Economics and Investing:

Chinese Exports Plunge 25.4 Percent Compared To Last Year o o o Deflation Is Coming To The Auto Industry As Used Car Prices Drop, Off-Lease Deluge Looms – Sent in by RBS o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Former BP CEO Expects More US Bankruptcies (Fox Business) International News Italy Isn’t Greece — It’s Worse (Business Insider) Excerpt: “…banks will be allowed to cleanse their balance sheets by packaging the NPLs and selling them to investors, along with enticing government guarantees for the least risky portions of the debt. The catch? The securities must be priced at …

Odds ‘n Sods:

As we listen to the mainstream media’s portrayal of the Feds actions, we hear how the BLM was threatened by an unruly mob, taking aim with sniper rifles and obviously out of control. Of course, there are always two sides to every coin. Reader H.L. sent in this thought-provoking article on the issue. From Showdown to Show Trial: The Bunkerville Crackdown is Just Beginning o o o Circulating virulently on social media: Gen. Boykin: First Transgender Man Enters My Daughter’s Bathroom Won’t Have to Worry About Surgery o o o An excellent 20 minute video (or a pictorial essay, your …

Notes for Thursday – March 10, 2016

On March 10, 1893, New Mexico State University canceled its first graduation ceremony because its only graduand, Sam Steele, was robbed and killed the night before. On March 10, 1910, China officially ended slavery. But unofficially, China now has one of the world’s largest slave populations. These are mostly political prisoners, working in prison factories. Sadly, there is no way of reliably knowing whether or not most of the “Made In China” merchandise that you buy might originate from these prisons. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 63 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly …

Letter Re: Rocket Stoves

Hi Jim and Hugh, I have appreciated the rocket stove articles. If one has the funds and is less mechanically inclined or adept at welding, I have purchased a Stove Tek rocket stove and am very pleased with it. They have upgraded it some from the one I bought. I think probably from your website a few years ago someone suggested that a Saratoga Jack ‘slow cooker’ would work well with the rocket stove, and wouldn’t you know it does. There is an interior removable stainless pot that fits nicely on the rocket stove. I boiled water using leaves and …

Economics and Investing:

Death Of Paper Gold Picks Up Speed Big Time Today o o o President Obama Calls Surprise Meeting With Financial Stability Oversight Council. Sent in by P.R.M. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Thanks, Bush and Obama: 1 in 7 Americans Were on Food Stamps in 2015 (Mises) Excerpt: “Forty-five million Americans were on food stamps — also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — at some point in 2015.” The Hurdles to Getting US Workers Off the Sidelines (Wall Street Journal) Note: The Wall Street Journal may require sign-on, registration, and/or an active subscription …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I’m pretty sure that no one seriously doubts that we are living in the “End Times” about now, but SurvivalBlog reader MtH sent in this article on Fox News: Beheadings, imprisonment made 2015 worst year for Christian persecution, report finds o o o Reader D.S. sent in this short article suggesting why our modern churches are struggling so much: Churches Under a Curse. o o o A SurvivalBlog reader sent in the information for the Honey Badger Wheel. It’s an interesting concept on packing heavy loads (kind of like a stripped down wheelbarrow but easier to use on rough terrain …

New Video: The FBI Narrative Unravels in the Aftermath of the Killing of Lavoy Finicum

A newly-released synced video of of the killing of Lavoy Finicum makes several things clear: 1.) The OSP and FBI started shooting before Finicim exited the pickup truck. (Note the timing of when the driver’s-side rear window is shattered by the FBI 5.56 round that hit the roof and wounded Ryan Bundy.) 2.) Finicum exited with his hands up. 3.) After Finicum was shot in the back and fell, dying, and even though there was no sign of resistance from the surviving passengers, the officers continued to shoot through the side windows, camper shell windows, and windshield of the pickup …

Notes for Wednesday – March 09, 2016

Today is the birthday of writer John McPhee (b. 1931), a master of creative nonfiction. One of McPhee’s most widely read books is Coming into the Country, which eloquently describes the Alaskan wilderness. March 9th is the birthday of Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin – the first man to ever travel in space. He was born in 1934 and died in the crash of a MiG-15-UTI fighter on March 27, 1968. o o o As our readers well know, Camping Survival has been in the process of moving to a new location (in Sanford, North Carolina) over the last several months. They …

Letter: Rocket Stove & Slow Cooking

Mr. Rawles, SurvivalBlog is one of our daily Internet staples. My family has gleaned far too much from the site to ignore. Today’s article on rocket stoves and a reader’s submission touting the benefits of a slow cooker were meant to go together, maybe even Heaven sent. We have a slow cooker, and we also have a rocket stove. However, in a hunker down crisis the slow cooker becomes almost useless without using an alternate AC source. But the rocket stove, grid down, becomes a wonderful item to have in your quiver of preps. It excels in heating items quickly …

Economics and Investing:

The overheating real estate market: Even the National Association of Realtors acknowledges that rising home prices without rising incomes is not a good thing. Deep analysis of Culver City home and surrounding properties. o o o BlackRock Suspends ETF Issuance Due To “Surging Demand For Gold” o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Math Gone Mad: Regulatory Risk Modeling by the Federal Reserve (Cato Institute) Excerpt: “Most of all, they are based on the na?ve belief that markets are mathematizable. The Fed’s regulatory stress tests are subject to all these problems and more.” Obamacare Ripe for Fraud While …

JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Books: @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex, by Shane Harris (A very well-researched book that describes modern cyber warfare) Movies: Interstellar The Martian Mini-Series: The Man in the High Castle (currently available free for anyone enrolled in Amazon Prime (Based on the novel of the same name, by Phillip K. Dick.) Music: Bocephus Box Set (Hank Williams, Jr.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Apparently there are still a few judges in this country who have heard of the Constitution. Reader K in Tenn sent in this article: No, Turning On Your Phone Is Not Consenting To Being Tracked By Police o o o Reader M.P. sent in this article from Wired which writes about a December 2015 cyber attack on the Ukrainian power grid that brought down power for nearly a quarter of a million. o o o Britain and Europe at risk of ‘enormous and spectacular’ attacks by Isil. Sent in by A.D. o o o Superesse Straps, a small veteran owned …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools, and he has not been disappointed. “If I have brought any message today, it is this: Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. “Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.” – The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia