Preparedness Notes for Tuesday — January 21, 2025

In honor of the birthday of John Moses Browning (January 23rd, 1855), we have begun a 10-day sale at Elk Creek Company.  This January sale is always our biggest sale of the year. All of our gun and knife inventory has been deeply reduced until January 31st, 2025.  Don’t miss out on these Birthday Week sale prices! — On January 21, 1793, Louis XVI of France was executed by guillotine in Paris, following his conviction for “high treason” by the newly created French Parliament (Convention nationale), during the French Revolution. — January 21, 1525: The Swiss Anabaptist Movement began when …

Get Ready for Tariff War 2 or World War 3

This brief essay serves as a reminder, for the new year. As we enter 2025, both geopolitics and global economics are displaying some profound changes.  The Ukraine war, the fall of Assad’s government in Syria, and the ongoing civil wars in Burma (aka Myanmar), Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, and Ethiopia all have the potential to spill over into wider conflicts. Ditto for potential invasions in Taiwan and South Korea. Meanwhile, the rise of the BRICS trade bloc, the out-of-control U.S. National Debt, global debt as a whole, and the run-up of precious metals prices are all evidence of deep-seated economic …

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. (Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and Wyoming.) Much of the region is also more commonly known as The Inland Northwest. We also mention companies located in the American Redoubt region that are of interest to preppers and survivalists. Today, a description of the most remote places in CONUS. Region-Wide Video: The Most Remote Places Left in America (Lower 48). JWR’s Comment:  It should come as no surprise to SurvivalBlog readers that six of the regions profiled in this video are geographically in The American …