Economics and Investing:

A derivatives article worth reading, by way of Fierce Finance: Exclusive: SEC widens probe of exchange-traded funds. Currency Debasement Should Take Gold Prices Over $6,000/oz and Silver Above $400/oz Spain barter economy wins followers in grip of crisis. (Thanks to Tim R. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: 18 Statistics that Prove the Economy Has Not Improved Under the Current Administration Colorado Looking At Gold, Silver Currency Turning The Screw On Greece Oil Above $104 After EU Gives Greece Bailout Deal

Economics and Investing:

Diana sent this: Silver Price Could Double by Year End. G.G. suggested this New York Times article: Citing Losses, Postal Service Seeks Higher Stamp Prices Also from G.G.: Jobless disability claims soar to record $200 Billion as of January Chuck recommend a piece that was posted over at Zero Hedge last year: Art Cashin On The Most Important History Lesson Of The Last Century Items from The Economatrix: Eric Sprott:  Silver Will Be A Currency Again NY U.S. Bankruptcy Court Rules MERS’s Business Model Is Illegal. Here is a quote: “United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS’s …

Economics and Investing:

Several SurvivalBlog readers sent this: Euro zone finance ministers agreed a 130-billion-euro ($172 billion) rescue for Greece on Tuesday to avert an imminent chaotic default after forcing Athens to commit to unpopular cuts and private bondholders to take bigger losses. G.G. flagged this: Congrats, US Government: You’re Scaring Web Businesses Into Moving Out Of The US. (SurvivalBlog’s recent server migration to Sweden is just one small example.) Over at Whiskey & Gunpowder: Gather ye nickels while ye may… Steve in Georgia sent this: Iranians desperate as dark economic clouds gather Items from The Economatrix: Editorial:  A Sand-Castle Recovery Preparing For …

Economics and Investing:

Michael W. sent: Alan Simpson: Financial markets will turn on U.S. – Freeland File (This is Part 4 of a longer interview–all worth watching.) Does the Fed Print Money? Of Course! Jim Bianco Calls It “Fraud, Counterfeiting” Items from The Economatrix: Oil Set For Biggest 2012 Weekly Gain Credit Suisse The Sequel:  “Probability Of The Largest Disorderly Default Loss In History On March 20 Has Increased Gold Demand Hits New Records As Europeans Stockpile Harvey Organ: MF Global Customers will not receive their money

Five Letters Re: Living Through the Real Estate Crash and Bankruptcy

Mr. Rawles, After reading the article entitled “Living Through the Real Estate Crash and Bankruptcy” by Brad C., I was absolutely livid. I am not an economics major but I firmly believe that our country is in the shape that it is due in large part to people like Brad C. who leveraged everything that they could to live “the American dream” and then screwed all of his creditors by simply deciding that he was not going to pay. Even going so far as to max out his credit cards knowing he was not going to be paying the bill …

Economics and Investing:

Greece “Officially Defaults” March 23, Banks Close. Gold Prices: Central Bank Gold-Buying Increases By 500% Tim R. sent this: No Euro, No Cry: Swedish krona versus cash chaos Items from The Economatrix: Oil At 5-Week High At $102 Barrel Gold Fire Sale International Currencies Increasingly Rejected In The Face Of Inflation Many Of You Will Not Believe Some Of The Things Americans Are Doing To Survive

Living Through the Real Estate Crash and Bankruptcy, by Brad C.

My experience with a tax audit, real estate crash, rental house woes, foreclosures, layoff and bankruptcy:   In a nutshell, we went from a 4,000 square foot home, worth more than $1 million, a vacation home, new RV, Mercedes convertible, Jeep, $50,000 SUV, 20 rental properties, a property management company and a great full time job…   To living in a modest rental house in the middle of nowhere. Beginnings I am a computer guy, have been since 1991. I bounced around a few companies gaining positions and knowledge.  Eventually I rode the dot com wave as a security and infrastructure consultant. …

Economics and Investing:

John Stossel: We are on the road to bankruptcy As The World Revolving Door Turns: Former Obama official’s revolving door leads to hedge-fund defense project Reader Tracy A. suggested this commentary from Mish Shedlock: Obama Wants Cheaper Pennies and Nickels; Why Not Do Away With Both [JWR’s Comment: My solution would be to 1.) Balance the Federal budget and 2.) Revalue the U.S. Dollar, knocking off two zeros, and 3.) Begin minting real silver coinage again. But sadly, that probably won’t happen in my lifetime.] How Could Silver Short Sellers Cover Their Positions? (Thanks to Diana for the link.) Tyler …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. sent us this: The Upside of Government Default Reader G.P. sent this from The Slog: A timetable for Greek Default? Courtesy of Michael W.: Dollar Gets No Respect Despite Economic Gains. JWR’s Comment: Genuine money is made of silver or gold. And honest paper money substitutes are redeemable on demand for silver or gold coinage. Anything else is trash. Thus, all of the world’s fiat paper currencies are trash. Some of them are just trashier than others. I would characterize the U.S. Federal Reserve Note as like an aging, gap-toothed syphilitic harlot that is dressed in shabby green dress …

Economics and Investing:

This set of charts says it all: The day of reckoning for global total debt – total credit market debt up from $28 trillion in 2001 to $53 trillion in 2012. Bob L. sent this: Richard Russell – A Bitter Pill to Swallow, Austerity or Inflation Items from The Economatrix: True UK Jobless “6.3 Million” Jim Sinclair: The Lonely Road We Take Together “Poor America” – How The Broke Are Surviving Mortgage Settlement Will Plunge Real Estate Values

An Overview of NFA Gun Trusts, by Patrick Stegall

The last few years have seen the development of an interesting legal mechanism called the gun trust. Gun trusts use estate planning law to deal with, and in some cases legally circumvent, arcane and restrictive federal laws that regulate the use and possession of certain types of firearms. These federal statutes make up the National Firearms Act (NFA), a series of laws that require registration of guns such as machine guns, short barreled rifles and shotguns, and sound suppressors (aka silencers). They are often referred to as Title 2 weapons because they are regulated under Title 2 of the 1968 …

Economics and Investing:

Adam B. sent: An agency-by-agency guide to Obama’s budget. JWR’s Comment: That doesn’t look like much “deficit slashing”, to me! By way of Ol’ Remus at The Woodpile Report comes a link to some food for thought by Charles Hugh Smith: Why Is Gasoline Consumption Tanking? Why I’m Taking Gold Double-Eagles On My Next Trip To Utah Over at The Daily Bell: Now EU Kicking Spain Out of EU? Items from The Economatrix: There’s Talk of an Exit – But Default Would Have Catastrophic Consequences Japanese Economy Shrank in Fourth Quarter The Economy Relies on the Suspension of Disbelief Greece …

Economics and Investing:

It is coming soon, folks! Obama: Let’s Save Money by Making Coins with Cheaper Metals G.G. flagged this: On the Dole: A fifth of all Americans Moody’s Cuts European Sovereigns Feds shut down Amish farm for selling fresh milk. (Thanks to Michael W. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Tail Events, Isolation, New Normal Oil Falls Toward $100 Ahead of US Supply Data Greece Faces Further Obstacles in Bailout Deal US Market Shakes Off Greek Worries and Advances

Letter Re: Ammunition Manufacturers in The American Redoubt

James,  I am trying to facilitate my move to the American Redoubt area and am planning some income sources. I make knives, holsters, and pouches for other accessories but I am looking to expand what I can offer to help support my family when we move. My question is for you as well as anyone else you know in that area. I am an avid reloader and was wondering what the ammo options are like in the American Redoubt region. I’m curious about local places that offer a decent selection at a good price. From a few years of experience …

Economics and Investing:

K.P. sent this infographic article: All The World’s Gold Peak Everything — Why Everything Costs More. (Thanks to Michael W. for the link.) Diana sent us this: Warren Buffett Trashes Gold, But What About Silver? Items from The Economatrix: Greek Death Spiral Accelerates Trade Deficit Widens To $48.8 Billion In December S&P Lowers Ratings On 34 Italian Banks Gold Drops As Greece Delay Lifts Dollar