Economics and Investing:

Coke Has Suspended All Production in Venezuela. The stoppage isn’t due to price issues. There is apparently a sugar shortage that is expected to last for months. – Sent in by RBS o o o It costs $150 to buy a dozen eggs in Venezuela right now o o o A bit heavy on the charts but interesting nonetheless: Gold Not Ready for a Final Intermediate Cycle Low o o o Mike Maloney’s analysis of “Brexit The Movie”: What You Need To Know About Brexit: The Movie – Mike Maloney (Part 1) – Sent in by M.T. o o o …

Economics and Investing:

The Great Banking Lie o o o Hard Times & False Narratives – B.B. o o o Fed’s Bullard: global central bank policy divergence has been priced in o o o The Shocking Reason Why China Will Send The Price Of Silver Skyrocketing Over $100! o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Letter Re: Venezuela

Hey, SurvivalBlog, With the recent post Letter Re: Venezuela eating worse by J.D., I thought I would chime in, as I have been researching the situation in Venezuela recently. While I am not going to attempt to draw a conclusion for the situation in Venezuela, I would like to present everyone with some of the information I have found interesting with how the narratives have changed over the years and attempt to answer one of J.D.’s questions. 2005 In March of 2005, an article was written discussing that Venezuela’s environment was under stress. 2007 Former President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, …

Economics and Investing:

Millennials and living at home: For the first time on record the most common living arrangement for young adults is living with a parent. o o o This Is Not The America My Parents Immigrated To In 1957 o o o Euro 2016 chaos looms as French union calls for strikes in all 10 host towns and cities o o o Volatile Bottoming Pattern in Metals – “Because most analysts still refuse to recognize the artificial nature of gold’s bear market, they aren’t going to navigate the bottoming pattern correctly. The pendulum is going to swing wildly back and forth …

Economics and Investing:

Class of Underemployed: Nearly 50 percent of recent college graduates are working in jobs where no college degree is required. o o o A Critical Juncture In Gold And Silver Prices o o o Fed’s ticking financial time bomb – Sent in by P.S. o o o Rauner Vetoes Bill Reducing Pension Contributions Despite Massive Underfunding, Chicago Mayor Whines – Expect more of this to come in the years ahead. – P.S. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

S&P Significant Low has Occurred – NOT Likely! – “Of course this time might be different, but it seems wise to consider the possibility of a substantial S&P 500 Index drop in coming months.” o o o Why $50 Oil Is Here To Stay – “As oil prices hit $50, oil traders are trying to answers the million dollar question: will U.S. drillers turn the taps back on?” o o o Video: Brexit – The Movie – a crowdfunded film that presents the case for Britain to leave the EU on June 23rd. – P.S. o o o Greece’s Journey …

Economics and Investing:

Storing Precious Metals Safely Is Just As Important As Buying Them o o o Special Supplement: Counterfeit Coins? You Get What You Pay For – Sent in by RBS o o o Hard Times & False Narratives o o o Criminal Bankers Threaten Entire World Economy-Helen Chaitman. The author of a very interesting book about the connections between powerhouse banker JP Morgan. – RBS o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Video: David Stockman Fox Interview: The Party’s Over—–Look For Cover, Not ‘Growth’ o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our …

Economics and Investing:

Understanding Societal Collapse: Warnings From Venezuela’s Crisis – Sent in by B.B. o o o Canadian Silver Maple Sales Surge To Highest Record Ever o o o New Mexico, suing the EPA over spill caused by the agency, Seeking $100 million – Some runoff from a pond in Montana gets 15 years in prison. Poisoning Flint, Michigan or the Navajo Nation? Nothing. – T.Z. o o o Banks Keep Cutting Bond Traders as One-Third Gone Since 2011 o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

France Hit By Gas Shortages, Rationing After Refinery Workers Go On Strike “In the aftermath of the French labor law reform, local refinery workers have launched a strike to hit the government where it hurts the most. Protesters have blocked deliveries to gas stations from at least half of France’s eight refineries, and workers at three Total refineries have voted to halt all output by Tuesday. The effect was immediate: as an IEA analyst observed, `there is a noticeable fuel shortage in the North West and North of the country, including parts of the greater Paris region.’” – H.L. o …

Economics and Investing:

Reader S.M. wrote in to say: “At times I need to ship gold coins so I joined the North American Collectibles Association. That gave me access to their private insurance program, which covers up to $75,000 per shipment. The rates for insurance are way lower than USPS registered mail, or the rates charged by UPS and Fedex. You can ship via USPS, FedEx, UPS, even domestic freight. I paid less than $100 to insure $75,000 shipments. “They state that most claims are settled in 30 days. I’ve never had a claim with NACA, but the one time I had a …

Economics and Investing:

Something Stunning Is Taking Place Off The Coast Of Singapore – “I’ve been coming to Singapore once a year for the last 15 years, and flying in I have never seen the waters so full of idle tankers,” – B.B. o o o JWR’s interview on the Kennedy Financial Podcast: Ep. 53-JAMES WESLEY, RAWLES, Capitalism, Gold, Silver & MORE! o o o 407,000 Workers Stunned As Pension Fund Proposes 60% Cuts, Treasury Says “Not Enough” – B.B. o o o Preparing For Much Higher Gold And Silver Prices o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors …

Letter Re: Amazon Discussion

Hugh, Another great Amazon tool isn’t really Amazon at all. To determine whether today’s price is the best price, copy the item’s URL and go to There, you’ll be able to see a historical chart of the item’s price and set up a notification when the item reaches the price you’re comfortable with (not only on Amazon but with third party sellers as well, if you’re so inclined). is a great tool, if you don’t need to buy it today, for those items that may be more costly and in your budget at a lower price. – Dayzymom

Economics and Investing:

Balance Due: Credit-Card Debt Nears $1 Trillion as Banks Push Plastic – G.G. o o o Swift Banking Network Struggles With Wave of Cyberattacks – It would be prudent to have cash, even when traveling around. Local banks might take an outage if the Swift network goes down. – P.S. o o o Crony Capitalism And The Feudal America Of Trump And Clinton – J.B. o o o Two-Thirds Of Americans Would Struggle To Cover $1,000 Emergency – G.G. o o o The Biggest Winner Of The Oil Bust: Interview With Aeromexico – Airlines have thrived throughout the oil bust …

Economics and Investing:

Huge Trend Changes Point To Something Big In The Gold Market o o o The Coming Catastrophic Collapse Of The American Middle Class – B.B. o o o U.S. debt dump deepens in 2016 – B.B. o o o A third of cash is held by 5 U.S. companies o o o Extreme rental living in Los Angeles: Want to live in a van, near the river? Or maybe a RV is more your taste? o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Landlords Are Catching Retail’s Cold – RBS o o o In some towns, the strip malls can’t die fast enough – RBS (Warning: This site may require a login to access.) o o o Texas shelters, churches fear sudden influx of Cuban migrants will overwhelm them – W.C. o o o Obama on track to double national debt – B.B. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Fed Puts June Rate Increase on Table Provided Economy Says Go – For your daily comedic relief, it’s amazing what these folks will say with a straight face. o o o SurvivalBlog and …