David in Israel Re: On Gun Laws in Israel and War Worries Update

In answer to your queries about gun laws in Israel: The gun control laws in Israel are draconian. You must have a “valid reason” to keep a gun at home. Sadly in the West Bank our cousins (the Arabs) give that reason. All of Israel law is a combination of Ottoman Empire, British occupation, and Israeli passed laws, also the radical leftist Supreme Court which has empowered itself to strike down laws it does not agree with and to generate law by judicial declaration. We do not have a constitution for the state of Israel. These rules may change as …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Multiple mutations reported in Indonesia’s Asian Avian Flu Strain.    o o o The Citizens’ Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) alerted us to the following: During U.S. Senate consideration of the Homeland Security appropriations bill (H.R. 5441), Senator David Vitter will offer an amendment (# 4551) to “prohibit the use of funds appropriated under this bill for the confiscation of lawfully possessed firearms during an emergency or major disaster.” Hopefully this will prevent a repeat of the gun seizures that followed Hurricane Katrina. Our U.S. readers are urged to support this amendment. Please call your …

Note From JWR:

Please continue to spread the word about SurvivalBlog. Please mention the blog whenever you call in to talk radio shows or when you are on podcasts. Thanks! Today we present another article for Round 5 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The writer of the best non-fiction article will win a valuable four day “gray” transferable Front Sight course certificate. (Worth up to $2,000) Second prize is a copy of my “big box” preparedness course, (worth $149) generously donated by Jake Stafford of Arbogast Publishing. If you want a chance to win, start writing and e-mail us your article soon. …

What is Considered of Value in the Poorest Nations, by SF in Hawaii

I have a book called Material World by Peter Menzel in which average families from around the world put everything they own on their lawn and you get to see what they own and how they live. While I purchased the book as a way to demonstrate to my kids ‘just how good they have it’ there are also some lessons for us survivalists. I went through the poorest nations where per capita income was usually far less than $1,000 USD per year (and in the case of Mali, Africa, $251 per year). What I noticed was a pattern in …

Letter Re: Surplus Wireless and Hard Wire Seismic Intrusion Detection

Hi Jim, I like your site! (And enjoyed “Patriots” quite a bit, too!) It was referred to your site by a customer in Louisiana. My customer mentioned that I could probably mention my remaining TRS-2 PEWS seismic intrusion detectors on your site. We have about 30 detector/transmitters (DT-577 V(6) /TRS-2) left. @ $60/ea. (these run on a 9VDC ‘transistor radio’ battery for about two weeks, and are on 150.6 MHz) Also have about a dozen of the R-1808 V(6) /TRS-2 Receivers (same frequency) @ $500 each. (These run on two each 9VDC batteries for a couple of days.) All of …

Letter Re: Comments on the RWVA Appleseed Training Experience

I grew up plinking with a .22 rifle but was totally inexperienced with MBR rifles when I bought my FAL last summer. When I saw the RWVA Appleseed training schedule in SurvivalBlog, I decided to risk a possible cold weekend and attended Fred’s February 2006 training in North Carolina. I had the company of one other FAL shooter, an SKS shooter, a .22 shooter and a lot of M1A and M1 Garand shooters on the lower range line. Three or four families with children ranging in ages from about 10 up came to the training also and sported various calibers …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Okay, so it is a little techno-geeky and complex, but moonbounce EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) transmission does work.    o o o SurvivalBlog reader M.P. mentioned that the Sony ICT-B01 emergency radio is now available at JR.com for $40. While it doesn’t have some of the bells and whistles of the Eton and Grundig models, the Sony portables generally have the best proprietary radio integrated circuits, and they never sell them to other radio manufacturers.      o o o The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced that they plan to distribute terror and disaster alerts via cell phone. But this is …

Letter From England Re: What Will Europe Be Like After TEOTWAWKI?

Hi Jim Thanks for sending your novel (“Patriots”) so promptly. I’ve hardly put it down since it got here. It does make me wonder how things would pan out in Europe under similar circumstances. There are definitely less weapons in private ownership here in the UK, however criminals have no problem getting their hands on ex-Soviet weapons of all types. Not a good balance of power in the absence of law and order. Regards, – P.

Letter Re: Advice on Options for a Small Alternative Power System?

Hello, I’m new here and am starting to prepare for long-term survival. I have tons of questions but will ask only one. Do you know, or have any recommendations, how one might use battery power to, say, power as DVD player. If so, what are the best batteries to buy for long-term storage and use? I realize a small power generator could be used, but that also makes noise and uses gas. Thanks for any help. – Andy JWR Replies: There are two distinct approaches to alternative power systems. The first is the simplest, most efficient, and most cost effective: …

Four Letters Re: Solar-Powered Versus Self-Winding Watches

Jim, With all the discussion of wristwatch options, your readers who know that it is relatively easy to learn watch making skills. Your manual or automatic watch will need cleaning and lubrication after a few years, after all. There is an online watch school www.timezonewatchschool.com that does not appear to be a big-profit operation, but devoted to sharing the craft. They make purchasing the necessary tools and parts easy, and for about $250, you get tuition, quality tools (screwdrivers, magnifiers, etc.) a Swiss manual movement to work on, and a case to put it in on your wrist. The second …

Letter Re: Survival Dollars, by Wolverine

Jim, I would like you to consider adding additional ways to earn extra “Survival Income” to Wolverine post on Survival Dollars. One, is an addition to his collecting and selling scrap metal. I take a five gallon bucket with me to the outdoor range in the Sumter National Forest and collect all the brass I can between shooting sessions. The best time is Sunday afternoon, to get all the weekend shooters left. In 4-5 weekends I filled a five gallon bucket and maybe 1/3 of another and made $87. The other weekend income job I have is putting out and …