Economics and Investing:

The Coming Seneca Cliff Collapse & Exploding Silver Price o o o The Free Lunch Is Over o o o The Grand Illusion, $80,000 Gold And A Worldwide Nightmare. Excerpt: “It is very important not to own illusory or paper gold. It must be physical gold and silver which is stored outside the fragile banking system.” o o o RPT-Helicopter money talk takes flight as Bank of Japan runs out of runway o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Budget Planning- Part 4, by Sarah Latimer

Flexible Expenses This is the list of all expenses that are generally short-term commitments and flexible in their amount. Initially, try to get a handle on where you are spending your money right now. Once you have that written down and can get the picture of how your income is being used, you can begin to make adjustments based upon your goals. So, be realistic and honest in this step! I will write more about how to cut some of these costs down in the next section, but for now get a handle on your spending. You will be able …

Economics and Investing:

Wednesday Report…A Potential Life Changing Market – S.B. o o o Credit Suisse to create U.S. banking business for billionaires o o o Deutsche Bank Said to Revive Trading of Credit Options in Europe o o o A Bull Market For The Ages As The Price Of Gold Heads To A Jaw-Dropping $20,000 o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

The Gold Price Correction Is Over…And A Trader’s Tale o o o Gas Taxes Keep Rising to Quell a Different Kind of Road Rage o o o Get ready for America’s new $29 trillion debt o o o Yellen Searches for U.S. Wage Gains With Georgia On Her Mind o o o The Abbot and Costello version of unemployment numbers: Absolutely Brilliant – B.B. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

July in Precious Metals by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins

Welcome to SurvivalBlog’s Precious Metals Month in Review, by Steven Cochran of Gainseville Coins where we take a look at “the month that was” in precious metals. Each month, we cover the price action of gold and examine the “what” and “why” behind those numbers. What Did Gold Do in July? The usual summer doldrums in precious metals were nowhere to be seen in July. Gold started the month on the right foot, rapidly hitting prices not seen since March 2014. Silver prices also accelerated right out of the gate to hit a 22-month high. Stocks reversed their declines in …

Economics and Investing:

Restaurant Recession Could Signal Tough Times for U.S. Economy – RBS o o o New legislation proposes to “bail in” Social Security o o o I found this Reuter’s article linked over at Zero Hedge: ‘Helicopter money’ might weaken currencies more than QE as sky’s the limit o o o US Homeownership Rate Crashes To Lowest Since 1965 o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Get Down With The Monetary Sickness – Mike Maloney o o o Invest 25% Of Investment Portfolios In Gold Bullion – Marc Faber o o o Paul Craig Roberts – We Are About To Witness The End Of The World As We Know It o o o Kyoki (Insanity) o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Bank threatens charges as negative interest rates loom – Note: A login is required to read the full article, but you get the idea just from the title. – G.G. o o o Status Of The Social Security And Medicare Programs ( – U.S. Social Security starts to go negative in 2019 – P.S. o o o Citigroup, HSBC Jettison Customers as Era of Global Empires Ends. Excerpt: “How does a company lose 69 million customers? Just ask Citigroup Inc.” o o o RBS and NatWest consider charging business clients to hold cash. (Note: login required to read article) o …

Economics and Investing:

Over at Gold-Eagle: Will The Gold Bull Market Resume After The Summer Correction? o o o The End of Social Security (Leaked Evidence Stumps Obama, Stuns Retirees) o o o Silver COT Stuns…What’s Going On Here? o o o Negative Interest Rates: The New Abnormal SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Making The Wrong Choices For The Wrong Reasons – When belief overpowers reality. o o o Kmart workers believe all the stores are going to be imminently shut down – With the online shopping taking over, more and more major retailers are going out of business! Malls are becoming ghost malls. I remember W.T. Grant! More and more retail workers as well as bank tellers (many banks closing branches) will be unemployed. Always, always, have other skills! Graduation does NOT mean education stops. I also remember the FIRST electric typewriters! Had to learn about those, and the early computers, and …

Budget Planning- Part 3, by Sarah Latimer

Goals and Self Discipline Before we jump into the section on budget expenses, I want to emphasize the importance of self discipline and getting a handle on what money should be used for. I realize I have spent a lot of time writing about money already, but to properly utilize and manage our money requires the proper perspective of what it is, whose it is, and how we are to view it. Getting a handle on it is just as much about this intellectual understanding and psychological perspective as knowing how it is being utilized and making concerted choices about …

Economics and Investing:

Austrian Economics and the Entrepreneur o o o China Is Planning To Shock The World By Pushing The Price Of Gold Over $10,000 o o o Yellen’s Great Interest Rates Game o o o Taking the Measure of Britain’s New Normal. The betting is that Brexit will tip the economy into recession. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

370 employees losing jobs as Progresso plans on closing soup factory – DSV o o o Shale Drilling Set To Take Off In Argentina o o o Goldman Sachs Raising Private-Equity Fund of $5 Billion to $8 Billion o o o Fracklog in the Biggest U.S. Oil Field May All But Disappear o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Video: Danger – Divergence Greatest On Record – Mike Maloney (Quoting David Stockman and pointing to charts, Mike shows how the markets are being pumped up to record highs by the central banks with artificial liquidity.) o o o 19.4 Trillion Dollars In Debt – We Have Added 1.1 Trillion Dollars A Year To The National Debt Under Obama – B.B. o o o Are Americans Finally Getting Smarter About Money? o o o Britain’s Minimum Wage Short-Changes Young Workers o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for …

Economics and Investing:

Commerce Dept says large washing machines from China dumped in the U.S. Excerpt: “Whirlpool had alleged that the machines were being sold in the United States at prices below production costs. Samsung and LG will be required to pay cash deposits on washing machines imported from their production facilities in China following the ruling, Whirlpool said in a statement.” o o o The Long-Term Outlook For Silver Is Very Positive o o o Negative Rates: We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Vault o o o “These are the danger signals and they are flashing now.” o o o SurvivalBlog and its …