Economics and Investing:

Reader Joe G. sent this: China faces its worst economic crisis: water Massive jump in people who renounced US citizenship last quarter Items from The Economatrix: Eminent Domain and Underwater Mortgages: Solving the Municipal Fiscal Crisis Why the U.S. Economy Deserves a “B-” Grade Three Reasons the Walmart Empire Is Collapsing

Letter Re: Privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

Sir, It occurs to me that the sudden desire to “privatize” Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is simply a way to deploy the wet ink dollars out of the Fed and big banks without overwhelming the money supply. We all know what would happen if those dollars entered the mainstream market place. This just seems to me to be yet another ploy to stall the inevitable, but I haven’t seen anyone else talking about that. Am I missing something? – Big Jon JWR Replies: You are essentially correct. The majority of the U.S. Dollars that have been magically created by …

Economics and Investing:

Why we can kiss the US economy goodbye (Wayne Allyn Root) Our friend Tam (over at the great View From The Porch blog) wittily refers to this movie as “Occupy L5”: ‘Elysium’ director Neill Blomkamp, star Matt Damon deny movie has political agenda No Great Surprise Department: U.S. Congress wins relief on Obamacare health plan subsidies. (Congress almost always exempts themselves from their socialist schemes.) Items from The Economatrix: Chain Reaction of Breakdowns in Progress–Dr. Jim Willie Gold Markets Get Strange – Is Economic Danger Near? Job Market Faces New Problem, Hitting One Unlucky Group Really Hard

Economics and Investing:

Derivatives Bubble: The Number One Threat That Our Financial System Is Facing Only 40% Of Federal Student Loan Borrowers Are Currently Making A Payment Items from The Economatrix: Pandemic of Pension Woes Plaguing The Nation 40 Percent Of US Workers Make Less Than What A Full-Time Minimum Wage Worker Made in 1968 Failure to launch into household formation: Record 36 percent of young Americans (18 to 31) living at home with parents. Where is household formation coming from?

Economics and Investing:

Special Note: For any SurvivalBlog readers with pending orders (already paid, but order not received) with Mulligan Mint (a former advertiser : Please e-mail me and let me know: Your name, your order number, the number of ounces ordered, your e-mail address, and the date that you placed your order. I will then do my best to get them to ship you order. (Mulligan Mint claims that they are presently shipping orders.) Matt H. sent this: U.S. gasoline consumption takes a nosedive. G.G. suggested: Pandemic of pension woes is plaguing the nation Items from The Economatrix: Paul Craig Roberts:  Hiding …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. sent: The lame jobs report, in eight charts. News from Spain: Bank bailout fund admits losses have reached 36 billion euros Consulates and the Vatican in chaos as HSBC tells them to find another bank Items from The Economatrix: Full circle: Joblessness at 2008 level Record Jobs For Old Workers; For Others – Not So Much Ten Times More Waiter and Bartender Than Manufacturing Jobs Added in 2013 US Factory Orders Miss (Again); Biggest 4-Month Drop in a Year

Letter Re: Europe, Japan, or China: Who May Go Off the Economic Cliff First?

Jim, I believe that the world is on the verge of a possible economic meltdown. I think that there is just too much debt (both governmental and private), not enough assets, and with a end result of the financial system breaking down with devastating consequences.   There are some common problems that the countries I will be looking at  all share. The first is high debt levels that cannot be repaid. However, the more important factor is negative demographics in these countries.  I think that national demographics do not receive enough consideration when analyzing a country’s economic potential. This is a mistake. Demographics are …

Economics and Investing:

Detroit Bankruptcy a “Game-Changing Event,” Meredith Whitney Says Square Goes Bent on Bias: Mobile Payment Company Says No to Guns G.G. flagged this:Bond Losses at Federal Reserve Top $192 Billion. The article begins: “The yield on 10-year U.S. Treasuries has surged 66% over the past three months. And bond investors, especially those with jumbo-sized positions, are getting hammered. How much money has the Federal Reserve lost?” Also from G.G.: US regulators ‘find evidence’ of banks fixing derivative rates Items from The Economatrix: Marc Faber On Central Banker Actions: “Insane People Don’t Realize They’re Insane” The When: “The Economic Collapse Cannot …

Economics and Investing:

James K. sent this: The 10 most oil-rich states. “These 10 States accounted for roughly 94% of all onshore U.S. reserves as of the end of 2011.” J. McC. sent this: America’s Urban Distress: Which States and Regions set up their Cities to Fail? Once again, notice the reverse correlation of The American Redoubt region. Items from The Economatrix: Extreme Gold Market:  Supply vs. Demand Old System Struggling and Dying-Catherine Austin Fitts If “Europe Is Fine” Why Is Deutsche Bank Deleveraging At The Fastest Pace Since The Crisis of 2011?

Economics and Investing:

Burke C. sent: The Most Important Number In The Entire U.S. Economy G. G. suggested: Record Number 21 Million Young Adults Living With Parents Eric Sprott On Gold & Bail-Ins Items from The Economatrix: Gold And Silver: Load The Boat-Back Up The Truck — Peter Schiff Gold, Silver and Hyperinflation The Coming Shortage Of Physical Gold That Will Change Everything

Economics and Investing:

Reader James W. sent this: Why QE Can Never End. [JWR’s Comment: I concur. Quantitative Easing monetization is a pitiful sham. The Fed and Treasury Department fully intend to ride their False Prosperity Bull to death. They will only stop their monetization scheme when they’ve thoroughly destroyed the value of the U.S. Dollar.] Canada Threatens U.S. with Oil Trains if Keystone XL Not Built Items from The Economatrix: What Would You Do If A Bank Stole Everything You Owned? It Is Happening Again:  18 Similarities Between The Last Financial Crisis And Today Here’s The Real Reason Why Wall Street Is …

Economics and Investing:

B.B. sent: Unemployment rates up in 90 percent of U.S. cities – CBS News Jerry Robinson: No Fed ‘Taper’ in 2013 An interesting new product: “Breakable” Valcambi 50 gram Gold Bars Items from The Economatrix: High Gas Prices: Relief At The Pump Coming Soon Meredith Whitney:  Detroit Bankruptcy A “Game Changer” Here’s What Happens When A Central Bank Goes Bust Consumer Confidence Surges To Six-Year High Boosted By Soaring Gas Prices And Mortgage Rates

Economics and Investing:

G.G. sent: Cyprus, lenders set Bank of Cyprus bail-in at 47.5 percent, sources say Over at FOREX Crunch: Is the smart money fleeing stocks? The article begins: “Institutional investors have been net sellers of stocks for the most of the past year or so.. Since late June, this trend increased, with the 4 week average flirting with sales of 1 billion dollars. On the other hand, retail investors have been net buyers since early June…” [JWR’s Comment: With the Dow Jones Average bouncing around 15,500, we are entering into what they call a “sucker’s market.” Get out of stocks, now!] …