Economics and Investing:

The latest from Willem Weytjens: Silver: Epic Reversal. I’m not a chartist believer, but this is captivating. Items from The Economatrix: Are Soros, IMF, & World Bank Trying To Scare The Living Daylights Out Of Us? Fed Says Benchmark Rate To Stay Low Until 2014. [JWR’s Comment: Higher interest rates would torpedo the ability to service the U.S. National Debt. Bernanke has his hands tied. And they will stay tied until the international community changes interest rates for him.] Housing Data Points To Slowdown In Sales Crude Price Rises On Iran Threat To Stop Oil Sales Bernanke Says Fed Pondering …

Letter Re: Made in America? — Maybe

Dear Mr. Rawles, My letter today was prompted by an email I received recently about UPC codes and country of origin.  It stated that one can determine the country of manufacturing origin by looking at the first three digits of the Bar code.  More specifically, it stated that bar codes beginning with the digits 690 through 695 are from China while those with 471 are from Taiwan.  Products with codes from 00 to 13 are from the U.S. and Canada.  This seemed like a handy way to tell which products came from where.  You could buy a product with some …

Economics and Investing:

The Massive Debt Bomb: $7,600,000,000,000 Dollars Of Debt Must Be Rolled Over In 2012 G.G. sent this: John Williams – Accelerating Great Collapse & Hyperinflation Several readers sent this from Business Insider: 2011 GDP: 1.7% Kevin K, sent the link to this interesting piece by Jim Willie: Tail Events, Isolation, New Normal Items from The Economatrix: Fitch Goes On A Rampage, Cuts Spain, Italy, Belgium, Cyprus, And Slovenia Merkel Casts Doubts On Saving Greece From Meltdown Aging Japan Faces “Chronic” Trade Deficit After Fukushima IMF Slashes Global Growth Forecasts Soros:  There Will Be Riots In The Streets Of America Davos:  …

Economics and Investing:

AmEx (American Expat) suggested an essay from Forbes in which the author makes some good points about going back to the gold standard: Gingrich, The Gold Standard, And The Florida Primary The great deleveraging event – household debt has fallen 4 percent since recession hit. Household debt has fallen dramatically from the peak when household debt aligned itself with annual GDP. G.G. flagged this: Tax Evaders Renounce U.S. Citizenship Baltic Dry Plunges 42% More Than Seasonal Norm To Start The Year. Items from The Economatrix: Greek Bond Talks Break Down, But Markets Shrug It Off Why Isn’t Illinois a Bigger …

Letter Re: Profitable Homesteading: How to Thrive in a TEOTWAWKI World

Good Afternoon,  As someone who has tried playing the big stock market as mentioned in Profitable Homesteading: How to Thrive in a TEOTWAWKI World, by Dusty, I’d like to add the following caution.  Don’t quit your full time job if you want to try this option.  For the past year or more we in Central Texas have been in  exceptional drought conditions.  I have a small herd of Dexter cows.  Due to the lack of grass in my sixty plus acres of native pastures I have been forced to rely on 1000 lb bales of hay and local co-op 20% …

Economics and Investing:

J. McC. suggested a piece over at the Of Two Minds blog. From Kevin: $100 Bill: The Fed Has a $110 Billion Problem with New Benjamins Items from The Economatrix: Has Portugal’s Debt Default Clock Begun To Tick? New Normal on Wall Street: Smaller and Restrained Payroll Tax Cuts Raise Worries About Social Security’s Future Funding Japan Logs First Trade Deficit Since 1980 New Prediction — Economic Collapse:  First To Europe Then To U.S. And World 11 “Stunning Revelations” From a Confidential Economics Memo To Obama

Economics and Investing:

Reader Dale C. sent this example of urban myopia: Yahoo rates College Majors That Are Useless. [JWR’s Comments: These geniuses seem to have concluded that there is no need to study how to raise food, when you can just buy it from a supermarket. (That’s where they think meat comes from: “You know from those plastic-wrapped trays.”) The urban elitist view seems to be that any venture where one is at risk of getting their hands dirty is “useless” or somehow offensive. The their minds, farming, ranching, and mining are out, but high finance, LBOs, and derivatives are in. But …

How the Average American Can Prepare for the Coming Collapse, by R.M.

It is very difficult for the average middle class American to prepare for the coming collapse; those that recognize the need still see it as maybe too late to do anything or there is too much to buy and prepare to be completely prepared.  Unless you are independently wealthy, that may be true, it is nearly impossible to be 100% completely prepared for all eventualities. The first thing you need to do is to prepare your soul and your family, they have to understand and be on board.  Your family and yourself must first get right with God if you …

Economics and Investing:

Jason G. suggested this XtraNormal You Tube clip: Confiscation Through Inflation. Best-selling investing author, former Marine (and prepper) Richard Kiyosaki talks some gloom and doom. C.D.V. sent this: Gold for Oil: India and Iran Ditch Dollar. (Does this sound familiar?) The Great Economic Storm: We Are Living In The Greatest Debt Bubble The World Has Ever Seen Items from The Economatrix: Existing Home Sales Hit 11-Month High In December One Million Homeowners May Get Mortgage Writedowns Refinery Shutdown Could Push Gas Prices To $4 Sell Treasuries, Buy Gold

Economics and Investing:

Ted B. sent this: European Union agrees on Iran oil embargo The Economist reports on Romania: Anger management: The government struggles to contain a growing protest movement Courtesy of Rex N. comes this link: Danger Ahead! Says the Bank of Canada Over at KITCO: Comex Gold Ends Higher On Bullish “Outside Markets,” Positive Technicals Items from The Economatrix: Gold Bottom Targets Trend to $4,000 IMF in Need For $1 Trillion / The Private Greek Bond Fiasco The Debt Supercycle Reaches its Final Chapter Jim Sinclair:  There Will be a Run on Gold Stored in the US On Banks Refusing Cash …

Recession and Black Swan Events, by Don M.

Financial calamity can take many different forms.  The Brazilian saga of hyperinflation / depression / recovery from the 1980s leading to one of today’s most robust economies is a classic tale of overcoming adversity.  Argentina’s economic collapse in 2000-2001 followed by hyperinflation in 2002, debt repudiation and seizing foreign deposits is another story with a solid recovery afterwards.  The disastrous 20-year Japanese experiment with deflation and negative growth is at the other end of the spectrum. Which will the US experience first?  And, how quickly will we feel the scorching fire of hyperinflation or the freezing blast of deflation? The …

Economics and Investing:

A credit crunch is looming! European banks prepare for worst, hoard cash. (A hat tip to Sue C. for the link.) Steve F. sent this news, which represents one more reason to stockpile nickels at home: Nickel will outperform Gold in next 12 months: Deutsche Bank What To Expect: QE3, $2,200 Gold, and The Trillion Dollar Bazooka Kinsley: About Rising Inflation, Please Remain Worried. (Thanks to G.G. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Silver and the Gold Standard Government Math Hides True Unemployment Hungary May Be First To Default Warning Signs That We Should Prepare For The Worst

Economics and Investing:

Jim T. suggested a good piece by Thorsten Polleit: How Deflationary Forces Will Be Turned into Inflation AmEx (American Expat) sent us this: Local currencies: ‘In the U.S. we don’t trust’ The FDIC Friday Follies have resumed: Banks closed in Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania; first failures of 2012 A reader in Manitoba wrote ask me about possible trigger dates for a financial panic. I told her that a key date is March 15, 2012. That is the day that the Greek government must either cough up the cash, or admit default. Fitch seems to consider Greek default almost a certainty. Items …

Letter Re: Cash Transaction Limits in Belgium

Hi, Recently on the news here in Belgium they said there’s soon going to be a law effective that limits cash payments to 5,000 euro maximum, and in 2014 this limit would be decreased to only 3,000 euro. Officially it’s to limit ‘black money’. Haven’t heard much other things about it (no questions, protests, ..) so it’s interesting to follow up if that’s only our government being creative (which I doubt) or that other European countries will also apply a similar law, maybe as a way to be able to devaluate the euro currency in a few years. – A. …

Economics and Investing:

AmEx (American Expat) spotted this at Arutz Sheva: ‘Dr. Doom’ Investor: Prepare for World III G.B. mentioned this podcast: McAlvany Interview with John Williams of Shadow Statistics. Williams warns of hyperinflation, saying: “The Federal government will print money until it fails.” Reader Dean G. recommended a great post from Tim Price, at Sovereign Man: The Final Countdown   Items from The Economatrix: Greek Default Imminent Iran Oil Ban Means Economic Suicide for Europe Correction In Gold is Over and on Way to $4,500 Recovery at Risk as Americans Raid Savings