Preparedness Notes for Sunday — October 31, 2021

As Christians, our family does not celebrate the pagan Halloween. Since October 31st is also Reformation Day, that is what we celebrate. — Sorry, but I didn’t have time to prepare a feature article for today, as I’m out of state to attend a memorial service for my late mother, Barbara Marie Rawles. I’m also assisting my siblings in clearing out her house, to prepare it for sale. Our regular posting schedule should resume by Wednesday.

Preparedness Notes for Saturday — October 30, 2021

October 30th, 1735 was the birthday of President John Adams. (Other sources cite his birthdate as October 19, 1735.) He died on July 4, 1826–just a few hours after the death of Thomas Jefferson. — First up is the monthly precious metals column by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins. Sorry, but I didn’t have time to prepare a feature article for today, as I’m out of state to attend a memorial service for my late mother, Barbara Marie Rawles. I’m also assisting my siblings in clearing out her home, to prepare it for sale. Our regular posting schedule should resume …

Preparedness Notes for Friday — October 29, 2021

October 29th is the birthday of fighter pilot Vermont Garrison, an American who fought in three wars – WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. He was born in 1915 and died on February 14th, 1994, in Mountain Home, Idaho. — Please contact your congrescriiiters are voice your opposition to HR 2377, a Federal “Red Flag” law — that would allow guns to be seized without due process! — We are still seeking entries for Round 97 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. More than $725,000 worth of prizes have been awarded since we started running this contest. Round 97 ends on November …

Potemkin Village on the Potomac

I’ll begin this essay with a bit of history, and then take a look at what I foresee in the near future of America. The “Potemkin Village” (Potyomkinskiye derevni) was an invention of Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin-Tavricheski to impress Empress Catherine The Second (“Catherine the Great”), while she was traveling through Crimea, in 1787. As the story goes, along the banks of the Dnieper River, Potemkin had workmen erect a fake village, peopled with paid actors. This village was designed to give Catherine with the illusion of economic vibrancy in the region under the prince’s rule, as she floated by. After her …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. Most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, JWR. Today, we look at the renewed strength of the Swiss Franc. (See the Forex & Cryptos section.) Precious Metals: Turkey Buys All Remaining Wholesale Silver For The Year. o  o  o Commerzbank see gold rising on higher inflation expectations. o  o  o Gold price up as it appears inflation genie out of the …

Preparedness Notes for Thursday — October 28, 2021

Today is coincidentally the birthday of several gun designers: Wilhelm Bubits (born October 28, 1954) in Lutzmannsburg, is an Austrian handgun designer and creator of the Caracal Pistols (pictured) and Steyr Mannlicher M and S model pistols. As a hobby shooter and former police officer, Wilhelm Bubits used his experience and ideas about handguns to advance modern pistol design. Bubits worked for the Glock firearms company and in 1997 joined another Austrian weapons maker, Steyr Mannlicher. At Steyr, Bubits created the Steyr M and S pistols which were released to market beginning in 1999. In late 2002 Bubits worked with …

Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “JWR”. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. Today, we look at adverse events following Wu Flu jabs. COVID-19 VAERS: 800,000+ Adverse Events Reported I spotted this linked at the news aggregation site: COVID-19 VAERS Update: Over 800,000 Adverse Events Now Reported!  …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. We may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. Simon in England passed along this instructional video link: BaoFeng Ham Radio From Noob to Skilled in 60 minutes. o  o  o Andre reminded me to mention this, about the Cumbre Vieja volcano, in Spain’s Canary Islands: La Palma’s volcanic eruption is going strong three weeks later. o  o  o This reporting runs contrary to the “Fauci wisdom”: Amish Covid. …