The Rules of Engagement: Meet PTSD- Part 1, by Autistic Prepper

PTSD is an acronym thrown around quite a bit. Principally, this mental diagnosis term of posttraumatic stress disorder was assigned beginning in the early 1980s, primarily to those who had experienced traumatic events, such as war. Let’s meet PTSD and talk about the rules of engagement surrounding it and those who carry its burden. Why I Wrote An Article A while back I wrote an article about adult autism, an issue I’d never seen addressed in prepping literature. A perceptive reader wondered what the condition had to do with prepping. It is relevant for two reasons. First, it’s a reminder …

Essential Survival Skills You Should Learn, by B.T.

Life is a game of survival. Everything is possible. Anything can happen. Preparation is the key, but what if you are struck unaware? What if you are left with nothing but the clothes on your back and a flashlight? Getting lost in the wilderness or being stranded on an island can be tough, but you will live if you have the will and courage to tackle the unknown and make do with what’s in front of you. The Art of Survival When it comes to events of a catastrophic scale, there’s nothing more important than staying alive and focusing on …

VA Nightmares and Real Resources of Hope for Veterans- Part 2, by Informed Consent

This article is written to expose the broken VA system and provide a forum for veterans to share their story in the comments. Furthermore, at the end of this article, I will share information and resources for alternatives to the VA system. Let’s continue. Grumpy-Pants Who Do Not Care About Veterans I’m sure there are some grumpy-pants who do not care about veterans reading this article. I probably won’t be able to change your mind. Perhaps your heart runs cold and your eyes are scaled over. Or, perhaps you are someone who has illogically made the conclusion that all veterans …

VA Nightmares and Real Resources of Hope for Veterans- Part 1, by Informed Consent

In honor of Memorial Day, I thought it fitting to expose the broken Veterans Administration (VA) system to those who are not aware. This is not a sob story or victim card lecture. It is simply sharing the reality of the current VA system and the consequences of such on real lives. Most veterans will have no problem accepting the premise of this paper. However, some still believe that the VA is the ultimate savior, when it comes to their failing health. Oh, and the VA money, well, that money seems to come with strings attached, doesn’t it? “Nothing is …

How To Safely Heat With Wood, by W.S.

Let’s talk about how to safely heat with wood. I’ve been in the alternative heating business for more than 15 years. During that time, I’ve put heaters in remote tiny houses, large cabins, barns, and even a geodome! Winter is Coming – Plan Now Winter is coming. Please plan now, if you are not ready or if you need to make some revisions to your heating configuration. This year, most of the country was hammered with harsh winter storms. Make sure to plan now. The Wood Stove Just as the foundation of a home is what everything is built on, …

Remain Anonymous Online and Protect Information- Part 2, by Contributor

I’m going to show you how you can remain anonymous online and protect information and communications. We have already gone through the purchase of a computer and its setup as well as establishing a virtual private network (VPN) and virtual machines. Now, let’s continue on our journey for online anonymity. Firefox Don’t forget to have your VPN up and running as you continue to setup your virtual machine (VM). Now, download and install Firefox from Open the Options and go to Privacy and Security. Under History, set it to Never remember history, and restart the browser. You’ll probably be …

Remain Anonymous Online and Protect Information- Part 1, by Contributor

Would you like to remain anonymous while online? Would you like to protect your communications and information? Well, I’m going to show you how you can accomplish this. This is intended to be a comprehensive, full paranoid guide. So use everything or just some to get the protection you deem appropriate. It might be best to read through this guide, determine everything you’ll need, and then go step by step. At the end, I’ve provided some resources for additional help, if this doesn’t provide enough in-depth guidance. Start From Nothing, Remove Everything Let’s start from nothing. You need a computer, …

Hitchhiking After SHTF, by J.B.

Many of us have spent a lot of time thinking about how we would get home if things hit the fan while we are away from home, and hitchhiking hasn’t been on top of the list. The majority of us would have our vehicle there to hopefully drive ourselves back. What many people have not spent much time thinking about is how they would get home if the car wouldn’t start, if the car broke down on the way home, or if you had flown to a location and can’t get a flight back. I want to share my experiences …

Homesteading or Prepping with Very Little Money- Part 2, by M.C.

Now that you have begun your prepping with very little money to buy the basic survival rations, let’s make your food a little more varied and palatable. You may be surprised how you can do this. Edible Weeds Go to the library and find a book on the edible weeds in your area. Collect them, and dry them. You can use a window screen to dry them on, after spraying it with water to remove dust and debris and allowing it to dry. Those dried weeds will add flavor and nutrition to your meals. Some, like Lambs Quarters which grows …

Homesteading or Prepping with Very Little Money- Part 1, by M.C.

I’ll readily admit it; I’m a prepper, survivalist, homesteader, or whatever the current term is for someone who wants to be sure in an emergency that I can take care of myself and family. That to me is much better than standing by wringing my hands in the hope that FEMA can get to me with provisions before I (or worse yet– my husband, children, or grandchildren) starve to death. The Words “Prepper” or “Survivalist” I know for some of you, the words “prepper” or “survivalist” may bring visions of Doomsday Preppers with the fall-out shelters, bug out buses complete …

The Next Kristallnacht, by J.J.

Violence perpetrated against conservatives, Republicans, and Trump supporters in recent years have escalated, while simultaneously being played down by the media and opposing political parties. The fact that influential Democrats and news personalities deny the trend serves to appease their leftist base, perhaps even emboldening others. If the course continues to increase, where will it lead? What are the consequences? Has history shown us the answer? Kristallnacht Starting on the night of November 9, 1938 and continuing until the early morning hours of November 10, Jews who lived in Germany suffered the “Night of Broken Glass”, or “Kristallnacht”. Nazis and …

A Prepper’s Guide to Benadryl, by ARNJR

Disclaimer: This article is written for entertainment purposes only. We are not licensed health care professionals, and we have no interest, financial or otherwise, in any company that manufactures or sells any pharmaceuticals. Information contained in this article should only be used as a springboard for doing further research on the efficacy of the ideas presented herein. Usage of any drug, even if it is available over the counter without a prescription, should only be done under a physician’s care. Information and thoughts presented herein are for when our society has completely collapsed and the medical supplies necessary for sustaining …

Getting Home In The Event Of An EMP- Part 2, by B.M.

We are looking at what might be required if you are working in the city a great distance from your family’s home. My scenario is that I work 50 miles away, which would require a two day walk. I’ve already talked through the basics of day one, which is focusing on getting as far as possible while being the Gray Man. Now, let’s look at what might happen next. Overnight and Day Two So, you have had a fortunate day. You’ve covered 30 miles, but you are exhausted. You’ve eaten once; you are sweaty, tired, worried, and it is getting …

Getting Home In The Event Of An EMP- Part 1, by B.M.

I want to open by saying that this is not a blueprint for long-term survival or preparedness, nor is it the same as a bug-out-bag scenario. This is a guide for getting home in the initial stages of a grid-down scenario. I served in the USMC,  worked the streets of this country for 25 plus years and I have also traveled extensively (to 60 plus countries). I have dealt, on a regular basis, with human beings from all walks of life, and there is no accounting for the ignorant and irrational behavior that they display. The One Thing You Can …

Gun Issues, by Survivormann99

I was in a Social Security office today that is located in a city that is regularly ranked by the FBI as being one of the “top five safest American cities” (with a population over 100,000). I do not believe that the city has ever fallen out of the top ten safest American cities in the last 20 years. Social Security Office Security Guard Armed with 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol There to maintain order in the Social Security office and to keep a careful watch on the gray-haired, white-haired, and blue-haired sexagenarians, septuagenarians, and octogenarians was a security guard armed with …