Odds ‘n Sods:

“Eric”, a former charter airline pilot and computer programmer publishes an interesting albeit sporadically updated self sufficiency blog: http://www.selfsufficientfamily.com/   o  o  o If you fall into the Club of Rome school of thought on the potential for a major whammy multi-generational societal collapse (See Roberto Vacca’s  book “The Coming Dark Age“), then you might find this site interesting: http://anthropik.com o  o  o Two interesting web sites with some useful MicroHydro power info were recently mentioned in a discussion over at the Survival and Preparedness forum at The FAL Files.  See:   http://microhydropower.net/index.php and http://www.utilityfree.com/hydro/ (Scroll down to see their …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The more I learn about people and society the more I love guns and explosives. Guns and explosives are more understandable, more predictable, and less hazardous.” – Joe Huffman (Joe is one of the chief organizers of Idaho’s annual Boomershoot. See: http://www.boomershoot.org/  Also see Joe’s wonderfully addictive blog: http://blog.joehuffman.org/

Note From JWR:

Things are progressing well with my proposed “Paratus Farms” retreat community. (See my post on Saturday, January 21, 2006.)  One gent tells me that he wants to purchase between two and four of the parcels. That will leave at least three more parcels, but these will sell out quickly. Don’t hesitate, folks.  Additional details are available upon request, via e-mail.

Two Letters Re: On Suture, Staples, and Glue for Wound Closure

James: After reading David in Israel I had a few further suggestions. All open wounds do not have to be sutured, in fact most wounds that are dirty should not be sutured but allowed to drain, and heal by “secondary intention” or basically healing from within. Not all soft tissue wounds need to be cleaned, and dead and nonviable tissue trimmed away. Abscess and further extension of infection can occur with a dirty wound that it sutured closed. Wash with copious amount sterile water, dilute betadine, or dilute hydrogen peroxide. Non dilute solutions often can cause more damage to the …

Letter Re: “Shooter” on The Draw Technique, or “Shooter’s Five Steps to Keeping Ten Fingers”

Jim, I’d like to add three observations to Shooter’s otherwise outstanding tutorial on weapons drawing and presentation – “Shooter” on The Draw Technique, or “Shooter’s Five Steps to Keeping Ten Fingers”. First, it is absolutely critical to be aware of your state’s protocols for use of lethal force in armed encounters. The most common elements that must be met to protect yourself legally is opportunity, ability and jeopardy. Go to www.packing.org and review your own state’s statutes. Second, I highly recommend that prior to reholstering and reversing the steps of the draw stroke which Shooter outlined, the weapon is brought …

Letter Re: Getting Your Group to Buy In: The $20 Medical Kit, By EMT J.N.

Dear Mr. Rawles, I was very interested in the blog on the $20 medical kit. I was thinking of the situation where in the event of a major storm, hurricane, blizzard, fuel crisis, nuclear attack or where transportation and communications are severely disrupted over a wide area for an extended period, it may not be possible to get to the doctor or pharmacy or if one could get there, it may not be open due to a lack of electric power or severe damage to the facility. Instead of discussing a group buy, a more practical approach may be the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Defense Aerospace reports: “Future of US Nuclear Arsenal in Flux after Peacekeeper Missiles De-Activated”  See: http://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgi-bin/client/modele.pl?prod=66020&session=dae.17150781.1138033046.Q9UBgsOa9dUAAGt1mV8&modele=jdc_1     o  o  o Reader OSOM (“Out of Sight, Out of Mind”)  recommends the recent Popular Mechanics magazine article on “Worst Case Scenarios”  See: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/worst_case_scenario/   o  o  o Check out http://www.FreeCycle.org. If you have the storage space, this is a great place to pick up free items for charity or barter.     o  o  o Some details and commentary on “Getting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran” prepared by the US Army War College. (plus a PDF link to the original document) …

Letter Re: Stocking Up on Shoes and Boots for Survival

James, Here are some shoe and boot making resources that I’ve book marked: http://www.simpleshoemaking.com/index.html http://www.walrusshoe.com/books_home.htm http://www.thehcc.org/ http://home.earthlink.net/~lizjones429/shoe-advice.html http://www.florilegium.org/  (See “Clothing”) http://www.bootmaker.com/dwswb.htm Regards, – Parmenio

Three Letter Re: Internet and Search Engine Privacy

Jim: I’ve done a lot of experimenting on this and offer my take: Rule Number One: The U.S. Government is monitoring domestic internet traffic. Anybody visiting Survivalblog is already suspect by the government because of it’s very subject matter. Assume that you are being monitored. Let’s not be naive here please. Anonymizer is obviously monitored by the Government because it maintains logs of in/out IP Addresses. Tor…the Onion Router is the best way to go if you have DSL or Cable high-speed internet connection because there is no central logging. I use it. CCleaner [Cache Cleaner] at http://www.ccleaner.com/ is the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A handy website for retreat location research can be found at: http://www.city-data.com/   o  o  o A SurvivalBlog reader mentioned that nationally syndicated radio talk show host Derry Brownfield has been talking about NAIS for years. See: http://www.derrybrownfield.com/   o  o  o There are some great links at:  http://www.bigsecrets.cc/prepare.htm   o  o  o The Pre-1899 Specialist reports that they have been going fast (since SurvivalBlog readers have been cleaning them out), but they still have a few Model 1893 Oberndorf Mausers available. They are considered Federally exempt “antiques”, so no FFL is required!   o  o  o As reported by …

From David In Israel: On Suture, Staples, and Glue for Wound Closure

One of the most used high skill medical interventions is suturing. In times of disaster when qualified medical practitioners are not available, suturing can be performed easily as long as it is not in nerve rich areas such as the face and hands. (Sutures in these areas could cause debilitating nerve damage and should only be attempted by a person that is specially trained.) 1- Suture. I will not attempt to describe the knot in writing but practice with forceps and pre-threaded suture packs on raw chicken or turkey skin on the bird (sew then eat). Keep Ethylon 5 and …

NAIS: What Does it Take to Raise an Alarm These Days? by Ken Anderson of “All Maine Matters”

I can remember when 1984 was a scary book. Today, it seems that we worry only about those things that we’re told to worry about, and accept the answers that are given to us, no questions asked. On September 11, 2001, three passenger planes were crashed into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, while a fourth came to fiery rest in a Pennsylvania field. Less than a month later, the USA PATRIOT Act was introduced in Congress, to be signed – more than 300 pages of it – on October 26, 2001 with few objections from the public or …