The Year of the Snakes: 2025 Possibilities, by SwampFox

[Image Credit: A still from the 1959 Stanley Kramer/United Artists film On The Beach.] Blame it on a Chinese buffet restaurant. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2025 is the “Year of the Snake.” It seems appropriate, as a number of insidious things are coming together. Will 2025 be a year of treachery and disaster? Will the economy collapse? I am not a prophet, but I can put together some interesting recent facts. Most obviously, 2024 is an election year. Whatever your hopes about the upcoming election, I can almost guarantee that Trump will not be re-elected. The last election was …

Weapons of Mass Deception – Part 4, by R.G.

(Continued from Part 3.  This concludes the article.) King David and the Threshing Floor– “But the Word of Jehovah came to me, saying You have shed much blood and have made great wars. You shall not build a house to My name…” (1Ch 22:8) King David ordered a census to be taken against God’s desires. So, Jehovah sent a plague upon Israel for three days that killed many Israelis. The plague was halted by God at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. To honor Jehovah for stopping the plague, David bought the threshing floor and built an altar there. …

Weapons of Mass Deception – Part 3, by R.G.

(Continued from Part 2.) Weapons of Mass Destruction – “…Their flesh shall rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes shall rot in their sockets. And their tongue shall rot in their mouths” (Zec 14:12) It is well known that Israel has nuclear weapons and capabilities to deliver them to Iran. Israel has never signed the Non-Proliferation treaties and has developed the “Samson Option.” This option will be used as a last resort to destroy all their surrounding enemies if Israel felt their very existence was threatened. Iran has been working on nuclear research for many years and …

Weapons of Mass Deception – Part 1, by R.G.

This article is primarily about Israel versus Iran, and how Muslims seel to subjugate non-Muslims. If this is boring to you or you are tired of listening to Middle East news, then please skip to more entertaining things. But if you know the significance of events in the Holy Land as it relates to preparedness and what triggers the coming events that we need to be aware of and prepare for, then please read on. I lived in Iran in the 1970s. It was a turbulent time in the US with soaring inflation, a nationwide 55 MPH speed limit, and …

Reviving The Moribund 10th Amendment

One of the greatest strengths of our system of government is our Bill of Rights. The first 10 Amendments limit the power of the government. Though it is not perfect, this system has kept government in check, in several key spheres. The 10th Amendment is succinct, yet powerful.  It reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Sadly, the 10th Amendment has been degraded in the past 50 years by power-hungry statists. The American people are now over-taxed and …

Upcoming ATF Rule Will Ban Most Private Gun Sales

The ATF’s new re-definition of “Engaged in the Business” of selling firearms is expected to go into effect on or about May 15th. The ATF’s Final Rulemaking was announced on April 8, 2024.  Ignoring the weight of public comment, and ignoring logic, this new set of rules (see text at the ATF website) could make advertising and selling just one gun at a profit without a FFL a felony criminal offense.  Even worse, it shifts the burden of proof from the government to individuals. In effect, you will be assumed to be guilty unless you can prove that you made …

Update: A 21st Century Tangibles Investing Rationale

Introductory Note:  This is an update and substantial expansion to an article that I posted to SurvivalBlog back in 2018. — I often have people ask me: “Why do you stress tangibles investing, Mr. Rawles?” In my estimation, tangibles always trump intangibles. I have three primary reasons why I distrust intangibles: First: Nearly all intangible investments are denominated in fiat currencies. Because of this there is an underlying currency inflation, revaluation, or repudiation risk. Even when buying stock in the safest, most secure and impeccably-managed company it still has some risk when the investment is denominated in Dollars. Ditto for …

Silver Stacking: Patience and Persistence Pays Off

I have been a “silver stacker” for many years. With money earned mowing lawns, at age 16 I started buying pre-1965 mint-date “junk”  U.S. silver dimes and quarters in 1976 at a small local coin shop in Livermore, California. It was called Bob’s Coin Corner. Bob was patient in explaining silver coins to me.  In 1979 I sold nearly half of my silver coins just after silver peaked, when spot silver was at $47.75 per Troy ounce. I started buying some silver and gold again in June of 1987, when silver was at $8.98 per ounce. A practical silver investor …

Shortages? Why?, by Patrice Lewis

Introductory Note From JWR: This article was first posted in the excellent Rural Revolution homesteading blog.  It is reposted with permission. — I have a friend in Maine. Last week she e-mailed and said, “I noticed in the past few weeks big gaps on shelves in the grocery store in next town. In two areas today, all the shelves – top, middle, and bottom, for 1/4 length of the aisle – were completely empty! To be honest, I don’t know what was there, but it’s not there now. And the prices!!!!!!! Eggs are $4.59, a can of SPAM is $4.39. …

Why The US Economy is Actually A Disaster In Progress, by Brandon Smith

One of my favorite false narratives floating around corporate media platforms has been the argument that the American people “just don’t seem to understand how good the economy really is right now.” If only they would look at the stats, they would realize that we are in the middle of a financial renaissance, right? It must be that people have been brainwashed by negative press from conservative sources… I have to laugh at this claim because it’s a very common one throughout history – It’s an assertion made by almost every single political regime right before a major collapse. These …

The Rise of the ALPR Bots, by Anon-12

America is quietly being populated with Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) systems in towns, cities, and on highways. Most Americans drive by these devices daily unaware that they are being watched and recorded into a state database and probably a national database. The ALPR units are often very small and not easily detectable when mounted on electric poles and highway sign poles. I work in a small city along the I-75 corridor which runs through six states from Florida and Michigan. I work in technology for a local company and know a few higher-ups in the local police department. One …

Globalists and Their Psychopathic Religion

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the western world experienced a sudden burst of open occultism among the ultra-rich elites. The rise of “Theosophy” was underway, becoming a kind of fashion trend that would ultimately set the stage for what would later be called “new age” spiritualism. The primary driver of the theosophical movement was a small group of obscure academics led in part by a woman named H.P. Blavatsky. The group was obsessed with esoteric belief, Gnosticism, and even Satanism. Blavatsky co-founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, claiming that she had a psychic connection to …

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies of interest to preppers and survivalists that are located in the American Redoubt region. Today, we focus on demographic statistics and trends. Region-Wide Snake River dam agreement challenged in court over electric rates, reliability worries. (Our thanks to reader A.K. for the link.) o  o  o Greater Idaho on the Ballot in Crook County. o  o  o Wikipedia: Inland Northwest …

State Defense Forces: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, by S. Actual

On December 13th, 1636, in Salem Massachusetts, the tradition of the American militia was born. Since that time, the brave men and women of the various State militias have continued to serve and protect this great nation throughout the centuries. One of the greatest historical battles of this Republic, known as the Battle of Bennington in 1777, was a pivotal engagement in the revolutionary war that it led to the defeat of the British military forces, including their hired Hessian and Indigenous native tribal factions. It is also the primary basis for the establishment of benefits for veterans of American …

Caveat Emptor – “Let the Buyer Beware”, by Steve M.

As you make prepping related purchases, bear in mind that there are transactional risks that should be considered and mitigated. Two recent incidents have served as a reminder that business practices have changed, for the worse in my experience. Business accountability that we once took for granted, can no longer be assumed. A common saying of old was “the customer is always right”, but I’m afraid that Biblical principles are increasingly ignored and negative societal trends have permeated the business world, changing the focus away from a customer-first. Let me first summarize two recent transactions. I am of course withholding …