Odds ‘n Sods:

Good-bye to cabin life: U.S. government tells owners in U.P. to leave – S.R.

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Gun Control Fail: Baltimore Mayor Asks FBI to Stem Rising Murder Rate – H.L.

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The Pentagon may send up to 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan “The Pentagon is considering sending between 3,000 to 5,000 additional troops to Afghanistan to advise Afghan military and police units fighting the Taliban, as well as an unspecified number of special operations forces to fight ISIS and al-Qaida militants along the Pakistani border.” – T.P.

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Spokane’s own End Times prepper turns inventions into profit – Level 3A bullet resistant clothing. – H.L.

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Trump Leaves Open Possibility of Military Action Against North Korea


  1. RE: “Good-bye to cabin life” at first stirred up some anti-government sentiment, until I turned it around. What if the government refused to leave your property after giving it 25 years to do so? On the other hand, perhaps some sort of steward/caretaker status arrangement could’ve been worked out.

  2. RE: “Good-bye to cabin life”. Senate Resolution 79: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2015-12-08/html/CREC-2015-12-08-pt1-PgS8486.htm


    “The land currently under private lease accounts for less than 1,100 acres in the Ottawa National Forest”


    “The expiration of the leases will hurt local economies in Ontonagon and Gogebic Counties. It will result in over $35,000 in lost lease fee revenue”.

    Less than $35 an acre per year with a 25 year guaranteed lease agreement for river-front property surrounded by National Forest? It’s hard to argue they got a bad deal, and the USFS could have went to court to evict them during those years – but didn’t. They granted them an extension in fact.

    Feel bad for the families’ involved, but their lease expired. The time to do something about it was 25 years ago when they could have bought it from UPPCO, or the intermediary purchaser that bought it from UPPCO.

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