question from blog readers and consulting clients about “recession proof” jobs. I’ve already mentioned quite a few possibilities, but there is one whole category that doesn’t require much (if any) special training: In Japan, these are called the “”Three-K” jobs: kitsui (“hard”) , kitanai (“dirty”) and kiken (“dangerous”). If you are willing to take on any of the Three K jobs, do cheerful and hard work, and have exemplary attendance, then you will likely have a job that will carry you all …

Mexican Flu Update:

As the H1N1 flu spreads across the nation and around the globe, the key question seems to be: It the flu is spreading this quickly in warm weather, then what will it do next winter, when people are generally in closer proximity, indoors? The CDC has vowed to “…continue to get ready for a possible pandemic in the fall.” Clearly, prudence dictates that we be well-prepared, so stock up! The latest flu headlines: Jim S. suggested a video from an academic on the implications of H1N1 hitting Phase 5. Chan hits back at WHO critics. (Thanks to Greg C. for …

Letter Re: Responding to a CBRNE Event, by J. Paramedic

James, That was a great article by “J. Paramedic” on CBRNE events. Not that any of your readers have overly rosy predictions of first responders, but I wanted to add a few points. All in our agency are issued PPE gear. One suit, one mask, one cartridge. We are better funded. Some agencies issue individual gas masks, but issue PPE gear “per squad” (as in, kept at station, enough for squad on patrol plus some.) The decision was made that it was better to lightly equip everyone rather than heavily equip a select team, especially due to extremely large patrol …