Survival Fitness and Health- Part 1, by JBH
…Exercise Whole Body You need to exercise your whole body. The best way to do this is with exercises that utilize multiple joints at once. Examples include: Squats, weighted and/or body weight, Push-ups and/or bench pressing, Military presses or hand stand push-ups, Pull ups or rowing exercises, and Deadlifts with barbells, hay bales, rocks, or whatever. Kettle Bell Training If you do not like the sound of the above exercises, or just want to do something different, look into Russian kettle bell training. It can do everything you need by basically swing and/or lifting a cannonball with a handle. The 53lb kettle bell was and is a staple of Soviet/Russian military training. It’s highly effective at building strength and endurance in a relatively short time period. The 10-minute kettle bell snatch test is reportedly part of the overall Secret Service physical fitness test. Mixed martial artists are also very big…