Economics and Investing:

Some elements in this piece by Monty Pelerin will sound familiar to SurvivalBlog readers: The Role of The Government in The Economic Crisis Zero effective policy and stalling QE3 – Why QE3 will have little financial impact if implemented. Deposits at US commercial banks quickly approaches $9 trillion. G.G. sent this: Household income is below recession levels, report says. Also from G.G.: Unilever sees ‘return to poverty’ in Europe Items from The Economatrix: Why We Are on the Brink of the Greatest Depression of all Time The Truth About Gasoline Price Volatility US Capital Goods Orders Decline Most Since November …

Letter Re: Advice on Refinancing

James, I’d like to respond to our friend who asked if refinancing from 5.2% down to 3.88% is a good idea. To answer that, consider what we just did. We refinanced our house from 4.5% down to 3.75% and borrowed a further $40,000, from equity. The result is that we still pay $100 less each month in mortgage payments. While we have more debt, now we also have more equity in the house in the form of $33,000 worth of solar panels and battery backup that we had installed. We also squared away most of our remaining important preparations and …

Economics and Investing:

Analysts fear euro-zone capital flight might snowball. (Thanks to Jon M. for the link.) Why a Gold Crisis Looms? G.O. recommended this: Fed Up With the Euro? Start Your Own K.W. sent a link to some dubious predictions: Food prices continue upward. Given the recent jump in corn and other grain prices, I have serious doubts that we will see just a “2.3% to 3.5%” increase. Several good articles from ETF Daily: Our Economy Has Been Collapsing, It Continues To Collapse, and The Collapse Is Going To Accelerate Dramatically   Eric Sprott Cautions Investors To Fear The Financial System   …

Letter Re: Personal Debt Implications of an Economic Collapse

Jim, Just a pondering I hoped you might be able to give me some insight on, I’m either to young or didn’t know it because we were too poor to notice, but I’ve never experienced a significant economic decline in my life.  My wife and I are both doctors and have borrowed heavily to set ourselves in a great place.  Right now we have no difficulty making the bill payments but should the banking/finance system collapse, will we still have to pay the bills; how do we pay the bills; and/or is there any hedge to anticipate how we’ll make …

Letter Re: Advice on Refinancing

Dear James, I’d like your advice. We live in a house on five rural acres in Wisconsin. It’s both our year-round house and a sorta retreat. We now have the chance to refinance our mortgage at a lower interest rate. (Just 3.88%, as oppose to the 5.2% on our existing mortgage.) Our outstanding balance is about $210K. Should we re-fi, or stand pat? Any special considerations, given the perilous economic times, these days? Thanks in advance for your advice. – Hal K. JWR Replies: Yes, this might be an advantageous time to re-finance. A 3.88% rate is excellent. Just beware …

Economics and Investing:

Reader Rex S. suggested: Why You Always Want Physical Everything Sue C. sent: Republicans tease with gold standard, but idea seen full of bugs. [JWR’s Comment: The biggest “bug”–and the statists’ real objection to gold–is that a gold standard wouldn’t allow the government to spend beyond its means and create money out of thin air. G.G. flagged this: When a 401(k) Is Locked in the Freezer One way of looking at the current monetary paradigm: The Rot Runs Deep 1: The Federal Reserve Is a Parasitic Wealth Transfer Machine Items from The Economatrix: Nearly 1 In 5 Americans Have No …

Two Letters Re: Getting A Mortgage After Relocating

The letter from the couple who moved to one of the Redoubt states and was unable to get a mortgage from a local bank reminded me of our experience. We moved to a Redoubt state in 1993 after having sold our house in Pennsylvania for a tidy profit. We moved to our new location and put that “tidy profit” (which was more than half the down payment for a new place) into a local bank. My husband found work immediately. I was a stay-at-home mom. A few months later, we found a 5-acre piece of property and went back to …

Economics and Investing:

Reader Lee M. sent this: Europe readies the printing press: Europe’s central bank appears to have created a path to implementing Fed-like easy-money policies. If so, it is a huge game-changer for Europe, and the world, as inflation fears come to the fore. Rex in Tennessee mentioned a piece by John Barnett over at The American Thinker: ‘Mountain Pride’ versus the Welfare State How does a Gawker spell hypocrite? Gawker and Bain and the Caymans. Report: Middle class will take years to reverse losses of last decade Items from The Economatrix: Top Investor Warns of “Financial Armageddon” as Soros Dumps …

Letter Re: Getting A Mortgage After Relocating

Dear Mr. Rawles, I would like to share with your readers our story on obtaining a mortgage after relocating to one of the Redoubt States. Unfortunately, we did not have enough cash and could not get a loan from relatives, so we needed a mortgage.   We relocated to the American Redoubt last summer and started renting, as is usually advised. By winter, we were ready to buy our own place. But before finally getting a favorable loan with US Bank, we had quite unpleasant experience with one of the smaller local banks. After providing them with all kinds of …

Economics and Investing:

Tim J. sent a link to an excellent essay by Wayne Allyn Root with some sobering comparisons to 1929: Why we are on the brink of the greatest Depression of all time. From G.G.: Nearly half of Fannie Mae REO unable to reach market GOP boosts gold ahead of convention B.B. sent: Big Income Losses for Those Near Retirement Items from The Economatrix: S&P 500:  The War For 1,400 Has Begun 8 Economic Threats That We Were Not Even Talking About At The Beginning Of Summer Eric Sprott:  The Financial System’s Death Knell? Gerald Celente:  The Fate Of The World, …

When Will It Happen? What Will It Be?, by Son Of Texas

There as many opinions and even more guesses than those who are guessing about what will cause the collapse of the world as we know it.  There may be unexpected triggers in nature or in society such as natural disasters of a sudden or a gradual nature, geopolitical events or developments, or environmental triggers that may be natural or man made.  With or without any of these events and processes about which there is an enormous volume of speculation, my previous skepticism about one in particular has been transformed to a personal certainty.   Economic Collapse – Really?   The …

Economics and Investing:

Be sure to watch this lecture: Marc Faber On Keynesian Folly, The ‘Missing’ Inflation, And Bubble-Blowing. (Thanks to B.B. for the link.) Obama’s Budget to Add $4.4 Trillion to Debt in Next Four Years–On track to $20 trillion in debt in 2016. [JWR’s Comment: Keep in mind that those figures are predicated upon interest rates staying artificially low. Someday, our foreign creditors will demand a higher rate of return on U.S .Treasury paper. And when that happens, we’ll see a repeat of the current Greek Tragedy, here in the U.S. of A. That will be the death knell of the …

Economics and Investing:

More monetization ahead! Federal Reserve leaning toward more stimulus Greece ready to start selling islands to pay down debts. (Thanks to B.B. for the link.)   Items from The Economatrix: Startling Evidence That Central Banks and Wall Street Insiders are Rapidly Preparing for Something Big Jim Rogers:  It’s Going To Get Really “Bad After The Elections”

Economics and Investing:

The Commodities Survival Kit Guide: Gold, Silver, Timber, Farmland, Stamps, & Antique Guns Why Investors Are Hoarding Silver U.S. 2012 budget deficit $1.1 trillion: CBO (Thanks to B.B. for the link.) K.P. sent this: Heard the rumour China is buying 6,000 tonnes of gold? It may not be as crazy as it sounds Items from The Economatrix: Shhh…It’s Even Worse Than The Great Depression Germany May Be The Country That Brings The Euro Crashing Down

When Your Prepping Plan Falls Apart – Picking Up the Pieces, by M.J.W.

I previously wrote about Leaving Suburbia.  I was so excited to be moving out of the city and into the country towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle, but I spoke too soon.  We were in contract on a piece of property, and at the last minute, the sellers backed out of the transaction.  We were left wondering where we were going to live.  We immediately began looking for another piece of property.  Meanwhile the home we had leased for almost four years, in preparation for this move, was sold out from under us and we had to move on short order.  …