Economics and Investing:

Peter Schiff Warns: “The Whole Economy Has Imploded… Collapse Is Coming” – Link sent in by B.B. o o o First GM China-Made Import to U.S. Scheduled to Begin Sale in 2016 – RBS o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: U.S. News Beleagured Wal-Mart Sues Broke Puerto Rico (Zero Hedge) Article Quote: “It’s always amusing when unforeseen circumstances conspire to bring two previously disparate stories together in one hilarious boondoggle.” No, “Big Data” Can’t Predict the Future (Mises Institute) Article Quote and a Thought: “In the social sciences we’re dealing with complex phenomena. Action and, especially, its outcome is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

President BHO gave a speech on December 6th in which he, among other things, urged enactment of controls on civilian-owned battle rifles. He also mentioned expanding the National “No-Fly” List into a “No-Buy” list for firearms purchases. Since the DHS administrative secret persona non grata list has no proper remedy, redress, or recourse under law, and because it is chronically plagued by thousands of “wrongly matched” false positive names that have already cost tremendous undue suffering, this is an exceptionally bad idea. Thusfar, the expected torrent of new Executive Orders implementing BHO’s plans has not yet been unleashed. Perhaps this …

Notes for Monday – December 07, 2015

On a Sunday morning, 74 years ago, America was caught sleeping. Then there was that September morning, in 2001. Let’s pray that nothing like those days ever happens again. – JWR o o o Ready Made Resources is having a special on the ITT Pinnacle 3rd Gen upgraded PVS-14 Autogated for $3149.00. Included in the package is: Shipping ($50 value) Weapons Mount ($99 value) Shuttered Eye Relief ($40 value) 2 Boxes of infrared chemical lights ($70 value) Surface Trip Flare for the chem lights ($35 value) 10 year warranty They’ve been in business 20 years and a long time SurvivalBlog …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: H&K VP9

I’ve always been a big fan of H&K (Heckler & Koch) firearms, at least most of them. They’ve had a few that weren’t to my liking. One thing that most folks will agree on is that the price point on many H&K Products is very high, VERY high, and that scares away a lot of gun buyers– guys like me who are the average guy! I have to spend my hard-earned money very carefully. The H&K firearms I’ve owned in the past were all used ones. I couldn’t afford new guns from them. Well, that is changing. H&K is listening …

Recipe of the Week: Venison, Sausage, and Cabbage Soup, by OkieRanchWife

This is a hearty soup for the beginning of the Fall season, and it harkens back to the type of soups that my mother, grandmother, and even great grandmother would make. Grandmother, my Baba, and great grandmother cooked on a coal burning cook stove. I hope you like this as recipe as much as I do. Ingredients 1 pound ground venison, beef, bison or turkey 7 oz link of your favorite sausage– smoked or Polish Kielbasa, thinly sliced in rounds ¼ head of green cabbage, thinly sliced 1 Tbsp unsalted butter 4 cups cold water 1 can (14 ozs) tomato …

Letter Re: Captain America Is Coming For You!, by N.E.

HJL, In his letter, N.E. refers to the fictional “Sons of the Serpents” from Marvel comics as right wing conservatives and puts the term “evil” in quotes as though they are not actually evil. They are clearly written in the comics as white supremacists. Let’s not help the Left blur that line any further. – Z.A. HJL Responds: Another SurvivalBlog reader sent in a link that actually responds to this statement rather well. While Marvel indoctrinates our children by linking conservatives to hate groups, this article asks some hard hitting questions like these: Where are Captain America’s missions with Joint …

Economics and Investing:

Is OPEC Losing Influence? If one thing from the OPEC meeting becomes clear, it is that OPEC’s respect for a production ceiling does not exist anymore, the question rises whether OPEC is still able to regulate prices at all o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: U.S. News How Much Does a Boeing 747 Cost? (24/7 WallSt) Notes: An interesting read and a little insight into both the increasing cost of commercial aircraft over time and aviation economics. Non-Borrower Backed Mortgages? (Zero Hedge) Commentary: Taking into consideration the post-crash mortgage mind-set (and call for larger down payments and stricter lender …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The long-awaited Ghost Gunner automated milling machine is now in large scale production. These compact machines provide a means of completing “non-gun” 80%-complete aluminum alloy AR-15 receiver blanks into finished receivers, even for people who are not mechanically adept. There are plans to soon provide software that will allow the machines to also finish AR-10 receivers. I have heard that folks who were on the waiting list from 2014 are now receiving shipments of their Ghost Gunners. This venture was launched by Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed– the designer of the much-publicized 3D-Printed AR-15 lower. The cost of a Ghost …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“Healthcare should be based on consent and private transactions. Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs should be privatized and marketized. HAS’s and privately operated health insurance are fully legitimate as long as they are consensual. Licensing should be ended as should all healthcare subsidies, taxes, and regulations.” – David J. Theroux

Fighting Words: An Open Letter to Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.

The New York Times just published the newspaper’s first front page editorial in 95 years. It urged America’s legislators to outlaw civilian ownership of semiautomatic battle rifles. This editorial twisted words to castigate our militia arms as follows: ” These are weapons of war, barely modified and deliberately marketed as tools of macho vigilantism and even insurrection.” The editor went on to urge: ” Certain kinds of weapons, like the slightly modified combat rifles used in California, and certain kinds of ammunition, must be outlawed for civilian ownership. It is possible to define those guns in a clear and effective …

Notes for Sunday – December 06, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 62 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Tactical Self-Contained 2-Series Solar Power Generator system from Always Empowered. This compact starter power system is packaged in a wheeled O.D. green EMP-shielded Pelican hard case (a $1,700 value), A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate that is good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses, excluding those restricted for military or government teams. …

Letter Re: Things to Prep For

Just thought I’d send a note to let you know some thoughts. I use my hands for everything. One of the biggest things I would say to stock up on is rubber gloves for yourself and the kids. It hurts to do the dishes with cuts on your fingers. Rubber gloves take care of that problem, but they do rip easily. You need another pair for changing the composting toilet, another for doing laundry by hand when you have bleach in the water, and another pair for anything gross that comes up. Also we have used the disposable gloves quite …

Economics and Investing:

Obama Care Will Implode and Kill the Economy-Karl Denninger – Link sent in by RBS o o o ISIS is obsessed with gold currency – Link sent in by G.P. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: U.S. News Travel Tab for the Obamas and the Bidens: $70,563,336.75 (Waste Fraud and Abuse) Commentary: This article details yet another way the federal government spends the hard earned money of the American people. Top 10 Wasteful Government Expenses (National Review) Commentary: …and yet another example. Among the programs described in this piece is one designed to answer the question of what bugs …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Former Congressman DARES Loretta Lynch to Prosecute Him in Scathing Rant – Submitted by RBS o o o One key point that can be concluded from the San Bernardino terrorist attack is this: The attack took place soon after an argument at a social event, but the Farook couple already had some bombs prepared, and the parts to build more. So it is likely that they were a sleeper cell and that self-activated, ahead of schedule. I suspect that they were actually intended to be part of much larger simultaneous attacks–perhaps even by dozens of sleeper cells–all across the country, …