Letter Re: U.S. Treasury Seeks Input on New Coinage Compositions

Mr. Rawles,   The U.S. Treasury has announced that it is seeking public comment on revised compositions for U.S. coinage. They are seeking comments from us mere citizens about what we think of changing the metal content of coins to even cheaper metals than the copper, zinc and nickel currently used.  I think that all Survival Blog readers should comment – let the Treasury and the rest of The Powers That Be know that we don’t like how they’ve already debased our currency, and we don’t want them to do it to an even greater extent.   Of course, the …

Letter Re: The Real Value of the U.S. Dollar

Dear Mr. Rawles The Inherent Value of U.S. Paper Currency I have recently decided to obey the law–Gresham’s Law and start converting my paper dollars into “Golden Dollars” including the Sacagawea and Presidential Dollars as well as into the Kennedy Half Dollar. I am mostly doing this for symbolic reasons but I have found that it is a way to get people to talk casually about concepts like inflation, fiat currency and fiscal policy without scaring them off. A US dollar weighs 1 gram, on average. From Earth Works Recycling‘s web page we find that paper is worth between 0 …

Letter Re: Advice on Classic Books for Homeschooling

Mr. Rawles, This is in response to Paula S.’s recent letter requesting information on classic books for homeschooling. I just returned from a homeschool convention in Memphis where I was introduced to Memoria Press. They have curricula for parents interesting in providing their children with a classical education. I have looked at the early elementary sets–they include books for the kids to read aloud and other books to be read aloud to the children. You do not have to buy their material to see the list of books that they use–the lists are posted on their web site under each …

Economics and Investing:

  Items from The Economatrix: Quake & Tsunami Blow To Fragile Japanese Economy  Regulators Close Small Banks in Oklahoma and Wisconsin   More People Sought Unemployment Aid Last Month   January Trade Deficit Jumps To $46.3 Billion   21 Signs Of Impending Doom For The 2011 Economy   8 Reasons Why Silver Is The Investment Of The Decade  Q.E. Money Printing Negative Feed Back Loop To Hyper-Inflation Oblivion 

Economics and Investing:

Five Things Every American Should Do, But Won’t’. John R. suggested this at Zero Hedge: Paul Mylchreest’s Latest Must Read Report: Gresham’s Law Squared – Gearing Up For Game Over Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) suggest a piece by Charles Krauthammer on the Social Security fraud: Et tu, Jack Lew? Items from The Economatrix:  Libya’s Revolt Squeezing World Oil Supplies   The Driver For Gold You’re Not Watching   Unemployment Rate Falls In 24 States, Rises In 10  

Letter Re: Warren Buffett and the Hypothetical Cube of Gold

JWR,   Last week, legendary investor Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway was asked in an interview (cited in blogs and articles now all over the Internet) why he was not investing in gold. Here was his reply:   “If you took all the gold in the world, it would form a cube 67 feet on a side, worth $7 trillion. For that same amount of money, you could own other assets with far greater productive power, including:   All the farmland in the US, about 1 billion acres, which is worth $2.5 trillion.   Seven Exxon Mobil’s (XOM), the largest …

Economics and Investing:

Bank of America says nearly half its mortgages are ‘bad’. (Thanks to G.G. for the link.) Also from G.G.: Number of U.S. Expatriates Doubled in 2010. JWR Adds: I suspect that a lot of these were long-term ex-pats who had heard about the planned increases in the Federal income tax brackets. (Which thankfully were cancelled at the 11th hour.) Tony B. recommended this essay by Seth Lipsky: The Floating Dollar as a Threat to Property Rights Items from The Economatrix: Unrest In The Middle East Continues / Silver Prices Exceed $36 Gold $1,500?  The World Is Changing   Pocket Money …

Economics and Investing:

21 Signs Of Impending Doom For The 2011 Economy Roy M. sent this: Hoarding Nickels, Collecting stamps? Is this the best investment for America’s working poor? Economist warns of double dip recession if oil hits $140 (Thansk to C.D.V. for the link.) Gasoline cost to jump $700 for average household. January trade deficit jumps to $46.3 billion Items from The Economatrix: People Aren’t Buying Economic Lies Told By The Government   Is Buffett Ignorant?  Gold on its Way to $6,000?   Spiking Oil, Plunging Economy Spiking Oil, Plunging Economy   Underwater Mortgages Rise As Home Prices Fall  

Economics and Investing:

Reader Scott M. sent us this: “No Way Out” of Debt Trap, Gross Says: U.S. Living Standards Doomed to Fall Welfare State: Handouts Make Up One-Third of U.S. Wages. (Thanks to Pierre M. for the link.) Will China’s ‘Have-Nots’ Be Next to Rebel? Items from The Economatrix: US Wants To Take Your Dollars And Replace With Coins Financial Dismantling Of The American Middle Class   Physical Silver is Really $50 Per Ounce   People Of Earth:  Prepare For Economic Disaster   Bank Stocks Push Indexes Higher; Oil Prices Dip   Beyond Libya, Oil Market Warily Eyes Saudi Arabia

Letter Re: The Coming Shortage of Nickels

James,   You will have soon received a flat rate Priority Mail box containing $150 in nickels (inside a thick cardboard reinforcement liner) that I sent you. I sent you those coins for two reasons: One: I should have been a [voluntary] Ten Cent Challenge subscriber, starting from back when I began reading SurvivalBlog in 2008. The nickels cover not only the past three years, but also pre-pay my subscription for the next year, too. Two: Last week my local bank finally cut me off (and other bank patrons, too), from buying more than one roll [of nickels] at a time. …

Economics and Investing:

Reader L.I.Z. sent this: Using new metals in U.S. coins could impact counterfeiting, public safety and a lot more. Collect you cache of nickels now, before their minting composition is debased. Meanwhile in commodity news: Are High Nickel Prices Here to Stay? KAF forwarded this: U.S. sets $223 Billion Monthly Deficit Record John R. recommended this piece by Bob Chapman: The Fed Distorts The Economy With Inflation Items from The Economatrix: Burst of Hiring Could Mark Turning Point for Jobs   Factory Orders Up in January, Helped by Airplanes   Food and Fuel Bills to Rocket, Warn Ministers and UN …

Letter Re: The Coming Shortage of Nickels

Jim,    Your readers might be interested to know that banks [where I live in California] have started charging a fee for rolled U.S [five cent piece] nickels. I’ve been going to Wells Fargo Bank ever since you wrote about the subject, several years ago, gradually obtaining nickels at cost.  Yesterday, I found that they’ve begun charging 7.5% per $100 box.  Another local bank, beginning in March, has started charging 10% per roll of nickels.  Word is getting out: Gresham’s Law is intact. –  Paul B.

Economics and Investing:

Lynn G. mentioned this disturbing article about the bankrupt city of Vallejo, California: Broke Town, U.S.A. John R. suggested this: Egon von Greyerz: “A Hyperinflationary Deluge Is Imminent”, And Why, Therefore, Bernanke’s Motto Is “Après Nous Le Déluge” Utah House Passes Bill Recognizing Gold, Silver as Legal Tender. (A nice gesture and a good start, but what we need to do is abolish the Federal Reserve and reinstitute a Constitutional bi-metallic currency system for the nation.) Reader C.D.V. sent several inks: Investors Are Seeking Safety in New Harbors: Dollar, Once a Favored Refuge, Loses Ground to Yen, Franc US Standard …

Inflation Watch:

C.D.V. sent this: The Future of Food Prices: What Will Food Cost in 2015. “The current prices in your grocery store don’t presage an approaching storm. But that’s exactly what’s coming, says Bill Lapp, president of Advanced Economic Solutions, a consulting firm in Omaha, Nebraska, and the former chief economist for ConAgra Foods.”  Kory P. sent this update on his local chicken feed prices: Nutrena Premium Layer feed last year was $9.99 per bag Nutrena Premium Layer feed two months ago was $10.79 per bag Nutrena Layer feed (no longer premium) is presently $12.49 per bag World Food Prices Increase …