The Time Is Short, Stock Up! – Part 1, by J.H.

The world, as most SurvivalBlog readers understand, is a place full of unpleasant truths and harsh realities. It is not, nor has it ever been, nor (until our Lord returns) will it ever be a place where the lion lies down with the lamb. We are charged to pray for our nation and its leaders and to hope for the best, but we are to prepare for the worst. We would all like to believe, as Abraham Lincoln put it, in the angels of our better nature. I would like to believe in this as well, though the stark facts …

Making Your Home a Castle Hidden in Plain Sight, by B.T.

Many people do not seek professional advice about home security, because there are many do-it-yourself resources available. This, coupled with a handful of common sense, can get you a long way in home fortification. Let’s talk about how to get these upgrades to work together in a synergistic manner that maintains a low profile but increases your security posture. I have 15 years of military experience, 12 years of law enforcement experience, and four years of experience providing personal security for top U.S. government and foreign officials. I have traveled the world, working with foreign governments, militaries, and police forces. …

Continuity Plan, by E.M.

I guess I have always been a survivalist. As a small child during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I remember bugging out from our house near a SAC bomber base in Florida to a piece of land my dad owned about 70 miles away. I was awakened in the middle of the night by my parents, had a blanket draped over my shoulders, and was carried to my dad’s pickup. I didn’t really know what was going on, but I could tell my parents were scared. My uncle, who was in the military, called my dad in the middle of the …

Bitcoins Are Now Available for Anyone to Buy, by G.S.

I saw an article today announcing PayPal will be accepting Bitcoins (BC) in the future through a BC payment platform called Coinbase. I am using Ebay sales to fund my preparations and supplement my income, so I already have a significant online signature. (I know, I know.) Many of you may be using Ebay and PayPal as well, so you may be interested in how you would also accept Bitcoins for your sales or purchases. Others out there might be interested in investing in Bitcoins, and Coinbase makes that possible for all on a limited scale. You may be interested …

Quick Reference Manual Regarding Disaster Survival and Recovery on the Road- Part 2, by J.P.R.

C. MASSIVE EMP (ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PULSE) ELECTRICAL FAILURE Identify Level of Failure The power grid is down Your cell phone is dead Your land line may not work Most electronic devices do not work or are impaired Your car will not start or stopped running Airplanes are falling from the sky Small fires or explosions may be observed This is a different event than a regular power failure. In this case, the power grid and many electronic devices have been permanently damaged. This is more serious than a power grid failure, depending on whether it is in a small or large …

Taking the Offensive Against ISIS: A Historical View- Part 2, by S.G. in Florida

Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal recently identified political beliefs that are endangering Europe.iii Mr. Stephens should have broadened his view to the West in general. Piggybacking on his ideas, the first thing that the West must do is recognize that there is something in the West worth preserving. It requires a great unlearning of the political mythologies on which modern society is ingesting. Among those mythologies: that the relative peace of the post-World War II world is the result of a postwar moral commitment to peace rather than a Paz-Americana; that Christianity is of merely historical importance rather …

Taking the Offensive Against ISIS: A Historical View- Part 1, by S.G. in Florida

Islamic mass casualty attacks have been all the rage among the Islamic barbarians. Unfortunately, the current administration has allowed the Jihadi idea to metastasize so that now, instead of taking the fight to the enemy, the enemy is bringing the fight to our homes. This article will examine the implications of the current wave of Islamic attacks and contemplate the possibility that this is a world wide clash of civilizations, requiring a systematic and unrestrained unconventional military response. When it comes to the prevention of mass casualty attacks, it is very difficult to discuss successful prevention methods, since by definition …

Guest Article: Lessons Learned From The Pioneer Fire 2016, by Tanker Jack

This all happened within our first month into our relocation to the Redoubt. To start off correctly, we must give you a little background on our family. I was a retired Army tanker ( for 20 years), then in 2009 we started our next career as a government employee with Corp of Engineers and the Navy. Chasing promotions had us moving every two years, taking several jobs with the purpose of climbing the corporate ladder as fast as possible. Then the “come to Jesus” moment” that turned us into the preppers we are today happened. The Kentucky ice storm of …

The “Chicken Little” Syndrome- Part 2, by Peter Martin

Opinions So, what is wrong with opinions? Well, for the person holding it, nothing is wrong. It is their opinion, and that is all that is important. So, what is the problem? An opinion is not necessarily anything factual. Huh? If I like my steak well done, then a good steak is a well done steak. To others, a good steak is rare, or medium rare, medium, et cetera. So, the opinion is accurate or valid to the holder of the opinion, but it’s not necessarily valid to anyone else. The President recently stated, “…that no one ever running for …

The “Chicken Little” Syndrome- Part 1, by Peter Martin

Definitions for this article: Misinformation: as used in this article, is information that is for the most part correct. It is the manner in which it is presented (spun/spin) that is misleading and therefore makes it “misinformation”. Disinformation: information that is 90% fiction (not true) and 10% or less true/factual. Discernment: 1) The ability to judge well, 2) the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure: skill in discerning. Introduction In these troubling times we can be inundated with enormous amounts of information, from radio (AM/FM/SW), TV (Network and Cable), newspapers, the Internet (news-sites and blogs), …

Quick Reference Manual Regarding Disaster Survival and Recovery on the Road- Part 1, by J.P.R.

Preface I wrote this manual for those family and friends who don’t believe we need to be prepared for anything huge happening. I still feel responsible for these people in my life and wish the best for them as they travel about in our uncertain world. The other reason I wrote it was to subtly introduce them to the impact of what may occur in each scenario in an effort to ignite their personal journey towards preparedness and independence. I hope many more find it a useful tool in helping others handle adversity with knowledge rather than fear. TRAVEL REFERENCE …

The Bride of Christ in An Apocalyptic World- Part 3, by R.B.

What Needs To Be Done? There are numerous books available to assist people who have begun to prepare themselves for the coming catastrophe. Indeed, prepping has become an “industry” in some respects, as many have come to the realization that the government will not be able to step in and solve everyone’s problems in the face of a true national disaster. Just ask the folks in New Orleans who suffered through the comparatively short-term disaster of Hurricane Katrina. At the end of this article, I will provide a brief and rather incomplete bibliography of some of the publications that I …

The Bride of Christ in An Apocalyptic World- Part 2, by R.B.

What Would This Mean For Christ’s Bride– The Church? While all of this is frightening and should give us pause respecting the fragility of our civilization, what would such potential events mean for the Bride of Christ– the Church? While Scripture tells us that even the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church of Christ Jesus, that does not mean that His Bride will not suffer in this world. The genocide we see of Christians and their culture in the Muslim world should prove the point. It should be remembered that we still live in the Church Militant, not …

The Bride of Christ in An Apocalyptic World- Part 1, by R.B.

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: so likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:32-35) Understand the Times If you have been paying attention to current events, especially to economic news and news related to asymmetrical military preparedness (i.e., cyber warfare …

Justifying Citizen Possession of Firearms, by S.G. in Florida

Most persons recognize the value of the firearm as a hunting and food gathering tool for the rural American. Often, gun control advocates will latch onto this justification for the Second Amendment when proposing various gun restrictions. The firearm tool can find utilitarian employment by an individual in many situations, and this article seeks to list the possible contemplated individual uses for firearms. Note that I am in no way suggesting that these situations exist now, nor am I advocating the employment of firearms in any of these ways. However, thinking ahead and outside of the box will allow us …