Notes for Tuesday – July 05, 2016

On July 5, 1810, P. T. Barnum, the great American showman, was born. He died on April 7, 1891. He is often credited with the phrase “There is a sucker born every minute.” While the actual attribution of the quote is suspect with many versions of the story abounding, the concept remains valid, especially when one considers the economic state of the entire world. Only in a world of fools could the economy of entire nations, indeed the vast majority of the world, be driven solely off of debt.

News From The American Redoubt:

I heard about a business consultant named James Baker in eastern Washington who is enthusiastic about helping would-be Redoubters relocate to the Inland Northwest through career searches and job placement. He mentioned that both Healthcare and Manufacturing are booming along the I-90 corridor and employers can’t find enough talent to fill positions. Here are his contact details: Business Services Consultant, WorkSource Spokane 130 South Arthur, Spokane WA 99202 (509) 532-3015 office (509) 532-3035 fax E-mail: o o o Headline from Idaho: Athol couple scraping up extreme diet (Thanks to Jeff M. for the link.) o o o Sheriff: Grizzly …

Economics and Investing:

In Gold We Trust Report 2016 (Gold Eagle) o o o Commercial Short Positions In Gold & Silver Hit All-Time Record! (King World News) o o o Elizabeth Warren Turns a Blind Eye to the Central Bank (Mises Institute) o o o Brussels Looks to Expand Into Middle East and Africa – UKIP MP: ‘EU Wants an Empire’ – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Army veteran rescues bald eagle dangling upside down from a rope in 75-foot tree by ‘mowing down the branches’ with his rifle – G.G. o o o While the Dad/son duo fight the FAA over their right to mount a flame thrower or a pistol on a drone a couple of Finnish farmers have attached a chain saw to one. – T.P. o o o WikiLeaks: Says “We Have Upcoming Leaks About Hillary” o o o Judge Jeanine: Does Loretta Lynch think we’re stupid? – M.T. o o o Along those same lines of thought comes this article on Town …

Notes for Monday – July 04, 2016

As Americans go through the motions of celebrating the remnants of our once preciously cherished liberty whilst in the throes of presidential election campaign, we are reminded that it is high time to pluck a few chickens and warm up the tar pot. Independence Day is also the birthday of Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) and of General Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807–1882) – JWR

Economics and Investing:

Retailers are closing faster than you think (NYPost) – G.G. o o o WATCH OUT If Silver Breaks Through This Threshold Next Week (SRSrocco Report) o o o Fed Fails to See No Pent-Up Demand Is Left (Real Money) What is amazing is the government and the sheeple think this is a good idea. Gold is the safe haven as the article says. – R.H. o o o US economy is like Botox, looks fine only on the outside (RT) – T.P. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: Has The Government Put You On A Terrorist Watchlist? o o o California governor signs stringent gun bills, vetoes others. The article begins: “[Democrat] Gov. Jerry Brown signed six stringent gun-control measures Friday that will require people to turn in high-capacity magazines and mandate background checks for ammunition sales, as California Democrats seek to strengthen gun laws that are already among the strictest in the nation.” The outright ban on 11+ round magazines flies in the face of American jurisprudence, because it has no grandfather clause, and even bans previously-grandfathered magazines. This represents an unconstitutional “taking” without compensation. And …

Letter Re: Washable Cloth Toilet Wipes

Hugh, Regarding the person who wondered “Why go to all the trouble to cut and sew toilet wipes when you can simply use mass-produced bathroom washcloths”: By making them, each family member has their own as I used a different fabric pattern for me and my husband; this removes the “ick” factor Also, I plan to make and sell these both pre- and post-SHTF, and the fabric was free to me. There are other issues that must be considered as well: Last year with a UTI, I used a full 1,000 sheet roll of Scott toilet paper in only six …

Economics and Investing:

CNBC interview (video): The European Union is ‘doomed to fail,’ says ‘Black Swan’ author Nassim Taleb o o o From the Of Two Minds blog of the always incisive Charles Hugh Smith: Brexit, the E.U. and the “Special Relationship” of the U.S./U.K. o o o I missed this well-reasoned piece by Gary Christenson when it was posted back on March 21st: Silver – A Long-Term Perspective o o o For those considering investing in guns, here is a good intro: Garry James’ Rules for Buying Collectible Guns o o o And here is is much more detailed article, by Mike …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners o o o I see that our spin-off website now has an amazing 260 listings in the United States. Congrats on that to my #1 Son! Be sure to check out the many unusual retreat properties offered for sale. For example, see this one near Worley, Idaho with plentiful water and a 1,000 square foot NBC bunker! o o o Despite some recent shortages throughout the U.S., Gun Mag Warehouse still seems to have some 20-, 30-, 40-, and even 60-round PMAGs on hand. I recommend stocking up before the …

Notes for Friday – June 24, 2016

June 24th is the birthday of rifle-toting abolitionist pastor Henry Ward Beecher (born 1813, died March 8, 1887). He and his adherents from his church smuggled so many Sharps rifles to Bleeding Kansas that the Sharps rifles picked up the nickname Beecher’s Bibles. Wikipedia states: Several of his brothers and sisters became well-known educators and activists, most notably Harriet Beecher Stowe, who achieved worldwide fame with her abolitionist novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 65 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $12,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First …

Economics and Investing:

Spending it all on rent: 11 million Americans spend half their income on rent. Another 21 million spend over 30 percent of their income on rent, a record high. o o o COMEX Registered Silver Now More Leveraged Than Gold o o o Potash Price Surge Could Lead To Higher Food Costs For Billions – “As global population surges and arable land decreases, efficiency is the name of the game. And in this environment, the little known commodity potash comes into its own” o o o The Stock Crash Of 2016: Stocks Have Already Crashed In 6 Of The World’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some pointed commentary about the black letter law and due process by Andrew P. Napolitano, over at Lew Rockwell’s site: ‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom o o o DIY Barrel Rifling Tool 2.0 – Sent in by G.P. o o o An interesting take on What To Do About Islam – Sent in by B.B. o o o Reader P.S wrote in to suggest this addition to your go bag. Bandaid Friction Block – Just rub in on the body parts where you think you’re going to get a blister and presto– no blisters. o o o The …