How Much Water? – Part 2, by R.E.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Back to First Principles What would be really useful would be a series of lights which would reflect how full the tank was, and if in addition to that, an audible alarm for high water-level. Perhaps I could build something like this using basic off-the-shelf electronic components and my rather rudimentary knowledge? Like most reading this, I am no engineer, and no electrician. My only personal asset seems to be that, I like to tinker with stuff. So, I dug out the multimeter and an old breadboard and began to experiment. To …

How Much Water? – Part 1, by R.E.

Over the past several years we have experienced significant disruptions to our normal routines of life. In the big cities, the heavy hand of government. The ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ turned into years with numerous stay home orders, social distancing, lockdowns of churches, face mask ‘requirements’ and ‘vaccination’ mandates. Vaccine passports, at one point it was said were required for travel between provinces and crossing the Canada-US border. Police were pulling people over on the roadways to check whether or not your reason to be out and about was considered ‘essential’. It all culminated in million-person waves of …

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Everything, by Brandon Smith

For many years alternative economists and “conspiracy theorists” have argued that, according to the evidence, there has been an organized criminal cabal operating a long-running agenda to exploit and eventually destroy western culture. We have suggested that much of this agenda was being funded with our own tax dollar while using government institutions and NGOs as vehicles for social engineering. In the 20 years since I started work in the liberty movement (or patriot movement), I have seen corruption beyond imagining and it all culminated in 2020-2023 when many of us battled against the imposition of total medical tyranny and …

The Time to Plan is Now, by Prepping Engineer

The single biggest reason for failure is failure to plan. “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail” Another way to think of this is: planning is being prepared. That is prepping in a nutshell! This is stated in many publications and articles about many subjects. I have experienced this more times than I can remember in my life. What I have noticed the most is the repetition of this error by both people and groups. Sometimes this seems to persist and someone else “helping” them out of the repeat failure to plan. It is a mistake the first …

Age of Transparency: We Need Mass Surveillance of Governments, by Brandon Smith

In the wake of Donald Trump’s return to the White House there has been an atmosphere of palpable panic among the usual suspects. Establishment bureaucrats are screaming bloody murder in aisles like spoiled toddlers at Walmart after being told they’re not going to get whatever they want from the American taxpayer. These people are long overdue for a spanking and a nap. Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) group has wasted no time in pursuing total transparency of the federal government’s funding operations and I have to say, the reaction from the leftist establishment is even more unhinged than …

Bird Flu: What I’m Doing About It, by Sara Sue

The Current Situation The White House suggested, via the Press Secretary, that over 100 million chickens have died, or been destroyed, over bird flu.  I noticed that the price of eggs has gone up exponentially, so I polled my group of friends in an online homesteading forum, asking what they are seeing.  I also asked family members who live across the country.  The highest price I heard of from a family member in California was $10 per dozen for grocery store eggs.  Locally where I live, free-range chicken eggs are about $5-to-$6 per dozen. Eggs have been a standard for …

Mass Deportations: How To Keep Illegals From Coming Back, by Brandon Smith

For months before and after Donald Trump’s election win there was an army of naysayers crawling the Internet claiming that he would “never follow through” on his promises and that deportations “were not going to happen”. Most of these people were leftists trying to sow the seeds of doubt. At least some claimed to be conservatives and were perhaps disenchanted with the inaction of Donald Trump’s first term in office. I know I was not expecting much back then. In 2017 Trump’s cabinet confirmations took a decidedly swampy turn and his administration was overrun with Neo-Cons and banking elites. I …

Fuels for Cooking, Warmth and Comfort – Part 1, by Lodge Pole

Before buying our home, we rented it. The first winter living there, I had forgotten to call and get a propane fill-up. When I checked the tank level, it showed 1%. I called the propane company, explained that I needed a fill-up, and was told they could not service me for another week or more. The only exception was if I agreed to be placed “on route”, which meant they would fill my tank when they were in our area, every two weeks. We needed propane to stay warm since our only heat was an HVAC system, so I agreed …

Prepared For Financial TEOTWAWKI? – Part 4, by St. Funogas

(Continued from Part 3. This concludes the article.) Can Our Fiscally Irresponsible Congress be Reined In? While it’s certainly mathematically possible to balance the budget, it’s not humanly possible. An eighth-grade math class in Peru or Portugal, having no preconceived illusions about US spending, and no prejudices about what to cut, could balance the budget. Musk said he could strip $2 trillion from the budget. So could I, but Congress won’t pass most of the DOGE recommendations. It’s also not humanly possible to balance the budget because not only do fiscally irresponsible voters keep sending the wrong people to Congress, …

Prepared For Financial TEOTWAWKI? – Part 2, by St. Funogas

(Continued from Part 1.) Interest on the National Debt There are three categories in the US budget. Mandatory spending is mandated by law to be paid. Discretionary spending can be adjusted for each department, or the funding can be eliminated at any time. Interest payments are in their own category but for all intents and purposes are in the mandatory category. The 2025 budget has the interest payment estimated at $969 billion, just a hair under one trillion. If I can tweak that up to $995 billion based on historical budget misses it will make the math easier as this …

Prepared For Financial TEOTWAWKI? – Part 1, by St. Funogas

Sometimes the truth is ugly and nobody wants to hear it. Ignoring the truth is what got us into the current budget deficit mess and the insurmountable national debt we now face as a nation. Hope is a remarkable thing. Hope that our actions will pay off keeps us working toward the goal and it generally pays off. False hope, on the other hand, causes us to work toward solving a problem which is impossible to resolve. Because we fail to recognize it can’t be fixed, we keep working and hoping and can’t understand why our exertions aren’t achieving the …

Supplies for Staying Clean WTSHTF – Part 2, by SaraSue

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Bars of Soap and Healing Ointment I stockpile bars of soap because there are so many uses for a good bar of soap.  I use several different kinds of soap bars, but the nice thing about them is they are compact and you can stuff them into numerous places for safekeeping.  You can grate them to make a liquid detergent for washing just about anything, yourself included.  Bars of soap are probably the cheapest, and most easily storable form of soap you can buy.  There are many, many, recipes online for making …

Supplies for Staying Clean WTSHTF – Part 1, by SaraSue

I have often thought about the things I stockpile that have come in very handy in day-to-day living. Many of these are considered quite traditional or old-fashioned.  These are things I never previously kept or used in any quantity, but now do.  I thought that I would share, so you can add it to your preps if you haven’t already.  In a WTSHTF scenario, keeping things, and yourself, clean becomes imperative.  In disasters, most people die from disease and illness after the disaster.  If you could easily and quickly attend to cleanliness, illness will be less of an issue.  I’ve …

Circuit Breaker Panel Labeling, by Free Loader

Most people’s circuit breaker panels that I’ve seen (including my own) are poorly labeled regarding where each circuit breaker’s current actually goes. Many panel descriptions are either very vague about what circuits are on each breaker or they aren’t labeled at all. Usually, this happens because the person who installed the panel was in a hurry to finish the wiring and never returned to label them properly. When they did label them, it was often with something vague like “east half house” or “basement.” These descriptions aren’t very helpful when you’re trying to locate the specific breaker for a particular …

A Red State Manifesto: Two Americas in 2025 – Part 3, by Jonathan Rawles

(Continued from Part 2. This concludes the article.) Red State Prospects It seems almost redundant to try to list the benefits and advantages of “red state living.” Red America is vast and offers opportunities for every climate, lifestyle, regional culture, and personal preference or situation. Red State America includes something of everything of America: – Mountain West logging and mining towns. Lakeside resort towns. Ranching country. Vast empty spaces. Arizona sunshine. – Midwest and Plains Americana, from small farming towns to prospering cities. The Great Lakes. America’s historic manufacturing and agricultural heartland. – Texas, a nation to itself. The economic …