SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

Our weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

Reader C.B. recommended this well-reasoned article by prolific gun and preparedness writer Duncan Long (pictured, in a self-portrait from his younger days):  Backpack Fever. JWR’s Comments: This article was written in 1989, but it is still quite relevant. I still hear the same fantasy “survival” plans espoused in e-mails from some of my younger readers. The truth is that anywhere outside of the tropics it takes a big pile of food, tools, clothing, bedding, and more to survive — far more than can be carried in a backpack, or even in a pickup truck. I should also mention that I’ve consistently seen Duncan Long’s books at gun shows since the late 1980s, and I have several of them in my home library.  Sadly, several of those titles went out of print when the publisher Loompanics closed its doors in May of 2006.

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New blood type discovered after solving 50-year-old mystery. (Thanks to reader C.B. for the link.)

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A Garand Thumb video: How To Evade A Professional Military In The Winter Mountains.

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Reader Bobby G. sent this news: Thieves Break Into California Army Reserve Center, Humvees and Equipment Stolen.

A recent video essay from Paul Joseph Watson: Panic in Germany.

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SaraSue sent this snippet:

“I am very excited that I will be the new owner of a used truck, coming from family members who got a newer truck.  It is a 4×4, has a big gas engine, and can tow a stock trailer — which is my next hoped-for purchase.  I know the history of the truck and am happy with its condition, mileage, etc.  It remains to be seen if I can handle driving it and towing.  Picture Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies.  LOL.

We had an arctic blast that lasted a couple of weeks, which made watering the animals difficult.  We got a reprieve in the weather which allowed me to fill all the stock tanks with fresh water, clean out the hen house, barns, and get the animals ready for the next arctic blast.

The price of eggs, and chicks, has gone through the roof and after studying the matter, it appears that once again the government has interfered.  Something like 40 million chickens have been destroyed due to “bird flu” concerns.  I purchased a good incubator so that I can raise my own replacement flocks from now on.  My hens have been laying eggs like clockwork throughout winter, but they are young and in their first year of laying.

Spring is around the corner so I’m already working on expanding the garden and finishing up house projects, as well as working at getting two heifers bred, and preparing for the birth of two calves in couple of months.  Once gardening and calving season starts, the winter rest period is over!  I’m looking forward to sunshine, but not the humidity.  Stay prepped y’all!”

Russia-Ukraine Drone War Enters New Phase.

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A review video from the eccentric NotaRubicon: Radtel RT-493 GMRS Radio Review – NEW UNLocked, High Power GMRS Radio Just Released By RadTelJWR’s Comment: I recommend grabbing a few of these HTs before the manufacturer changes the design to lock the available frequency range.

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Reader D.S.V. sent this: 25,000 charge cycles, 80% capacity achieved in lithium-sulfur battery breakthrough.

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Garth Hudson, master instrumentalist and last surviving member of The Band, dies at 87.

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To file under Burning Irony, 2025: Washington Post Cartoonist Arrested For Child Porn Monstered Trump Supporters as Nazis For Complaining About Grooming.

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And lastly, in related news: Washington Post traffic craters, loses $100M amid identity crisis as talent, readers flee: reports.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

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