Inflation Watch:

Today I’m launching a new blog column, titled Inflation Watch. It is intended to expose the myth that “there’s no inflation” at present here in the United States and in other First World countries. I’m not sure if this column will become a permanent fixture at SurvivalBlog, but given the recent massive government overspending and monetization, I suspect that I’ll have plenty of material for Inflation Watch.. If you have any present-day personal accounts, or if you spot any news items that show significant inflation, then please e-mail the links to me. These can include details on the shrinking sizes …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Odds ‘n Sods: M.T. and S.M. both sent this: Appleseed Teaching History with Guns.    o o o K.A.F. flagged this item: Egg Recall 2010    o o o M.S. mentioned a mail order source for aluminum powder and iron oxide (thermite components). Of course, check your state and local laws before ordering. Thermite could come in handy someday, for your emergency welding needs. (For a description of some potential uses, see my novel: “Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse“ )

Budgeting for Family Preparedness, by Allen C.

Having been a wilderness survival and firearms instructor for many years, I never considered the need for a survival retreat until I got married and moved from the country to a small city of about 30,000.  My minimalist lifestyle had allowed me a certain level of financial freedom.  Driving used cars and fixing up a home that had been previously condemned meant I had not made a car payment or house payment in years.  I spent summers running a high adventure camp for the Boy Scouts of America and worked for city the rest of the year as a firefighter …

Economics and Investing:

US Bankruptcies Reach Nearly Five Year High, up 11 percent from a year ago. Items from The Economatrix: Some Stores Finding Deep Discounts Aren’t Enough Factories Aid Bumpy Recovery, Housing Still Weak Russian Grain Export Ban Starts The Purpose Behind the Engineered Economic Collapse The Dallas Fed Reminds that the Economy is Doing Much Worse than in the Administration’s Worst Nightmare Another Threat to Economy: Boomers Cutting Back

Economics and Investing:

G.G. sent this: Another Illinois Bank Fails. KAF flagged a Fox Business new report: Fed’s Hoenig: Record-Low Rates a ‘Dangerous Gamble’ Andrew H. spotted this: 800 interested in 5 jobs Items from The Economatrix: Economic Growth Prospects Dim in US After Retail, Trade Reports US Cities Face Up to Massive Cuts Stocks Rise On Earnings, Economic Reports Oil Breaks Losing Streak, Prices Climb Wheat is New US Gold “Hindenberg Omen” and Imminent Market Crisis Savings Accounts Will Become Obsolete if Inflation Rises Next Week Greek Economy Deeper in Recession than Forecast

Economics and Investing:

Chris in Virginia liked this piece over at Sharon Astyk’s blog: Things Fall Apart – Slowly California’s economic crisis de jour: We Want Our IOUs Morris S. liked this piece by James Rickards at The Financial Times: Fannie and Freddie’s bond market upheaval. “OSOM” recommended a piece over at the GATA about the silver exchange traded fund (ETF) – SLV. OSOM’s comment: “Both SLV (and GLD for Gold) are not safe investments! I would not touch either of them with a ten foot pole.” G.G. sent this: Schiff: The Fed Is Feeding An Addiction By Continuing Quantitative Easing Also from …

Economics and Investing:

Peter Schiff: “We’re in the Early Stages of a Depression” (A hat tip to B.B. for the link.) Another from B.B.: Morning Bell: Under Obamanomics, Government Workers Win, You Lose Yet another from B.B.: Jobs picture dims as unemployment claims rise Items from The Economatrix: Poll: Americans Grim Over Economy Before Elections Gerald Celente: Double-Dip Depression Will Lead Us Into War Watchdog Panel Cites Global Impact of US Bailout Medicare’s Chief Actuary Blasts Rosy Report

Economics and Investing:

AmEx sent this: Debts Rise, and Go Unpaid, as Bust Erodes Home Equity item: TARP Billions Shipped Overseas Can’t Halt Global Slowdown David B. suggested this article: Judge orders Wells Fargo to pay back $203 Million in fees Taleb Says Government Bonds to Collapse, Avoid Stocks. (Thanks to G.G., SurvivalBlog’s Poet Laureate, for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Fall After Cisco Earnings, Jobless Data Jobs Picture Dims as Unemployment Claims Rise Mortgage Rates Hit 4.44% as Economy Sours Oil Price Slide Continues on Grim Economic Data Markets Dive As Depression Fears Grow Stock Market “Perfect Storm” Cuts Pension …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. flagged this: Californians’ income falls for first time since WWII. Also from G.G.: US Federal Reserve starts ‘QE-lite’ to placate markets. Don W. sent us this: Mexico’s Crashing Oil Industry Items from The Economatrix: Stocks Fall for Fourth Day After Retail Sales Report In a Sluggish Economic Summer, No Easy Fix Ahead Auto Sales Boost Otherwise Weak Retail Sector Aid Helps States Avoid Layoffs, But or How Long? Jobs Picture Dims as Unemployment Claims Rise Mortgage Rates Hit 4.44% As Economy Sours Oil Price Slide Continues on Grim Economic Data Markets Dive as Depression Fears Grow Stock Market “Perfect …

Economics and Investing:

Fortune magazines asks: Is this finally the economic collapse? (Thanks to Jeff L. for the link.) G.G. suggested this article over at Forbes: Collapse In Internet Time. Also from G.G.: America Is ‘Bankrupt Mickey Mouse Economy’: CIO B.B. was the first of several readers to send an article by Laurence Kotlikoff: Is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It? Items from The Economatrix: Major Leading Indicator in Free Fall Stocks Retreat as Fed Grows More Cautious Trade Deficit Widens to $49.9 Billion in June US Dollar Falls to 15-Year Low Against the Yen China’s Industrial Growth Slows, Inflation Jumps Bank …

Grub, Guns, and Gold!, by Barry P.

I grew up in a home where the parents believed in being prepared. When my dad went back to dental school after working for fifteen years as a biochemist, we lived for three years on the food storage they had acquired. But we didn’t use the food storage during those three years only. We had always enjoyed wonderful whole wheat bread, pancakes, cookies and cakes made from the wheat in our food storage. We learned that this food wasn’t to be used just in case of emergencies. We ate and rotated the items in our storage on a regular basis. …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. suggested this piece by veteran economist Howard J. Ruff: Why Gold and Silver Seem Stuck Also from G.G.: Chorus of QE calls is deafening. Stand by for price inflation, folks! K.T. sent a link to an interview with Gerald Celente: Double Dip Depression Will Lead Us Into War Readers of my novel “Patriots” might find this familiar: Fed Looks to Spur Growth by Buying Government Debt. ( A hat tip to Wade C. for the link.) This is a highly inflationary move! And speaking of inflation: Wal-Mart Prices Are Rising: JP Morgan Study. A 5.8% increase in one month! …

Economics and Investing:

Watch This Interview Clip! Charles Biderman Fox Business July 30, 2010–Collapse Ahead? (Thanks to Mac H. for the link.) B.B. recommended the American Thinker essay The Death of the Dollar by Vasko Kohlmayer. This comes as no surprise: States Raising Cigarette, Gas and Sales Taxes to Cover Shortfalls. Why the US keeps minting coins people hate and won’t use. OBTW, don’t bother stockpiling them, since they are 88.5% copper, and hence it would take Weimar scale inflation to make their metallic content worth more than the coins’ face value. J.B.G. sent this: Commodity spike queers the pitch for Bernanke’s QE2. …

Economics and Investing:

I’ve recently been asked by several blog readers and consulting clients about my predictions for the economy for the next few years. Here they are, in a nutshell: The US economy will remain weak for for at least five years. Both the commercial and residential real estate markets are unlikely to recover before 2018, especially as interest rates begin to increase. Noticeable inflation should begin around the Spring of 2011 and will become uncomfortably high by 2012. If the announced Federal income tax and capital gains tax increases do indeed go into effect, they will stifle the economy for the …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. sent this: Economy Heading for a Systemic Collapse into Hyperinflationary Great Depression. Jonas mentioned a fascinating news segment filmed by a Dutch journalist, in Indonesia: Gold Dinar, Silver Dirham. AmEx sent this: Food Prices up as Consumers Feel Economic Pinch Another from G.G.: Chicago Bank Fails, 2010 Tally Hits 109 Job Figures Just Part of a Grim Economic Picture. (Thanks to AmEx for the link.) B.B. forwarded a link to a New York Times article: Jobless and Staying That Way RBS flagged this: One-fourth of Idaho work force’s paychecks cut