Consider Horde Mentality in Your Planning – Part 2, by Ani

…study Sun Tzu. A battle is won or lost before the first shot is fired. Set the stage for victory and continually improve it. And get some NODS, especially PVS-14. You’ll be glad you did. Talk to Bob Griswald about this, or see his videos. That would be a better investment than even gold. Anon Think back to Hurricane Katrina. There were literally hordes of people committing crimes. They weren’t necessarily working together. So what I think “hordes” means in the context we use it is large groups of people roaming around in search of food and anything else they can get. There will be one or two together or three or four and more depending on their symbiotic value to each other. But as a whole to the community under siege it will simply be hordes. Nate Agreed!, 🙂 But, I think the general inference is “many people with…

Consider Horde Mentality in Your Planning – Part 1, by Ani

As a prepper for many years, I’ve put some consideration into trying to understand the mentality of the “hordes” who might be forced to leave their cities and heavily populated suburbs, in the event of a major disaster. I think that while we may not know how things are going to unfold or what sort of disaster might provoke people into leaving and essentially becoming refugees, we can consider some of the more likely to occur scenarios. Doing this will let us examine how well-situated we are in our own homes, the risks that we might be most susceptible to, and actions that we could take. And if you’re reading this and still living in a city or heavily populated suburb, well, then this is also for you. So as someone who has lived my entire life thusfar in the heavily-populated eastern part of the US, I already know that…

The Constipated Hordes at TEOTWAWKI: A Pharmacologic Strategy, by Anon, M.D.

…yourself, or have a willing family member do it.  In the process of this procedure, you inadvertently lacerate one of the delicate rectal vessels–and suffer a large hemorrhage.  Incidentally, I have encountered this exact scenario before, working as an EMT in rural Alaska. It sounds ridiculous—that a case of constipation could lead to such dire straits.  But make no mistake.  Due to decreased fluid intake and no access to fresh fruits and vegetables, there will be hordes of constipated people at TEOTWAWKI.  Consider another common health complaint, especially for females: the dreaded urinary tract infection.  Normally it is cured with a three-day course of nitrofurantoin, or, if you lack health insurance, a slightly longer course of ciprofloxacin, which costs ten dollars.  But suppose you have no access to antibiotics, and again, decreased fluid intake.  You have nothing with which to treat the fever that develops.  Eventually you start passing bloody…

Letter Re: The Clueless Hordes

…But what does one do after SHTF? If you are looking for a how to now – I don’t have one yet. I am writing this mainly to raise awareness of the problem because I haven’t seen it mentioned much on SurvivalBlog or anywhere else for that matter. Nevertheless you may want to spend some time thinking about what you are going to do when faced with this situation. Are you going to ignore them, hoping they will run into a better Samaritan than you? We have all heard about the golden hordes, gangs and other threats to our existence. These people, however, seem to be truly clueless and only alive because their bodies run on autopilot. Chances are that (at least initially) they will be roaming around rather aimlessly – perhaps just to get away from violence elsewhere. So what’s a person to do with them? I doubt they…

Wargaming, by Pudge

…your neighbors together. I wish we were out rurally but circumstances prevent that right now. Take care and God Bless. Pudge St. Funogas, Going it alone would be extremely difficult but it is not impossible. The biggest thing you would need is a good early warning capability or a very good place to hole up in between bouts with your opponent to get rested up and refit. Depending on what situation and type of roving horde you are expecting, being able to melt into the crowd is a great way to remain able to fight again. I think you hit the nail on the head about a nice obstacle to reroute incoming hordes. The great thing about hordes is that they prefer to move in the path of least resistance and will usually be looking for the easiest targets. Most of these hordes are ‘brave’ but each individual person is…

Five Letters Re: Four Great Preparedness Myths

…can put up in front of them. The point that I believe Dan is not considering is that this force that you may have to contend with, probably won’t be quite as determined as Dan believes. The countryside will be littered with “soft targets”. People and places with significant resources that will offer very little in the way of resistance to the hungry hordes. After the first two or three people that are scaling your wall get shot, the hordes are very likely to abandon the “assault” on your property and go looking for easier pickings. Remember, these are not going to be ideologically self sacrificing people, willing to die so that the crowd behind them may live. These are people trying to survive for themselves and as soon as they see that this seeming path to life is getting everybody that tries it, “dead”. They will leave you alone…

The New Urban Fortress- Part 1, by M.H.

…going to look at your building and think, “that could be my base of operations. hey … what’s this space between here and the roof?” gman “golden hordes? that’s why we moved to the redoubt.” you won’t get golden hordes in the redoubt. you’ll get professional assault teams who will survive, not by storing preps, but by taking yours. James Wesley Rawles Your point is well taken. But we must ask: How long will that small number of teams last, in a rural region where people are predominantly well-armed? I don’t believe that those teams will last very long. And the statistical chance of meeting looters will be just a fraction of what you’ll encounter in urban regions. The demographics are inescapable. Fewer people will mean fewer problems, in a societal collapse. Ponder the inverse. That is not where I want to be! Ladywest I also look forward to the…

OPSEC Problems for Preppers, by The Lone Canadian

…with our friends, they’re not our friends any more and will band together and be as bad as the roving hordes. If the roving hordes do get here, it seems crazy to think they are going to pass up ten houses while they’re looking for solar panels and big gardens. Nobody is going to be picky in that situation and will be pillaging every single house they come upon in search of food. They’re certainly not going to single me out, although their hearts may beat a little faster when they see the solar panels. But even then, many of them won’t put 2 and 2 together and associate that with preparedness and the vast majority of people with solar panels aren’t even preppers. Again, great thoughts Lone Canadian and much to think about. J.Edmer Fudd Good thought provoker, we have been working on a group for over twenty years…

Picking the Imperfect Retreat Location, and Making the Best of It, by Michael C.

…time unless you are on a major thoroughfare between two populated areas where people might be traveling from one city to another. If you are in a direction not directly toward another city that will buy you a little additional time before you have to confront the hordes leaving the city. Maybe a couple of extra days which could be extremely significant in your final preparations. Take advantage of that delay, as it very well could save countless lives. Now that I’ve got you thinking through some possibilities, then let’s look at some of the other issues that I an many others will have to deal with. We see the term OPSEC used all over the place these days. Basically what that means is keeping quiet and staying as hidden as possible. In the city that’s almost impossible. Hordes will be going from house to house looking for the easy…

Letter Re: Some Observations on Fortifications Versus Camouflaged Retreats

…level of tech exists to break down their defenses and it all comes out in the wash. Bunkers will suffer the same fate that any medieval castle suffered, if people know they exist. Given the social chaos that’s going to hit well before the 2012 solar event(s), history will repeat itself. If people know a shelter exists, it’s going to become a target when they become desperate enough (which isn’t going to be long). Being holed up in one of these places, you just became a resource for every starving person who didn’t plan ahead. Hordes will gather in desperation to raid a shelter and retrieve whatever is inside. What’s actually inside doesn’t matter; what will drive these hordes will be what they think is inside. The best possible defense is to be invisible. People won’t raid what they don’t know is there. My own plans are quite meticulous in…

Letter Re: Eclipse TEOTWAWKI

Hugh, The coming tsunami of city folk to the small towns of the Redoubt would be a good time to practice your prepping skills. You should be sure to have an extra gas can filled. Keep your water hoses at the ready. Make a grocery run a few days before. The visitors will arrive in hordes, ill prepared for hot weather, lack of food, water, toilet facilities, gas, or medical facilities. Fights will break out. When some idjit tries to hike down the road for a better viewing spot and trespasses on some retired/unemployed logger’s or rancher’s property and starts a fire to roast weinies or s’mores, and he comes out with a shotgun, what then? When someone’s wife goes into early labor from heat and stress, or somebody’s kid gets hurt, or some old dude has a coronary from heat stress trying to put up the tent and the…

Experience with Tesla Solar and Powerwall 2, by Davey

…forklift batteries. I sell a line that have a five year unconditional guarantee. Projected life in solar applications is 15-25 years. St. Funogas Hey Joe, you beat me to the punch on most of this so all I can say is, Amen brother! I’ve never bought the roving-hordes story so I’d be interested in hearing why people think that way about solar panels. My thinking is, 1.) roving hordes aren’t going to pass up a single house just because there’s one ¼ mile away with solar panels. 2.) most people who have solar panels aren’t even preppers, they’re environmentalists and other “greenies” trying to save the planet. 3.) Anyone in a roving horde who associate them with preppers will also be aware that preppers have the bullets stacked even more deeply than the beans, In that case, solar panels might actually make your property safer from the roving hordes. My…

Letter Re: Hurricane Preparedness Steps

…to place a survival pack in their vehicle, that should include 3 to 7 days of food and water and one or two Jerry can(s) of fuel if possible.  If possible, preposition short term emergency supplies at the place of employment.  Experience has demonstrated the hordes of panicked people are beginning to start at this phase, but depending on the event and how the event is covered in the media, the hordes could potentially start earlier than expected; making some of the preparations at this stage more difficult to accomplish.   48 Hours Out 1)     Impact shutters are installed, leaving one or two off on the back side of the house to allow natural light in.    When shutters go up it gets dark and gloomy fast.  The last few shutters can be installed right before the storm hits. 2)    Loose objects outside of the home are secured or moved inside. 3)   …

Surviving Seniorhood With Sharpies – Part 4, by St. Funogas

…Water – Pressure pump capacity? Write 10 gpm on the outside of the pump. Well pump capacity? Write “Well – 12 gpm” on the pressure pump as well. Use your water system’s own numbers of course, unless you’re planning on moving to my homestead to help fight off the roving hordes, in which case you won’t have to worry because I’ve already written “10” and “12” on my pressure tank. These numbers will help you to rest easy when you water the garden knowing that the well pump is winning and adding two gallons per minute to the water tank as you water. It will also help with that home firefighting plan you’re going to get done next week. Non-Perishables Consumption Times – It’s necessary to keep a written list in our preps book of the consumption times of each item we store. Use a Sharpie first to collect the…

Cape Town, South Africa- TEOTWAWKI, by Greg

…plentiful, and summers are spent enjoying various water sports and barbecues over the weekend. Disaster Strikes During the winter of 2016, El Niño built in the southern oceans, rainfall was a little less than normal, and dam levels dropped to uncomfortable levels. Nobody paid attention to this, and the political situation in South Africa continued its steady decline into a banana republic. At that time, Cape Town, with its provincial government being the only honest well-run local government, was doing a good job of maintaining services, keeping business going, and stimulating job creation. All the things Cape Town was doing were good in a normal working economy. Unfortunately, South Africa is not a normal economy. The rampant corruption, with the State capture and looting of the fiscus, had led to most provinces being bankrupt and services falling apart. Hordes of People Hordes of unemployed people streamed into the province from…