Six Letters Re: A Prepper Goes to College

James:  The article “A Prepper Goes to College” by S. John aptly points out a problem in which is completely avoidable.  It is heartbreaking to know that so many people are setting themselves up for a life of lost opportunities by being saddled with educational debt.   This problem is the subject of the book Debt-Free U: How I Paid for an Outstanding College Education Without Loans, Scholarships, or Mooching off My Parents by Zac Bissonnette.  “Debt-Free U” points out the huge disparity in the cost/value relationships of the many college education options.  It provides strategies (solutions) for getting a good …

Raising Children to Be Ready for Life, by P.J.G.T.

It is my observation that many children are not being raised ready to live a real life. I can speak as a full time teacher for ten years and as a stay-at-home mother for the past 17 years. Here are my suggestions for how to improve your children’s education so they will be ready to think and succeed. Please do not think that our children are perfect and always wonderful. They are not! However, they are respectful, tidy and courteous to everyone. We have been told numerous times how “lucky” we are to have such delightful children. No, we are …

Letter Re: The Simplicity Challenge

Dear Mr. Rawles, I am a regular reader of, and recently saw your recommendation of the book The Simplicity Primer by Patrice Lewis. I purchased the book on Amazon on it Book Bomb day as you suggested, and the book arrived today. When I purchased the book, I thought this would be a great educational tool for my family, so tonight I started what will be a one-year ritual with my wife and two children. Immediately after dinner, I read the first tip out loud to my family. Tonight’s tip is on “Attitude”. We talked about the advice, and …

Letter Re: National Academies Publication Now On-Line

Dear Mr. Rawles, I was just made aware that on June 2nd, the U.S. National Academies (e.g., National Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering) made their publications available for free on-line.   Documents can either be reviewed on screen, downloaded as a PDF (need to register with site to download files) or hard copies can be ordered (although at substantial cost). Publications cover a broad range of topics from Agriculture, to Engineering and Technology, to Conflict and Security Issues. Although much of the material may be of little direct value to a prepper, there may be some value …

Preparing Kids for Disasters, by J.B. in Montana

Consider this possible scenario: Let’s imagine for a moment that nuclear fallout or a tornado is approaching your home. If you said to your child, “Stop what you are doing- go to the basement right now!” – would he obey without question or hesitation? Would he even pay attention to your voice if he were deeply involved in a video game or a text message? Would he whine “WHYYYYY? Do I HAAAAVE to? It’s not faaaair. Bubba got to play longer than meeeeee!” Would your daughter pout, glare at you, and sulk if she had planned to go to a …

Letter Re: Surviving TEOTWAWKI with Infants and Toddlers

Dear James, I read your blog weekly.  Very good stuff.  Regarding the recent article Surviving TEOTWAWKI with Infants and Toddlers, by M.A., I just wanted to add couple things, being a mom of five.  Having things like Tiefu (for headaches, pains, sinuses), acidophilus (for stomach woes, can be used with infants and will put an end to diarrhea) Otic solutions for inner ear pain (there is no way to sooth a baby in ear pain without this stuff), Vertifree for children and adults with symptoms of vertigo caused by allergies and such.  Castor Oil for muscle pains.  Having the same bracelet …

My Kids are Preppers Too!, by The Non-Nurse

The lessons of my essay are simply this: talk with your kids, include them in your preps, and listen to them. My foray into prepping began in 2008, courtesy of my then 10-year-old son. My astute older child noticed how stressed mom and dad were with the rising costs, lowered wages, and cut hours that we were experiencing thanks to the newly developed recession. My son asked if he could put in a garden, a novel idea for my core family unit. He felt the need to help contribute to the family in some way. I must inject a little …

Getting Your Kids Ready for TEOTWAWKI, by D.M.

My wife and I are both in our late 30s and have just started living a life of preparedness.  Unfortunately, we started this journey just after building a new house on 15 acres in Northeastern Minnesota.  We wish we had a few years back to build over with a different frame of mind, but we count our blessings and enjoy our rural location.  We live on my single income (about $70,000) and have four beautiful children, ages 4 through 9. While having four children makes life a little more interesting financially, by being frugal, we have still been able to …

Letter Re: Free Homeschooling Curricula

Mr. Rawles, There were several letters recently concerning homeschooling.  I homeschool my four children ages 3-12.  I wanted to mention two web sites that offer free downloadable products on either a weekly or daily basis. offers a free product every Monday.  You simply download the curricula from their site. The majority of offerings would be most appropriate for the elementary crowd.  We did a wonderful semester long study of rocks and geology a few years ago from material I downloaded from Currclick. offers a free product every wee day (Monday- Friday).  They offer a wide range of homeschooling …

Letter Re: Advice on Classic Books for Homeschooling

Mr. Rawles, This is in response to Paula S.’s recent letter requesting information on classic books for homeschooling. I just returned from a homeschool convention in Memphis where I was introduced to Memoria Press. They have curricula for parents interesting in providing their children with a classical education. I have looked at the early elementary sets–they include books for the kids to read aloud and other books to be read aloud to the children. You do not have to buy their material to see the list of books that they use–the lists are posted on their web site under each …

Letter Re: Advice on Classic Books for Homeschooling

Dear James,     Could you post a list of Books and Educational Material we should own or obtain to teach ourselves and our children and grandchildren on our real American History and real World History. I’d like to have and educational series from Kindergarten on up, to have on hand to give our next generation, for a well-rounded education.  Thank you, Paula S. JWR Replies: The folks that produce The Robinson Curriculum recommend a long list of “classic” books.  Many of these are available free online (in PDF or Kindle reader format). There are many novels as well as nonfiction …

A Key Concern and a Preparedness Strategy, by Patrick E.

I have been an avid SurvivalBlog reader for a couple of years now, and I have been a lifelong prepper, although never like I am now.  Through this blog and other excellent sources, I have gained immeasurable information and comfort, and the feeling that by the grace of God and diligent effort, I am finally obtaining a level of preparedness which ensures a very good chance of providing safety and security for my family and me through whatever the future may bring.  Though I have made many personal preparations, I don’t feel that I have done enough to help others …

Post-TEOTWAWKI and Off-the-Grid Entertainment, by Reed C.

As a newcomer to the “prepper” lifestyle, I’ve been devouring the wonderful information I can find on SurvivalBlog.   These articles have prompted some deep and serious thinking from both me and my wife.  But one day, as I was reading about food handling and storage and how to survive after the crunch, I began to consider what it would be like to spend many long months locked up in a safe-house somewhere with two young children.  I remembered the Diary of Anne Frank, and how much they suffered from boredom while locked up in the attic of their safe house…and …

Assembling a Survival Library, by Jim E.

I know that I would be preaching to the choir telling SurvivalBlog readers to have a well-stocked survival library but I just can’t help my self.  I’ve read most of the archives and I must admit I was unable to find exactly what I was thinking about in terms of building and maintaining a survival library.  Everyone that is even a casual reader of this blog knows that knowledge is far superior to having a lot of neat toys and gizmos. The truth is, knowledge is king when it comes to survival, and knowledge can only be obtained in basically …

The Boy Scouts and You, by Eagle Scout

What’s a great program that’s been around for 100 years and teaches self-reliance, outdoor skills and citizenship? The Boy Scouts of America of course! I joined the Cub Scouts in the 2nd grade. In 5th grade I graduated to the Boy Scouts. I was no longer a “cubby”. I had joined the big boys. I then spent the next 7 years in the Scouting program before achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and turning 18 years old. A little history into the Scouting program… Founded in England in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting sprang from Baden-Powell’s time in the Boer …